Thursday, June 5, 2008

Opinions Needed

Hey guys, I was wondering if I could get your opinion on a Drapion I'm making for my Poison Team. My basic plan is to give him Night Slash and the hold item that boosts critical hit chance and capitalize off of his Sniper ability, but I'm not sure whether to make him more of a supporter or an attacker. As a supporter, I'd give him Roar and Knock Off and maybe Cross Poison and have him keep the opponent at bay and wait to start attacking with high crit chance moves. As an attacker, I'd give him a Agility to boost his speed, then have him hack away with Night Slash immediately. Either way he'd have a 25% crit chance and would 3x damage. Anyone have any thoughts on what I should go with or have any other ideas?

BTW I just finished my Crobat and the little guy has PERFECT speed. I love him.


  1. I am also currently working on a second Drapion. My first as well as my second will be an critical hit attacker.

    Does Roar always go last? I have a problem with fast Pokemon having moves that make them go last.

  2. Yeah, Roar and Whirlwind always go last, so if I make one with Agility I feel like it's kind of a waste to put Roar on it.

  3. I wish that I could help with this but I don't know much about Drapion aside from the fact that he rocks. You certainly can't go wrong with Cross Poison though.

    I also wanted to mention that I detest Crobat and I do NOT look forward to doing battle against him. ^_~

  4. Heh, what are you complaining about? The STAB for my Poison does absolutely NOTHING against your Steel-types. Come to think of it, though, I think I had better put EQ on Drapion to deal with just that fact.

  5. Hey Mike, the scope lens question is a good one, but I guess it would depend on what the other members of your team are holding. Leftovers or black sludge might also be appealing due to the fact that I think scope lens only raises the chance of a crit 8%. I'm pretty sure your team will have a weezing on it and maybe it would be best suited for the support role. Also, I would caution against cross poison because of the poor type coverage. Fire fang and earthquake might be better so you can't get walled by steel types and especially bronzong. Finally, I'm always a fan of swords dance especially when the sweeper has pretty good defensive stats.

    By the way, I'm in the process of re-doing some pokemon myself and last night I hatched a shuckle with the following ivs: 31/20/30/23/31/31

  6. Shut your mouth!!! [J/K]
    However you did just describe the current Drapion that I'm working on.

    Swords Dance
    Fire Fang
    Earth Quake
    Night Slash

    My last one:

    Earth Quake
    Ice Fang
    Night Slash
    Cross Poison

    found me never never using CP, and not hitting hard enough with Ice Fang. I may end up Choice Band'ing it to see how he compares with the new version. I also would like to get Brick Break in there somehow.

  7. Yeah, I've decided to go for a pure attack with this one and maybe later build a support one, since the Poison team could really use a better attacker. I'm essentially doing what Aaron is, thought for now I'm going to try giving it X-Scissor instead of Fire Fang so I get coverage against Dark.

  8. You don't need coverage against dark. In fact, I'd say that if anyone is considering fighting or bug moves, they should just give it up. Nobody ever uses Dark Pokemon anyway.

  9. If you do the support pokemon drapion later, you'll probably want to make it impish with the battle armor ability. Too bad it doesn't have a good recovery move. In the support role, roar/whirlwind would make a ton of sense.

    I also recently bred a pair of gible that would make you jealous too, Aaron.

  10. Yeah, I figure for a support Drapion I'd give it Battle Armor, tons of HP and Def, Knock Off, Whirlwind, and maybe Toxic Spikes, but since I'm pretty good on Poison Support pokes right now (thank you Weezing and Tentacruel) I probably won't get to it for a while.

    And to add onto what Aaron said, people really shouldn't be worried about Poison either. All those Psychic/Ground moves are really just a waste of time.

  11. It's not really related to this post anymore, but I bred a drifloon (calm) last night/this morning that has the following ivs: 25/31/31/31/0/31
