Friday, October 5, 2007

Gym Leaders

So which gyms would people officially like to lead? I think Chris is doing Dragon and Matt is doing Normal, but other than that I have no idea what everyone else is doing. Also have there been particular rules established as to what can and can't be done? (i.e. The Bug guy in the Sinnoh E4 has a Drapion which is Dark/Poison but evolves from a Bug type. Would something like be acceptable?)


  1. Right now we have:

    Dark Gym Leader - Aaron
    Normal Gym Leader - Matt
    Dragon Gym - Chris
    Steel Gym - Pernell

    The way I see things going is that anyone can join any gym, even if others are in the gym. To be a Gym Leader you must have at least 6 of your type. If multiple gym members meet this requirement, they can challenge the current gym leader. Not sure if we'd want to allow one person to be the leader of multiple gyms, but this is still in the planning phase.

    As far as bug types (and dragon types too for that matter), the trainers in game seem to use anyone from the Bug Egg Group. I wouldn't mind allowing our Bug Gym members to use anyone from the Bug Egg Group, and Dragon Gym members to use anyone from the Dragon Egg group. There may be other gym types this applies to as well, but I cant think of any off hand.

  2. The more I think about it, I think it might be better for each person to stick to one gym at a time. Anyone else have any comments/suggestions/criticisms?

  3. I think sticking to one gym is a good idea for now, otherwise it could get pretty confusing. What we could do, however, is set up a system in which gym leaders can battle and use that to determine which of the gym leaders will be the E4

  4. Well, if no one has any objections I'd like to volunteer to be the Ground gym leader.

  5. Awesome! Let us know when you have at least six guys ready to go.

  6. Yeah, I'm probably going to use the Dragon egg group exception for one or two of the guys on my team since I'm so limited in my options.

  7. I'm in the process of actually finishing the game, as I got distracted by Picross, but once that's done (should be in another day or two) I'd like to take the Ghost Gym, provided no one has any objections.

  8. Yeah, I'm pushing for the role of Steel Gym leader-guy-person. I dont have six Pokemon just yet, but I'm on my way!

  9. As soon as I'm done my Sandstorm/ Trick Room team I'll get to work on my Ground team. Shouldn't be too hard as I could probably just re-tool the afore mentioned team.

  10. Mike, that team you're making sounds like the dope shit! I'm gonna have to step up my game when you're done putting it together.

  11. Yeah, truth be told Chris I had to put in a lot of work trying to figure a way around that damn Blissey of yours....
