Tuesday, November 27, 2007

New Trainer

Hello everyone!

I responded to the "New Faces" post from October, but now I realize it's been swallowed into the bowels of history. Here's a short recap: thanks to Zero for the invitation; I'm new to Pokemon (working my way through Victory Road); and, I'm interested in some friendly games until I get a real team built.

As you can see from the gym list, I've been added to the Poison Gym. I don't have an official team yet, but I do have one in the planning stage. In the meantime, my Friend Code is posted in my profile if anyone feels like a battle!


  1. Re-welcome :)

    You've got a better selection that I was remembering for Poison. I can't wait to see some of them in action.

  2. I picked up a copy of PBR last night, so I'll update my profile with my Friend Code for that game when I get home from work tonight. Being able to battle anyone at anytime is a great option.

    I've started breeding my team and then I'll give EV training a shot. Not sure if this first team will be any good, but building it should be good practice at least.
