Tuesday, November 6, 2007

When is DS Night?

Is this still going down? ... How about a heads up!

"So just one more reminder that DS Night will begin monthly starting on Wednesday (first date TBA) in November at the Sidebar Taven (www.sidebartavern.com) hosted by Entertainment System (www.myspace.com/entertainmentsystem). Matt and I will be bringing a TV with Battle Revolution so that we can have level adjusting for the Pokemon tourney. I'll be picking up a prize or two (don't expect anything very extravagant). I'll have a full rule list for the tournament soon but for now the two things in stone are no-legendaries and double battles only. See you in the funny pages!" - Chris


  1. I'm still planning on being there. What time are we all meeting up? I probably can't get there before 7.

  2. I guess we need Matt (TV) & Chris (host) to chime in here. I just want to know if I should cancel my trip to the gym.

  3. I haven't heard any more on this recently. However on a related note, MikeTV and I were planning on doing some wi-fi tonight around 9 or so (per his email earlier this week).

    The more the merrier in the Wi-Fi lobby as far as I'm concerned. I'll send my AIM handle in the group email so people can message me around the time to see what's going on if they're interested.
