Friday, October 5, 2007

Pokemon Team Process

Well, I've just finished EV training my second Pokemon and thought that it would be cool to discuss and see how far along everyone's teams have come.

Also, I'd like to sneak in the question of:
Has anyone checked out that GameFAQs FAQ on TM acquisition? I saw them mention that Explosion is a one-time only TM but I THOUGHT you could acquire it via Emerald's Battle Frontier, as a pickup item, or some other way. Thoughts?


  1. Explosion is a Battle Point move tutor move if I remember right, which means a lot of guys can get it on Emerald (with enough Battle Frontiering) but obviously D/P guys can't learn it this way. Also it didn't actually exist as a TM until D/P. I've read some stuff that there is a way to get Explosion at the Game Corner, but it pretty difficult/tedious. I don't know if it just unlocks it as an item at the store so you only have to do it once, or if you have to go through the whole thing each time you want to get it.

  2. As far as the teams, I have a Lopunny and zigzagoon/linoone almost done. I plan on getting subbull and kangaskhan done as far as vitamin will go pretty soon. The plan is to get a decent number ready at level 5 so that I can use them for the level 5 challenge in Battle Revolution before they get leveled up any more.

  3. I'm halfway done with my team and have a Camerupt, Magnezone, and Gastrodon ready to go (for me that means at least level 50, EV trained, and with all desired moves). That took me about two weeks to do, so hopefully I'll be done in another 2.

  4. I mean, I pretty much have a team that's constantly going through changes with new pokimans and movesets. As for my gym specific team....Dragonite is done....I'll get to the rest...soon?

  5. set Finished = EV trained + moves set

    Drapion is finished.
    2 Murkrow finished
    - I plan to make the slower Murkrow a Honchkrow, since they lose their speed when they evolve. I just want get a couple Dusk Stones before I commit.
