Wednesday, May 7, 2008

May Poke' Games

May 4, 2008 Pokémon Puzzle League - 1,000 Wii points
May 12, 2008 Pokemon Farm Nintendo - 1,000 Wii points


  1. I can't wait to get pokemon farm. I've heard there are several events associated with it and it would be nice to have a place to stick my fully ev-ed, lv 100 pokemon.

  2. I didn't see it among the titles that showed up this morning. Guess I'll check again when I get home.

  3. Yeah I didn't see it up there either. I did see FFCC but I didn't want to spend 1500 of the 2000 points I just bought and have no Pokemon Farm to show for it.

  4. I highly recommend Lost Wind though...
