Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I Know You'll Be Mad, But...

So guess who caught another shiny while working on his newest pokemon project? That would be me! I don't have any explanation for it other than sheer luck because I wasn't even chaining at the time. For anyone keeping track, my bred shiny count is still at 2, but my wild caught shiny count is now 5 (even though I traded one away) and my total shiny count is 13.


  1. Oh, by the way, the newest shiny is a bellsprout. I named it Mustard.

  2. Have you been lucky enough to come across any good natured shinys.

  3. Yeah actually. My cloyster and camerupt luckily had not only the right nature, but also ability and decent ivs. Those were the one that came from breeding. Otherwise, I was able to get a lv 1 jolly miltank (I really LOVE my impish one) from a trade. My other shinies have less than ideal natures.

  4. I know first hand how much you like your miltank, a real lot.

  5. Currently, I'm wishing for a shiny Starmie!

    Oh, and I'm jealous of your shiny roster. Right now, I believe that I have about five shinies and the only one that I really like (color-wise), is Ponyta.

  6. Just got one of those (ponyta) too the other day, but that was from a trade. I've been hatching a ton of Skarmory and I wonder if one will pop out shiny, but I'm really just trying to get the strongest one I can.
