# What happens when I log off?
You'll still be in the chat when you log back in. That's what the "persistent" means. You don't have to keep logging in and out of the chat room, you're always in it.
# I missed messages when I was offline! Is there anyway to read what I missed?
PartyChat conversations, even the ones you miss, are logged to your GMail account.
# Can I use PartyChat with Gmail chat?
Absolutely. PartyChat works with anything that connects to Google Talk / Jabber.
# Sometimes PartyChat is offline, what's up with that?
PartyChat runs on a server in my apartment, so it's not as stable as I'd like it to be. Some friends and I are looking into finding a better arrangement for it.
# Isn't this just IRC implemented on top of Google Talk?
Call it what you want. I never used IRC, but this is a frequently asked question, so I figured it belongs in the FAQ.
# Is the source code online somewhere?
Yes. The code sucks, but hey, it works. You can find it at http://sourceforge.net/projects/partychat.
# Wow, no kidding, this source code really is bad. Mind if I rewrite it or add some new features?
Be my guest! Fire me an email asking to be a contributer to the project and I'll happily review the changes you want to make.
# Doesn't every half-assed online project need a blog of some sort?
Of course, where are my manners? We be bloggin' at http://techwalla.blogspot.com. Feel free to subscribe for updates and misc. tips.
# Who are you....
My name is Akshay. I work for Google, but Techwalla and PartyChat are in no way affiliated with my employer. This whole thing is just a little side project of mine. You can reach me at techwalla(a)gmail.com
A nice place to swap ideas that isn't a message board filled with 12 year olds ....
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
How to Breed Hidden Power
From a section of a breeding guide written by Ryan " The Sea King ". Monday, 21. January 2008, 21:38:07 [re-edited by: Aaron "The Arsonist" (re-re-edited by Jason "AceOfSpades")]http://my.opera.com/ThePokemonOcean/blog/2008/01/21/breeding-guide
What is Hidden Power?
Hidden Power is a Special typed attack that has become all the rage in competitive battling. Hidden Power's type and Power are calculated by the pokemon's Individual Value's, or IV's. You cannot change IV's once a pokemon is caught or hatched etc. which means that you need to get lucky in order to get a type you like. Hidden Power strength ranges from 30 - 70.
Basic Principle
Firstly, and probably the most important, is to know what you're trying to do. I will Clarify on that more after I post these two tables:
Small Note: Hidden Power type and strength is determined by whether your IV's are Even or Odd.
1. Determining Type
An easy way to determine your Hidden Power type is to start at zero.
1) Add 32 if the Special Defense IV is odd.
2) Add 16 if the Special Attack IV is odd.
3) Add 8 if the Speed IV is odd.
4) Add 4 if the Defense IV is odd.
5) Add 2 if the Attack IV is odd.
6) Add 1 if the HP IV is odd.
Depending on the number you end up at, your Hidden Power will be one of the following:
Between 0 and 4: Fighting
Between 5 and 8: Flying
Between 9 and 12: Poison
Between 13 and 16: Ground
Between 17 and 20: Rock
Between 21 and 25: Bug
Between 26 and 29: Ghost
Between 30 and 33: Steel
Between 34 and 37: Fire
Between 38 and 41: Water
Between 42 and 46: Grass
Between 47 and 50: Electric
Between 51 and 54: Psychic
Between 55 and 58: Ice
Between 59 and 62: Dragon
63: Dark
An example would be:
Bulbasaur - HP to Speed.
31 / 19 / 22 / 16 / 30 / 20
HP = Odd +1
Attack = Odd +2
Defense = Even --
Sp. Atk = Even --
Sp. Def = Even --
Speed = Even --
3 = Hidden Power Fighting
2. Determining Power
Start at zero. For every IV, divide that number by two. If the number is odd, use the chart found below. (i.e. 31 or 30/2 = 15, 29 or 28/2 = 14 etc)
1) Add 32 if the IV is the Special Defense IV.
