Saturday, October 20, 2007

How are the gyms coming?

So I'll admit I'm still sort of far off from completing all the guys for my gym, but I was thinking it would be nice to have some sort of deadline where we all meet up and battle our gym league pokemon. Obviously not too soon, but maybe by the end of the year. Maybe even make it a little party/event thing. Thoughts anyone?


  1. I'm definitely in favor of that! The hardest part of getting the gym ready isn't even the ev training, but finding the right pokemon to start training and then leveling up after the ev training is concluded. Although I think I could be finished with that at some point in November for sure, anytime after that is cool with me.

  2. Why don't we shoot for the weekend after DS night. If you do any battling that night you can chalk it up as practice.

  3. I was even going to suggest at some point just start scheduling wi-fi nights or something. Since we all have each other's pal pad codes, or at least access to them (if people have been updating their profiles) we can just say "Hey I'll be chilling in the Wi-Fi lounge around 9-10 on wednesday if people want to battle" and if it seems like there's interest, people can just hop on and start posting invites. I am all for meeting up as well, but I can see it being more convenient to just open up the DS, or start up Revolution from home, than driving over to someone's place, depending on how busy their week is (or if they're out of state). Of course we could also have the Baltimore guys meet up and Battle Revolution with the out of staters.

  4. I really like that idea, Matt. I'm all about meeting up for some food and drinks and doing some Wifi battling with the out-of-staters. Also, the weekend after DS Night works out fine for me. It's a date, you sexy sons of bitches!

  5. Hmm, I also like that idea Matt. I like it quite a bit. ^_^
    That way, no one has to see my shame...
