Sunday, June 8, 2008

Another Excuse to Get Together

So thanks to Bulbanews, I just noticed that there will be a Deoxys event coming up pretty soon at GameStop. Seeing as there are so many GameStops all over the place, maybe this doesn't necessitate a meeting, but we've gotten together for less of a reason in the past. Let me know what you all think. I'll most likely send a reminder out from the yahoo group. [Ace - Don't be afraid to use pics]


  1. I sure wouldn't mind and could probably make it, depending on the location. Just be sure that the Gamestop where the meeting is planned is doing it. I called several gamestops this morning, most of them knew about the event but a couple didn't. If they don't know about it, they can't set everything up, right?

  2. Haha, I was just about to post this. I look forward to finally getting a US Deoxys!

  3. Much like the Manaphy and Darkrai events at TRU, Gamestop will be giving away Deoxys from June 20 to the 22 and again from the 27-29. The Deoxys download event on the weekends of June 20th and June 27th will both start on Friday. Be sure to check your local Gamestop for details.

  4. Now I need to push to get my 2 Darkrai from the delivery guy.

  5. It's not that I'm afraid to use pictures, I just hadn't made it over to a Game Stop to get a good one. But thanks for adding that pic! Kinda adds some more legitimacy to the whole thing.
