First off, I think I'm going to call the badge for the ground gym the Sand Badge, but I don't have any cool images of sand or deserts. Anybody know where I can find one?
Secondly, I need some input on what to do with the final two pokes for my ground gym: Dugtrio and Flygon. I don't know whether to make Dugtrio Jolly or Adamant. If it's Jolly, it can outspeed more guys (i.e. Timid Starmies and Gengars), if Adamant it can hit harder. It can learn Sucker Punch, which would help make up for a speed gap, but that's iffy. With the Flygon, I'm trying to figure out the move set and EV's. It's going to have Roost, Toxic, Fire Blast and it's going to have max HP EV's but after that I'm stuck. I don't want to give it EQ, so I can replace it with either Earth Power or Dragon Claw. Both give STAB, but one is physical and the other special. Flygon has a higher base attack than special attack (100 vs. 80) but EarthPower would give better coverage and I could always pump a few EV's in (though that raises the question of what exactly to do with the rest of the EV's after HP).
So, thoughts?