Tuesday, April 29, 2008

looking for items/p-mons

Looking for a "Protector" on serebii wi-fi chat for the 1st time. How long does this take?


  1. Maybe not that long at all...I got an extra one from some past trade and I could hook you up with it.

    However, under normal circumstances it doesn't really take that long. The thing is you just have to be very aware of what you're willing to give up for something like that. A reasonable trade would be something like a magmarizer/electirizer or hard-to-get evolution device. But many people would want to try to get an event pokemon or a shiny out of you for it.

  2. Personally the best way to get almost any item is to trade good natured egg move pokes. Whenever you breed pokes, hatch some extra's for future trades. The other way to go is just offer a legend such as mewtwo, which appeals to the younger crowd, but it gets the job done. This is nice because it's really easy to get legends on the gts, I got several mewtwos for low lvl croagunks, in the past.
