Thursday, January 9, 2014

EV training in Pokemon X and Y

Wiggler's guide to Easy, Fast, EV training in Pokemon X and Y

If you want to train HP
Fly to route 5, and fight Gulpin
Encoounter Rate: Common
Level: 5
EVs: Yields one normal HP EV

1) Defeat 5 hordes with Power Item
2) Take off the Power Item and find a Singular Gulpin and defeat it.
If you want to train Attack
Fly to Route 14, and fight Bellsprout
Encounter Rate: common
Level: 16
EVs: Yields one Attack EV

1) Defeat 5 hordes with Power Item
2) Take off the Power Item and find a Singular Bellsprout and defeat it.

Fly to Route 19, and fight Weepingbell

EVs: Yields two Attack EV each

If you want to train Defense
Fly to Route 10, and fight Nosepass
Encounter Rate: common
Level: 11
EVs: Yields one Defense EV

1) Defeat 5 hordes with Power Item
2) Take off the Power Item and find a Singular Nosepass and defeat it.
If you want to train Special Attack
Fly to The Frost Cavern and fight Vannilite
Encounter Rate: Common
Level: 19
EVs: Yields One Special Attack EV

1) Defeat 5 hordes with Power Item
2) Take off the Power Item and find a Singular Vannilite and defeat it.
If you want to train Special Defense
Fly to Route 7 and fight Hoppip
Encounter Rate: common
Level: 6
EVs: Yields one Special Defense EV

1) Defeat 5 hordes with Power Item
2) Take off the Power Item and find a Singular Hoppip and defeat it.
If you want to train Speed
Fly to Route 8 and fight Wingull
Encounter Rate: common
Level: 8
EVs: Yields one Speed EV

1) Defeat 5 hordes with Power Item
2) Take off the Power Item and find a Singular Wingull and defeat it.

[For more details visit Wiggler's guide to EV training in Gen VI]


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