Thursday, November 1, 2007

Personal Favorite

So just out of curiousity, what is everyone's favorite pokemon? Not most powerful (though that can certainly factor in) and not most popular, but which one do you generally just like the most? Mine has always been Hypno, since he was the powerhouse of my team back in the days of R/B. He's since been outperformed by many others, but I'll always have those memories of repeatedly whomping the E4 with my Hypno.


  1. Jolteon was my favorite in Gen 1.
    He was then trumped by Zangoose in Gen 3, who has yet to be replaced.

  2. Parasect was my favorite gen 1 pokemon because he was the one pokemon who could deal with mewtwo.

    I'm not sure if I can say this was my favorite gen 3, but one of them was ludicolo.

    And I really like, although I haven't figured out if I'll ever use it, Bastiodon in Gen 4.

  3. I am honestly not certain of an overall favorite though taking a STAB at it (see what I did there?), I'd shoot for Gardevoir and Misdreavus.

    Of course, there are so many others but since these were first to pop into my mind, its the best you'll get out of me for awhile.

  4. First gen, I'd say Charizard or Diglett. I would always have at least one of those two with me.

    Gen 3 - Two way tie between Shiftry and Houndoom

    Gen 4 - Weavile

  5. Fav would have to be Gengar, with Jigglypuff in a close second.

  6. Oh yeah, I almost forgot...Maybe it was the first episode where it appeared or the fact it was the first water type that wasn't affected by electricity, but I really like Quagsire even though I have yet to develop one in this generation.

    Another pokemon who was one of my favorites and has become a new project for me even though i wish it had better defenses is aerodactyl.
