Friday, December 21, 2007

Sunny Park

I tried to do the Sunny Park challenge on PBR for old time sake. There are some cheating bastards in there. I used all level 1 pokemon and every single one of the CPU pokemon were 5. Don't tell me I need to EV train a set of 6 to level 5. That's F'ing ridiculous. Has anyone fought through there? I should make my gym level < 5 ...... syke


  1. Luckily, I opened that up as I was working on a new batch of eggs. I just hatched my guys, picked the ones I was gonna use for my gyms, gave them the planned vitamin, and leveled them up to 5.

    Also beware, as this tripped me up the first time... You have to use first evolutions of pokemon that have more than one form. That means no single evolutions (sorry Zangoose) and no low level friendship/stone evolved pokemon.

  2. P.S. I didn't really worry about EV training... the vitamin were enough to get through with an edge.

    P.P.S. I think you meant <5

  3. Honestly, I didn't even bother EV training, I just picked 6 level 5's with decent egg moves. As I recall, my level 5 Gible with Earthquake and Dragon Claw swept the whole thing with breaking a sweat.
