Saturday, March 1, 2008

PokeHelp - Level Up moves without Associated Levels

Being new to the whole breeding and training thing, I have come across a problem with movesets. In an example that is very near and dear to my heart, Dusknoir is listed as learning Thunder Punch as a level up move, and yet neither it, nor any of it's prevolutions, learn Thunder Punch as a level up move. The level it apparently learns it at is '-' which leads me to believe it inherits it from a prevolution (as this is the case with many other pokes) and yet as mentioned, no such Thunder Punching Duskull or Dusclops exists.

What gives?


  1. This one's pretty easy as I just trained a Dusknoir for kicks and giggles. Upon evolving into Dusknoir (and I think this is true for dusklops too) you can take it to the heart scale guy in Pastoria. Once you do, he'll teach it thunder, ice or fire punch (as well as a few other moves) for one heart scale per move.

    This is true for any pokemon who can learn certain moves at earlier levels than your pokemon is.

  2. Ah, Heart Scales. I tend to forget those exist.

