Monday, October 8, 2007

Rules and Such

What types of rules would we like to establish for battling? I figure there are some basic rules we can agree on (i.e. no hacked Pokemon, no repeated Pokemon, no repeated items, etc.) but what else should we include? Also, would anyone be interested in drafting a formal list once we finalize the rules?


  1. Matt and I actually made a list out of tournament rules. Once I dig it up, I'll go over it once more with him then post it up here. I'm sure as we progress with this thing, new rules will be added along the way.

  2. Yeah, for the most part, I remember it being about the same as what I suggested for DS night. LVL 50 all, no legendaries, no mutltiple same type (species) pokemon, no multiple pokemon holding same item.

    I was also thinking it might make things more interesting if Trainers were to register a gym challenging team that would be kept the same as they battled each gym. If they were to change members, their badges would be reset. This would obviously be different from the regular game, but it would be more of a challenge than just crafting anti-gym teams each step. Anyone have any comments for or against this?

  3. I actually rather like the idea of having a set gym challenging team. Makes it all a little more strategic rather than just switching to one or two types to nerf a particular gym leader.
