Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Saturday Get Together

Hey everyone, I know this is a little last minute, but my girlfriend is spending the weekend with friends so I thought I'd invite everyone over to my place for some Pokemon and Smash Bros (and Mario Kart if anyone can bring it). Is anyone available/interested?


  1. My weekend is packed full. I unfortunately won't be able to make it.

  2. Like I said in my email, I'd be down and I hope other people can make it as well. By the way, Mariokart doesn't come out until Sunday, so I think we'll have to wait for another get together to play that as a group. By the way, maybe I missed this in your email, but you were talking about Saturday, right?

  3. Okay...serious airhead moment! Obviously I wasn't paying attention to the post's title.

  4. GameStop is doing a Midnight release of Mario Kart, so it's not out of the question.
