Thursday, January 17, 2008

I Am Lucky...

Hey All,
It's a pretty well-known fact that the odds of getting a shiny pokemon are 1/8192, which is ridiculously close to zero. Well, for the second time in during a breeding project of mine, I have hatched a shiny. The first time was with that Cloyster (which I should have used in that battle that I lost against Mike yesterday) and this time was with a numel/camerupt. I don't know what its IVs are yet, but it least has the nature and ability I wanted (again). Nevertheless, regardless of its IVs I am really happy because it's my personal opinion that Camerupt is one of the coolest looking shinies in the game.

It makes me wonder though whether the odds of breeding a shiny are really the same as encountering a shiny in the wild. It could be that I did something that I only had a (1/8192)^2 chance of doing, but that seems kinda hard to believe. Although I also bred this awesome corsola the other day that who's lowest IV is 24/25 in two stats where 3 stats were 30/31 and the other was 28/29.

Also, ending this really long post, I noticed has changed and now has a flash section that shows Darkrai's silhouette and asks "who is this pokemon?"


  1. Oh, by the way, this brings my shiny count to 10 of which 5 are ones I've caught/hatched personally.

  2. That saddens me as my shiny count is only at 4-5...and most of those were caught in OTHER Pokemon versions and one was given to me by a friend (Bidoof).

    Even still though, that rocks about the Camerupt and I look forward (or not?) to seeing it in battle someday.

  3. Yeah, you'll definitely see it in battle. It didn't have "perfect" IVs, but it was pretty well-rounded. I actually finished ev-training it last night and I have a pretty good idea of which pokemon I'd opt to have next to it in a doubles situation.

  4. My shiny count? A big old fat ZERO. Damn you 1/8192 chance.

  5. I have a shiny Linoone(Zigzagoon) that I got from EB years ago on Ruby.

    I've caught zero shiny pokemon.

  6. Man... nice work. I've always wondered, does the "shiney sparkle" happen when they hatch (the same as if you encountered them in the wild) or do you just have to recognize them as different colors (not always easy for some pokemon).

    P.S. I can't believe it took this long to realize why you named yourself that.

  7. Hey Zero,
    To answer your question, there is no shiny sparkle when they hatch. You do pretty much have to know what a shiny is supposed to look like. However, if you're like me, I always check the nature and stats of any pokemon I hatch and as long as you do, it's pretty hard not to notice the red star and the fact the pokemon's number is in red. I also usually check base stats, movesets, etc. on Serebii, so I always have an image of what the shiny sprite is supposed to look like.

    And as far as Dattebayo is concerned, it definitely came from watching Naruto. However, it's a little more complex than simply copying the name of the guy who scantilates episodes. Back in undergrad I had a roommate who was studying Japanese and we would watch that as well as a bunch of other anime together and he told me that "dattebayo" more or less means "believe it." So it's kind of a taunt when I win a battle especially when I would play people from Serebii's chat room. Unfortunately, someone registered that name before I realized I could, so in Serebii I go by SonOfThe4th.

  8. I've actually been trying to find a legitimate answer, but unfortunately googling only turns up forum fanboys pretending to know what they're talking about.

    The easy answer is that its just a speech pattern the author came up with. Between my 5 semesters of japanses, and my book on verb conjugations, I have yet to come across the "-te ba" verb ending.

    However people also claim that Chichiri from Fushigi Yuugi, and Kenshin have their own distinctive speech patterns, when in fact they are perfectly valid (just overused or archaic) ways of talking.

    The "yo" is obviously the standard "yo" usage basically adding empasis similar to an exclaimation point.

    "ba" I believe is the male counterpart to the "wa" that females sometimes add to the end of sentences, also not really meaning anything other than adding emphasis.

    As far as I can tell it doesn't have a meaning of its own, it just emphasizes whatever sentence it's being applied to. "Datte ba yo" by itself would roughly mean "Is!!" so its not really taunt worthy.

  9. Not being one to perpetuate misinformation...Point Noted! :-)

    I'll go by this nickname instead. Plus, it ties in with the way I registered my name on Pearl.

  10. Ah sorry, I wasn't badmouthing the name or anything. I've just been trying to figure out the -te ba ending for a while and it finally clicked where I'd seen it in roman letters before.
