Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Weird PokeChat convos. We keep it topical!

[Jason B.] - hey mike
[Mike R.] - what's new?
[Jason B.] - not much, just workin
[Mike R.] - gotcha
[Mike R.] - listen i need some help
[Mike R.] - i made some bad trades
[Mike R.] - now i need 700 billion pokemon
[Mike R.] - anybody wanna bail me out?
[Jason B.] - what happened?
[Mike R.] - see above
[Jason B.] - well, okay...but i guess what i mean is i'm assuming 700 billion is a gross hyperbole
[Jason B.] - so which pokemon do you actually need
[Mike R.] - no
[Mike R.] - i actually need 700 billion pokemon
[Mike R.] - exactly
[Mike R.] - which is more pokemon than can technically exist
[Mike R.] - i made some really bad trades
[Jason B.] - like what?
[Mike R.] - well i loaned a bunch of pokes and pokedollars out to start a bunch of pokecenters
[Mike R.] - except they neglected to tell me that they don't make any money
[Mike R.] - so they've defaulted
[Mike R.] - and i'm screwed
[Mike R.] - i mean, do you KNOW how many pokecenters there are out there?
[Mike R.] - assholes
[Jason B.] - wow...okay, so this is a weird allusion to the current credit crisis
[Mike R.] - ha, yeah
[PureNell]: - man. I'm scared based on hearing this and I'm worried for my troupe of Wooper that I have boxed up.
I'm heading to my nearest Pokemon Center right after work and withdrawing all of them. I'll stock em in my private Pokecache instead
[Jason B.] - you don't want to create a run on pokemon
[Jason B.] - and puttin 'em under your mattress won't help either
[PureNell]: - but what I'm called to a battle and my Pokes aren't available when I need em
[Jason B.] - that's why they're seeking to raise the deposit amount so people don't need to put their pokemon in so many places and help keep them liquid
[Jason B.] - this joke has really gone too far.
[Mike R.] - yeah this joke has really gone too far.
[Mike R.] - yeah

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