Monday, May 12, 2008

So what do you guys think of this raichu?

I'm in the middle of training this for my team. Tell me what you think, or any improvements that can be made.

Raichu @ choice scarf
EVs: 252 att, 252 spatt
-Volt Tackle
-Focus Punch
-grass knot/hidden power something?/????? need help on the last move

My team can use a scarfed poke, and I really like the idea of having a mixed attacker. Surfing pika's only come in hardy nature, so I can't fix that.


  1. Wow, you're in a tough situation because even if your raichu had perfect atk and sp. atk iv's, you max out at 279 for each stat. If you were lucky enough to get a 60+ hidden power ice, then your sp. atk is probably strong enough to OHKO most 4x weak dragons (as long as they didn't boost sp. def or hp). However, because you only would be getting STAB on volt tackle, you probably won't OHKO anything else.

    The other issue is that it's really hard to use focus punch without substitute support. Unless you have a sub/passer, I'm not quite sure how you'd pull off that move without a great deal of luck. Also, because you're using the surfing pikachu, I'm not sure what grass knot would get you, but if you got rid of surf, then you'd be better of making another raichu altogether.

    I guess the bottom line is that if you were looking for a pokemon to scarf, you could probably choose one with either stronger attack stats, or at least better defenses. I would be hard pressed to see how you get much more than one KO out of it and once the "cat is out of the bag" as far as it being scarfed, it may become more of a liability.

  2. Some good points, but I plan on using raichu as more of a revenge killer. And this could be golden against the scarm bliss combo. Raichu comes in against scarm, and raichu punches bliss. Your right though, I could use the porygon-z and scarf it, but I'm going to train it anyways. Because I didn't think my toxicroak would work well with my team, but It found a nitch, and beating people with UU pokes is a far greater feeling. Ill try to make it work, but if it's truly substandard, I will go back to Z.

  3. That's cool and I think it's cool that you were trying to use pokemon not commonly seen on wifi. You know as well as anyone I've played against, I don't always stick to OU pokemon. First and foremost, I use pokemon I like.

    In that particular situation you mentioned, skarm/bliss, you'd be in great shape. When I was referring to other pokemon you could scarf, there are a several BL and UU who would be awesome if it wasn't for their speed. And they may be worth considering.
