Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sound Off

I realize it hasn't been terribly long, but I was just curious who's working on what for their Gym.


  1. Normal Gym
    Ambipom, Castform, Clefable, Dodrio, Granbull, Linoone, Lopunny, PorygonZ, Slaking, Smeargle, Staraptor, Zangoose


    Lickilicky, Ursaring

    Clefable, Slaking, Smeargle, Zangoose

  2. Im way behind because I'm very unsure about how I want to spread the EVs out on my Metagross. But aside from that, I have about 3 ready (one that is probably going to be thrown away though).

    Weavile, Absol, Spiritomb, Tyranitar, Shiftry A, Shiftry SA, Cacturne, Crawdaunt A, Crawdaunt SA, Skuntank, Drapion, Murkrow

    Umbreon, Houndoom


  4. Ground Gym
    Camerupt, Gastrodon

    Gastrodon Mk II, Rhyperior

    PLANS: Garchomp, Torterra, Claydol, Hippowdon, Marowak, Steelix

    I haven't had a ton of time lately to train between getting ready to move, work, and NWN2.

    Also, is using T-Tar out of question for the ground gym? I'm making one for my Doubles team and since it evolves from a Rock/Ground type I thought I'd check. Not a huge deal, it would just help me get done a little faster.

  5. You know, sometimes I wish Tyranitar was Dark/Ground. I don't really mind if you use him. However I do have a request. If you T-tar comes out pretty decent, you think I could get a male egg. Or maybe do some inter-gym breeding.

  6. Yeah, no problem. Actually, if anyone wants to use some of my pokes for breeding it's fine with me as long as I get them back. These are the ones I have IV bred so far:


    I don't have specific numbers, but I believe each has at least two 30-31 stats.

  7. I don't know about using Tyranitar for Ground. It'd be like using Scizor for Flying.

  8. I guess it comes back to how we want to run the gyms. Aaron (P/D) the Bug gym leader uses Drapion the Poison/Dark type who starts off Bug/Poison. Then again, I not sure if anyone would consider Shedinja Ground and he starts off as a Nincada. We could start a vote thread and have all non-direct types put up to a vote between we original 7 or some other ratified subset (i.e. 2/3 Gym Trainers/Leaders, 2/3 orig 7, majority of original 7, etcetera).

  9. Yeah, I agree we should just have a vote at some point.

    My personal opinion is to allow all of the Bug Egg Group in the Bug Gym, and all of the Dragon Egg Group in the Dragon Gym as the only two exceptions. They are the only two with their own Egg Groups (aside from water which has only water types in its Egg Groups anyway) and they could really use the help overcoming their inherant handicaps. I could see coming up with a strong Ground team without needing to work outside the type restriction.

    Again, that's just my opinion. I could see this going other ways just as easily.

  10. I am in agreement with Zero on this one. Tyranitar for a the Ground Gym seems to bit much considering that there are plenty of good Grounders out there from what I can tell.

    You could transfer over to a Rock Gym instead. After all, you can still get Earthquake with a large number of those Pokemon too.

  11. Let me put in a disclaimer that my focus on a ice gym is really new, so I haven't turned out the sheer number of pokemon you have yet...

    Ice Gym:
    Near Completion: Weavile, Froslass (all but leveled)

    Plans: Lapras, Mamoswine, Jynx, Abomasnow, glaceon and maybe walrein.

    Unfortunately, there aren't a ton of ice types in the game so I doubt I'll have the roster of pokemon everyone else has.

  12. Like I said, the T-Tar thing isn't a huge deal to me personally, but since I'm making one I thought I would ask anyway. I think it's good we're having this discussion though, there are some finer points we should probably iron out when it comes to gyms.

    And switching from Ground to Rock? Nooooooooooooooo thank you. =)

  13. Before I started giving real thought to my ice team, I thought of putting in a non-ice pokemon capable of using ice attacks (like a slowbro or vaporeon or something), which is pretty much true to every gym and elite four battle in every version of the game I've ever played. However, after thinking about it even more I realized that there are type combos that correct for just about every weakness within a single type. (even if they create bunch of new weaknesses) My vote would be that all 6 pokemon should have the gym's type in common.

    Also, even if something starts out with a type that works, it should be what it ends up being. In the Scyther/Scizor example, scyther ends up with pretty decent stats and evolving it into scizor hurts it as much as it helps it. But of course that depends on the purpose the pokemon is being used for.

    BTW: Tyranitar being dark/ground wouldn't be a horrible typing. At least there wouldn't be a 4x weakness to anything. Although it would give up the sp. def. boost from sandstorm.

  14. I'd say losing the Sandstorm bonus would make for no longer having that pesky 4x weakness to Fighting.

  15. You have no idea how much my Tyra (female Tyranitar) hates fighting moves. It's an f'ing shame when he get Close Combat'ed by a freaking bird. That move is the reason why I don't know whether to give him the berry that reduces super-effective fighting moves or Leftovers.

  16. It makes you wish they created the equivalent of ice shard/bullet punch for all of the types. And could you imagine if there were more type-specific examples of extremespeed???
