Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ranch Trades

I'm not sure if this is common knowledge, but I started testing things with ranch and figured something out.

When Haley asks what kind of pokemon she should bring ("red one", "light one", etc...), if you say no twice, she will just pick "one she is interested in". So far every time I've done this, she's brought one of the trade pokemon over. If this is consistent, then it should speed up how long it takes to get the 20 regular trade ones, since you won't have to worry about days where she brings over random other pokemon.


  1. I noticed that myself, but I wasn't sure if it was just a coincidence or not. However, seeing that has worked for you as well, I'm inclined to think it wasn't just chance.

  2. It also seems like you never get a trade pokemon when your ranch is going to upgrade (even when you say no twice). I'm guessing this is because you get multiple pokemon the day the ranch upgrade is complete, and they don't want to give you multiple trade pokemon.

  3. How many have you been able to get so far? I've got 9 at the moment with miltank coming tomorrow.

  4. Less than nine for sure, I'm not sure if there's an order to them, but Fineon was the last one I got. Maybe 7...?

  5. I don't think there's an order because I've yet to get fineon and before today I got yanma and aerodactyl.

  6. I know I already mentioned this to some of you, but it also seems that the trades are tied in to the level of ranch you have. As in she won't bring a new trade pokemon until the ranch is a certain level. I kept getting a bunch of trades in a row using the above method, then she just stopped. Later I dumped like 300 more pokemon on, and resumed getting a bunch in a row, and she just finally stopped again. I assume when I throw a few more levels worth on I'll get my last two.
