Thursday, October 4, 2007

DS Night Starting November

So just one more reminder that DS Night will begin monthly starting on Wednesday (first date TBA) in November at the Sidebar Taven ( hosted by Entertainment System ( Matt and I will be bringing a TV with Battle Revolution so that we can have level adjusting for the Pokemon tourney. I'll be picking up a prize or two (don't expect anything very extravagant). I'll have a full rule list for the tournament soon but for now the two things in stone are no-legendaries and double battles only. See you in the funny pages!



  1. LVL 50 All is a pretty good ruleset (minus legendaries). Maybe go for 6 of 6 pokemon instead of 4 of 6, but other than that, those seem to work pretty good. I may be biased though, anyone else have rule preferences?

  2. I figured we'd meet up and get everything all worked out then post all the rules. Pretty much the same thing we came up with for the Eastcoast Earthquake tournament which I think I still actually have somewhere.
