Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Faces

I want to welcome the new members to the Blog. Nate and Marion (as well as the pending Rich) are friends of mine who are down with the 'mon.

We've been putting our Friend Codes in our profiles to facilitate wi-fi battles, so just click our names (the full member list is at the bottom of the page) to add people, and feel free to add your own to your profiles.

If you want to join a Gym, just let us know. It can be anything from just picking a Gym to show love for your favorite type, to training a full Gym team to become it's leader.

Finally, feel free to post any questions, comics, news, etc... That's what the Blog is here for.


  1. I just wanted to say "welcome" to the new members of our group. May the addiction CONSUME you. ^_^

    Well, seriously I look forward to talking Pokemon (and other games) with you.

  2. I'd like to thank Zero for the invitation. I'm fairly new to Pokemon in general - I've only ever played Diamond and I just hit Victory Road last night.

    I'm interested in playing over Wi-fi, but how do you know when someone else is available? Do all of you only play when you can get together in person?

    I posted my Friend Code in my profile, so if anyone feels like a friendly game, let me know. I don't have a formally trained team yet (outside of the single player campaign), so don't expect much of a fight!
