Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tick Tock

Just out of curiousity, how many hours would you all say you put in Pokemon per day/week? I've been trying to get some pokemon bred and trained for my gym, but to be honest I haven't had a lot of time lately between work, moving, and other games. It used to be I could spend a few hours a night trying to be the best there ever was, but now......sigh.


  1. I find myself getting about an hour or so in over the course of a day, maybe more on weekends. I keep telling myself to play Zelda, but I tend to have time for a few small chunks of play (which Pokemon is great for) as opposed to the large chunk of time at once I'd want to play Zelda.

  2. If it wasn't for the fact that I am amongst friends who are very much into pokemon, I'd be almost ashamed to say that ever since I got through the new Zelda, ALL my time spent playing video games has been allocated to pokemon. I wish I could say that this is completely due to trying to breed acceptable pokes, ev-training them and leveling them up, but it's hard for me to break away from testing out older project pokes on wifi.

  3. I've actually just gotten around to getting the National Dex due to moving and weddings and various other things that take time away from Pokemon. I try to spend at least an hour or so a day on it; I expect to spend more pretty shortly once I finish this move.

  4. Im not exactly sure what my per day rating is since I'm always jumping around. However, my last trip to Matt's has rekindled my spirit and now my clock has reached about 233 hours in the game.

    My main problem is that I'm still out there networking (for all of the wrong reasons) and buying more games than I can possibly play for some disturbing reason. But I am still definitely loving the 'mon.
