Monday, October 22, 2007

Tower Tychoon...ARGH!!

Ok, I have fought this jerk twice already and lost each time. First time was due to having nothing to hurt Milotic (last Pokemon vs. last Pokemon on my team) and the second time was due to be put to sleep while fighting Dragonair, I believe.

ANy tips? Currently, I'm using Metagross, an untrained Empoleon, and Scizor.


  1. I've had a tough time against him using a Gym Team as well. Don't get discouraged. I'm sure the first tip suggested will be to train that Empoleon.

  2. Fully training your empoleon should help some since you're trying to get past with your gym team. I've experienced something while battling people online and maybe someone can shed some light on it. Some Metgrosses I've played against know thunderpunch. I'm guessing that this must have been something that could happen on XD or emerald or something like that. Assuming your empoleon has ice beam, dragonite shouldn't be too much of a problem. Also, you'll probably want to make use of bullet punch for the sake of picking of faster pokes with low health. It may not be as good of an idea with milotic, but it would work well with the others. Also, milotic is weaker on def, so a zen headbut might go farther than psychic. End thoughts...

  3. In regards to a Metagross with Thunderpunch...either he's an Event distributed Gross or you've been fighting against hacks.

  4. Not true...
    It most likely learned Thunderpunch from the Move Tutors in Emerald, and then transferred over via Pal Park.

  5. Oh yeah, and I've been thinking about this since I wrote you. I don't know what other steel types you have at your disposal, but unless your scizor is a baton passer, I don't really see how having him helps your 3-poke team. I would think something like a magnezone, aggron or bastiodon would help you more.
