Sunday, December 23, 2007

Marginal Effects

I'm sure I'm not the only one to ever think about this, so I'll put this question out there. Have any of you ever thought about the marginal effect of a stat increase? It's kind of weird because we all try to get pokemon with stats as high as possible, but how much is enough or too much?

I suppose if one really wanted to be anal about it, they could do some calculus with the damage calculation function. But there are several unknowns and certain assumptions you would have to make in advance and I personally don't really want to wrap my head around what I would need to do to max D in terms of...well, you get where I'm going with this.

So what do you guys think about this? Does it really matter that a metagross' atk is 400 versus 405 (I think that's its max if I remember it right)? Or that my miltank's hp is 384 versus 400-something?


  1. Attack/SpAtt/Def/SpDef/HP - I say no.
    Speed - I say yes

    Speed I say is important if you know your guy can't take a hit. You either go first or you don't go at all.

    However you don't want to attack an opponent and leave them hanging on by a thread. Moves like Counter,Fail,Endeavor will put them right back in the mix.

  2. I generally just breed 6 guys with the nature/ability I want and pick the one I like the best. I don't worry too much about maxing stats since I'd rather spend my time making a bunch of pretty good pokemon than one really good one.

  3. But I guess what I'm asking is a little more than just breeding since you do have control over how you ev something. For example, we all know that 100 ev's translates into 25 more stat points, but I'll go out on a limb and say that none of us really understands how much more that will make an attack hurt or how much better we can take a hit because of those 25 stats points.

    Kind of like Aaron alluded to, speed is really the only straight forward stat because even if you're just one point faster than something, you're always going to attack first unless there is some effect in place.

    Also, it seems like there would be some ideal ratio of hp/def or sp. def where giving more ev's to either is a waste, but it's at the very least not clear to me what that ratio is.

  4. Well I know that no matter how much Defense my Tyranitar has, he cannot withstand a Close Combat from almost any Pokemon with Max attack. Probably not even with Max HP and Max Def. Sam goes for Weavile. I say if you were worried about with Defensive stat to build with a particular guy. I'd say make two of them. One with SpDef and the other with Def. The one who is better in battle stay out, the other is sidelined. Much like my two Spiritomb.
