Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Happy Birthday to the Normal Gym Leader

 It was possible for me to meet up with a good friend over the weekend After You realize that we both choose Minimize the chance of contracting/transmitting COVID-19 by using the vaccine to Harden our defenses. Thanks to the vaccine, we were able to unmask so I could show my Scary Face. Thanks to the first lady of the Normal Gym, we were able to Stuff Cheeks with delicious food from a place that I don't remember the name. (In the comments try not to Chip Away at this pro-immunization message). If you are still reading this, Follow Me as I Return to the reason you are reading this in the first place. I got caught up in a Whirlwind and neglected to remind you all to Focus Energy to Celebrate the ECPL's Normal Gym Leader on his birthday.