Monday, December 17, 2007

Challenge Team Discussion

How do we want to handle challenge teams, i.e. the teams trainers will use to challenge for gym badges? Do we want a trainer to have one fixed team with which he challenges each gym, or allow a pool they can choose from, or let them challenge with any team they want each time? If a set number of pokemon is decided, do we allow switching hold items, movesets, etc... Do we want to have a set battle format, or let each gym leader define his own rule set?

Please don't be shy about responses here!


  1. Personally, I'm for either a fixed 6 Pokemon challenge team, or maybe a pool of around 10. I'm down for Leader's choosing their own rule sets to a certain degree (single or double, time limit), but if we do end up restricting challenge teams to a single set or small pool, rules such as multiple hold items or Pokemon wouldn't make much sense.

  2. Honestly, I'm for following the anime model for gym battles insofar as Ash may have kept some constant pokemon in his group, but he learned to other pokemon he had caught depending on the situation he was about to go into.

    I have no problem with a challenger using whatever pokemon he has trained for the job. Mainly because gym battles are supposed to be hard, but not impossible.

    However, the battles to challenge gym leader status probably should have fixed, or at least very limited group of pokemon that can be used.

  3. Here are some of my thoughts on the issue:

    1. I like zero's idea about a pool of 10, though I had a similar idea about making challengers keep at least 4 pokemon from the team they used in a previous battle and being able to switch 2 out. That way I feel like there would be some consistency in the battling.

    2. Leader's choose the rules (single/double, time).

    3. Multiple hold item and multiple pokemon restrictions should apply at all times.

    4. For gym leader battles, rules 2 and 3 apply, however the challenger (and gym leader) can use any pokemon of their gym type that they have trained)

  4. I like the idea of a limit pool that challengers an use. Somewhere around 12-18 (No Legendaries). In the game if you facing a water gym, you'd naturally bring out you best electric and grass. The gym has the disadvantage of being only one type. I want to see new strategies and movesets. Besides our pokemon pools are small as well. I only have 15 guys. 17 if I count Snealse and Murkrow separately.

  5. Those are good points. I'd also like to put out there that if a person has a team of 6 that is capable of defeating all of the gym leaders, that 6 should be considered for "elite" status.

    So I guess some careful record-keeping might be required.

  6. With regards to the E4, I was thinking a good way to determine that might be to have a tournament between all of us, with the top 4 or so becoming the Elites, since they still tend to stick to one type.

  7. Considering that I've still got a bit of work to do, I'll stay out of this debate for now. ^_^ However, I look forward to hearing the good word soon.