2) Add 16 if the IV is the Special Attack IV.
3) Add 8 if the IV is the Speed IV.
4) Add 4 if the IV is the Defense IV.
5) Add 2 if the IV is the Attack IV.
6) Add 1 if the IV is the HP IV.
After this, multiply the number by 40, then divide it by 63. Add 30 to the answer and that is your power! Yes, it's confusing but you gotta know math to play Pokemon...
RED Note: You don´t have to know how exactly the base power is calculated. The most important thing to know is that if the Special Defense, Special Attack and Speed IVs (all three) are odd numbers after being divided by two, you will always get at least base power 65. When HP Breeding, these are the 3 IV's your should aim for the most when it comes to a high powered Hidden Power.
An Example would be:
Bulbasaur - HP to Speed
31 / 19 / 22 / 16 / 30 / 20
HP = Odd + 1
Attack = Odd + 2
Defense = Odd + 4
Sp. Atk = Even
Sp. Def = Odd +32
Speed = Even
39 x 40 = 1560
1560/63 = 24.76 recurring (Pokemon always rounds down!)
24+30 = 54
So, Bulbasaur has HP Fighting 54.
Breeding For Hidden Power
IV Format: HP / Atk / Def / Sp. Atk / Sp. Def / Spd
Parent A + Parent B -> Baby = 1 in how many eggs (Rounded Up)
I will do only the first, as if you have read the above, you should be able to figure it out.
Hidden Power Ice:
x/x/x/x/x/31 + x/x/x/x/x/x -> x/x/x/x/x/31 = 1:4
x/x/x/x/31/x + x/x/x/x/x/31 -> x/x/x/x/31/31 = 1:17
x/x/x/x/31/31 + x/x/x/31/x/x -> x/x/x/31/31/x = 1:17, or
x/x/x/x/31/31 + x/x/x/31/x/x -> x/x/x/31/x/31 = 1:17
x/x/x/31/31/x + x/x/x/31/x/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:54, or
x/x/x/31/31/x + x/x/x/x/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:54, or
x/x/x/31/x/31 + x/x/x/x/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:54
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/31/31/x -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:29, or
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/31/x/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:29, or
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/x/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:29
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/31/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:16
every approximately 16th baby will now have a chance to have Hidden Power ICE with base power at least 65, if
A) defense IV and attack IV are even numbers, HP IV is an odd number
B) defense IV and HP IV are even numbers, attack IV is an odd number
C) defense IV, attack IV and HP IV are all even numbers
For max base power (70) hidden power ICE, besides getting one of the options A), B) or C), you will need the exact IVs of HP, attack and defense to be one of these:
31/30, 27/26, 23/22, 19/18, 15/14, 11/10, 7/6, 3/2
Final Notes on HP[hiddenpower]
In conclusion, it is wise if you think before you act in regards to Hidden Power Breeding. Getting a pokemon with Good IV's and the Hidden Power you want can be extremely difficult, and may take some time, but the end result is worth it. If you follow the charts correctly, you will save yourself a lot of heartache. For instance:
Say you want to breed a Pokemon with Hidden Power Fighting.
This means that at the least you cannot have 31 IV's in Sp. Def, Sp. Atk and Speed. The highest they can be while still getting HP Fighting is 30 for those three stats, because an odd IV in those stats will increase the count to over 4. You may think that having a Spiritomb parent with 31 IV's in Sp. Def, Def and HP would be the best way to go when it comes to breeding a Spiritomb with Hidden Power Fighting, when in fact you are making it completely impossible because of that Sp. Def IV. (Also, HP and Def cannot both have an IV of 31 because that would make the count 5)
To get the best Spiritomb with HP Fighting, you would need something like this:
x/x/x/x/30/30 + x/x/x/30/x/x -> x/x/x/30/30/30
Either parent must have an even IV in Sp. Def, Speed and Sp. Atk, so that the baby can have the best possible chance of getting a x/x/x/30/30/30 spread.
