Monday, June 23, 2008

Next Meeting

First and foremost, a big thanks to Jason for helping me get some play-testing done on my Poison team; I'm a lot more confident in it ability to compete, now. Secondly, when do we want to have our next get together? I was thinking about trying to host something this Saturday evening, but I don't how well that works for people. Otherwise, is there a day people are free to get together, either in person on online?


  1. This Saturday evening MIGHT not work for me. Usually I'd bego, but I may be riding this weekend. Although, I would be available maybe seven or later. I'm usually home during weeknights and thus online as my computer is not far from me at any given time. I try to be on the partychat, but its so rare that other people are.

  2. I may need to (reluctantly) help a friend move, but if that isn't the case I'm more than willing to get together again. However, as far as the getting online is concerned, as long as I'm at home at the time, that could work as well. Thanks for the "thanks" by the way. I think everyone else will find that your team is a force to be reckoned with.

  3. I think I can make Saturday night. I might even get a chance to test the dreaded Dark Void Smeargle.

  4. Ahhh, so someone's been training their darkrai I see, or at least to level 66. I'm actually very tempted to start training a legendary team.

    But hey, wouldn't using that move in a doubles situation be an instant DQ for violating the sleep clause?

  5. If the rule for sleep is set, I guess so. Though I'm not sure that it is DQ, I thought it just made the move fail if someone was already asleep.

  6. I'm in a wedding Saturday & it's my bro's b-day.

  7. Oh yeah, that's right. I forgot you can set that rule in PBR. Then dark void away! Have you actually ev-ed your darkrai, or just rare candied it up to the point where it could use dark void?

  8. I picked one and EVed it up, then leveled.

  9. Unfortunately, I'd be unavailable to hang on Saturday as I'll be in North Jersey on that day. But keep the talks going and I'll see if I manage to pull something off.

    *sigh*, stupid gas prices. :-P

  10. Hmmm perhaps another time would work better for people then. Probably for the best, I'm not sure if my g/f could take two Saturday night Pokemon fests in a row.

  11. Since this weekend doesn't seem to work to well, I propose Sunday, July 13th as a possible time. Reason being is that my b-day is July 12th, but will most likely be doing something with my girlfriend that Saturday.

  12. I think that could work for me.
