Sunday, August 17, 2008

Fire Badge?

I know I said I wanted to avoid anything that looked too obviously fiery, but I was playing around for a little while and came up with this and honestly I like the design enough to have it as my fire badge. Problem is.. what to call it? The REAL fire badges are the Volcano and the Heat badge.. Maybe this is the Burn Badge? Eruption Badge? Flame Badge? R.C.'s Awesome Badge For Beautiful People Badge?


  1. The Thermo Badge. The Pyro Badge. The Easily Doused with Liquid Badge?

  2. Do I heard a fire/water feud starting?

  3. Hmmm. Flare badge, cremation badge, tinder badge, pyre badge, pheonix badge, and maybe the cinder badge.

  4. I was going to say the Cinder Badge or Blaze Badge. Possibly even the Nuke Badge.

  5. I like this badge a LOT. and was wondering if you have any other badges that you have made? and maybe can I get permistion to print them and put them on my bedroom wall?

  6. I RILLY LIKE this badge of yours... I was also wondering if you have made any others... and if I could copy them into my pc so I could print them out and put them on my bedroom wall.... I ofcorse will give you full credit

  7. Haha, I really appriciate the compliment, and of course you can use it. But no, I havn't done any others YET. I just did this one for my gym, but eh.. if I do any more they will be posted here.
