Saturday, August 16, 2008

Warning...Completely Unrelated to Pokemon

So I'm checking my email and Nintendo's newsletter about new releases for Wiiware and the Virtual Console is among the emails I needed to open. When I did, lo and behold there was a description for a new Wiiware game I'm pretty sure some of us are going to find it very hard to resist (although at the moment of writing this I've yet to download it myself).

Let me cut to the chase, as seen here there is a new game featuring none other than Homestar Runner. I'm not completely sure how this will work, but the site makes it appear that there will be 4 more updates to this game after this initial one, or more likely there will be 4 other "sequels" released on Wiiware later. I'm not really sure what the point of the game is, but then again does it really matter???


  1. The game itself is a point and click adventure game. It's an entire game in itself, but only takes a few hours to play. If your a fan of the Homestar series, I'd get it. It's full of Strong Bad style humor.

  2. I got it last week, and haven't had too much time to put into it, but I'm probably and hour and a half into it and it looks like theres still quite a ways to go. I'm loving it so far.
