Thursday, October 11, 2007

Insane IV Inquiry....I

So...and what was probably a first for me, I tried breeding multiples of one Pokemon and checking the IVs for a true champ. However, I noticed that about 70% of my offspring (15 or so) had the exact same IVs. Does the parents have anything to do with the generation of these values?


  1. How are you checking these?

    You'll want to make sure your guys are pretty high in level to calculate IVs accurately. At low levels there's too much rounding going on.

    One way is to use a bunch of rare candies, check the stats, then reset, but recently I've been using Battle Revolution level adjust to check out a whole party at once.

  2. Ooo, that PBR is a good one, I may have to try it.
    Alrighty, here's IV breeding as I understand it. You've got two Pokemon and they breed. One IV is taken from the father, and one IV is taken from the mother. Then, one IV is randomly selected from either the father or mother. The other 3 IV values are randomly generated between 0 and 31. Let's look at the example below

    HP 22 15 17
    ATK 30 11 30
    DEF 6 19 11
    SP.ATK 1 14 1
    SP. DEF 14 31 31
    SPD 19 6 19

    As you can see, the child has inherited the mother's SP. DEF stat and the father's ATK and SP. ATK stat.

    If you're going for a 30 or 31 in a particular stat, the easiest way to check is to use the IV calculator on serebii, to find out what stats you should be looking for on level one. If the starting Sp ATK stat for a Magnemite with an IV of 31 is 7, and you get one with a 5, it's probably not worth your time checking it. Also, you can use the pokemon's characteristic (Often dozes off, mischievious, naughty, etc.) to see what it's highest IV is. Serebii has a chart with those, too.

    I've been working on is method for a while, but it can always use some refining. Be forewarned, you're going to go through a LOT of eggs.

  3. Nice... I forgot about that. Getting Ditto of various natures was daunting enough, but now that I have most of what I want, it may be worth keeping an eye out for ditto with better IVs.

  4. Yeah, unfortunately the IV's of the Dittos in my stable tend to be all over the place, with some being absolutely dismal. This usually isn't a problem unless I'm breeding something that can only breed with Dittos, in which case I just keep breeding until I get what I want.

    I spend a lot of time breeding.

  5. I wish I spent a lot of time breeding. Most of my time is spent in the day care by myself. wacka wacka

  6. "Oh it's you! Your AARON and ASIANGIRL are doing just fine. The two prefer to play with other pokemon."


  7. ^ That ^

    Provided great laughter...though I'd be lying if I said my stable was a'rockin either. ^_^

    Back on topic, that is a lot of IV info right there and I DEFINITELY didnt know about the way they are distributed. Explains the number of similar Pokemon that were created. As for how I was checking...I used Serebii's IV Calculator when all of my 'mon were at level 1.

  8. Last night I spent about an hour breeding another batch of Corphish an I turn off the game with out saving. It was ridiculous. I was comparing level 5 stats, but instead of releasing the one whos' nature didn't follow suit, I turned off the game. There was even one who's Attack was 3 higher than anyone else in the batch.

  9. Oooooo, that's tough. My worst breeding faux pas was the time I pumped all of my rare candies into a Metagross then accidentally saved my game. That put a crimp in my breeding for a while.

    As for the amount of leveling required for IV calculation, I'm a bit OCD so I demand to know within a point or so what IV's are on my pokes. I can stop anytime I want, I swear...

    Seriously though, a Bronzong with 31 Sp. Def, 30 Def., 2 Spd (for Trick Room) and every other stat above 20 FTW.

  10. Yeah, after tedious Rare Candy use, I'm glad the LVL 50 All in PBR does a pretty good job of getting to a clear IV calculation level.

    I guess D/P Wi-Fi would work too, if you're a loser like me with 2 DSs and both copies of the game. Then you could go straight to the LVL 100 All test (and even check 12 at a time if you traded 6 guys to your other game).

  11. ::holds up fingers in "L" on forehead::

  12. Here I was thinking that IV's were completely random. Thanks for the schooling about that process. It'll give me even more to think about when I get into my breeding fits. I swear, between natures, abilities, egg moves, tm moves and iv's, it's enough to drive one insane.
