Monday, January 21, 2008

MLK Meet Up

So it seemed like today would be a good meet up day for a number of people. Who's still down, and where and when do we want to meet?


  1. I don't mind having it at my place if people want to come up to Cockeysville. Anytime mid-afternoon on is good for me.

  2. Your place is fine with me. Considering that most, if not all of us have to go back to our usual grind tomorrow, the longer we have to compete and chill before it gets too late, the better.

    Just email me your address and the time you want me to be there.

  3. Looks like I'm not going to be able to make, I'm fighting off a killer cold. If anyone is battling over wi-fi, however, give me a call.

  4. Been up since 6 AM at my other job, now I'm off to work at Gamestop until around 9:30/10 tonight. It sounds like you guys are gonna be chilling earlier in the day, but if any of that changes can one of you guys give me a shout. I'm gonna see how I'm feeling at the end of the workday.

  5. Since Aaron's car is being worked on, it looks like we'll meet at his place instead. That way he doesn't need to catch a ride, and it should be closer for Jason.

  6. I have a high speed connection here so wifi will surely be in effect. Make sure you all grab my info from my profile.

  7. I jumped on but, unfortunately, I didn't see anyone. In the end, I can't complain too much since I am glad to have the time to work on more Pokes. ^_^

  8. We were PBR'ing at the a time, waiting for an IM to be sent.
