Monday, December 17, 2007

Checking In

Hey All,
I know I've been kind of quiet the last couple of weeks and its mainly due to working on counter-strategies for some of the stuff I've been seeing on wifi lately. What I wonder though is when we'll begin letting people challenge us for badge (or possibily gym) status? I have all of the ice types that I'm going to use in my gym, but I've been doing a lot of work to come up with the six pokemon that I'll primarily be using for all wifi challenges. Also, if anyone has any ideas on the type of badges we'll be handing out, I'd like to hear them. I was thinking (especially since our group isn't that large) that we could each choose our own (not very expensive) pins to hand out.

By the way, if anyone wants to go up against my gym for badge status, just email me.


  1. Hmmm, that reminds me. I Know we each have our gym teams, but I remember there being talk of a more universal team we could each have to challenge gyms, but it had to be the same for each gym we challenged. Is that rule still in effect?

  2. One more thing, I know I've been pestering people a lot about this lately, but is there a night this week people are able to get together, either at someone's place of wi-fi?

  3. I wrote down the challenge team idea (and all of them for that matter) as a place to start, based on conversations I'd had with a few people. I'll start a dedicated post (for easy linking) for people to offer their opinions on what would be a good way to go about this.

    As far as battles, Thursday and Friday are not good for me, but otherwise I'm down. I just finally got around to catching the remaining ditto I need, so I probably won't have my new guys ready this week.

  4. Yeah, I'm a bit behind too on revamping my guys but I should definitely have those done within the next week. Downside is that I won't be able to hit up Maryland for another few weeks due to Christmas, New Years, and a trip on the horizon. But I may be up for a Wi-Fi scenario next week. I certainly need more actual battle practice though.