An example of a Hidden Power Fighting 70 Spiritomb is:
Notice how the Spd, Sp. Def, Sp. Atk and Def IV's are all odd when divided by two? The higher the IV with an odd divisible, the higher the Hidden Power Strength.
IF you want to see who with what to breed what here is a useful thread on Pokecommunity, I dont fell like putting it on here, it would make this way tooo long...
What is Hidden Power?
Hidden Power is a Special typed attack that has become all the rage in competitive battling. Hidden Power's type and Power are calculated by the pokemon's Individual Value's, or IV's. You cannot change IV's once a pokemon is caught or hatched etc. which means that you need to get lucky in order to get a type you like. Hidden Power strength ranges from 30 - 70.
Basic Principle
Firstly, and probably the most important, is to know what you're trying to do. I will Clarify on that more after I post these two tables:
Small Note: Hidden Power type and strength is determined by whether your IV's are Even or Odd.
1. Determining Type
An easy way to determine your Hidden Power type is to start at zero.
1) Add 32 if the Special Defense IV is odd.
2) Add 16 if the Special Attack IV is odd.
3) Add 8 if the Speed IV is odd.
4) Add 4 if the Defense IV is odd.
5) Add 2 if the Attack IV is odd.
6) Add 1 if the HP IV is odd.
Depending on the number you end up at, your Hidden Power will be one of the following:
Between 0 and 4: Fighting
Between 5 and 8: Flying
Between 9 and 12: Poison
Between 13 and 16: Ground
Between 17 and 20: Rock
Between 21 and 25: Bug
Between 26 and 29: Ghost
Between 30 and 33: Steel
Between 34 and 37: Fire
Between 38 and 41: Water
Between 42 and 46: Grass
Between 47 and 50: Electric
Between 51 and 54: Psychic
Between 55 and 58: Ice
Between 59 and 62: Dragon
63: Dark
An example would be:
Bulbasaur - HP to Speed.
31 / 19 / 22 / 16 / 30 / 20
HP = Odd +1
Attack = Odd +2
Defense = Even --
Sp. Atk = Even --
Sp. Def = Even --
Speed = Even --
3 = Hidden Power Fighting
2. Determining Power
Start at zero. For every IV, divide that number by two. If the number is odd, use the chart found below. (i.e. 31 or 30/2 = 15, 29 or 28/2 = 14 etc)
1) Add 32 if the IV is the Special Defense IV.
2) Add 16 if the IV is the Special Attack IV.
3) Add 8 if the IV is the Speed IV.
4) Add 4 if the IV is the Defense IV.
5) Add 2 if the IV is the Attack IV.
6) Add 1 if the IV is the HP IV.
After this, multiply the number by 40, then divide it by 63. Add 30 to the answer and that is your power! Yes, it's confusing but you gotta know math to play Pokemon...
RED Note: You don´t have to know how exactly the base power is calculated. The most important thing to know is that if the Special Defense, Special Attack and Speed IVs (all three) are odd numbers after being divided by two, you will always get at least base power 65. When HP Breeding, these are the 3 IV's your should aim for the most when it comes to a high powered Hidden Power.
An Example would be:
Bulbasaur - HP to Speed
31 / 19 / 22 / 16 / 30 / 20
HP = Odd + 1
Attack = Odd + 2
Defense = Odd + 4
Sp. Atk = Even
Sp. Def = Odd +32
Speed = Even
39 x 40 = 1560
1560/63 = 24.76 recurring (Pokemon always rounds down!)
24+30 = 54
So, Bulbasaur has HP Fighting 54.
Breeding For Hidden Power
IV Format: HP / Atk / Def / Sp. Atk / Sp. Def / Spd
Parent A + Parent B -> Baby = 1 in how many eggs (Rounded Up)
I will do only the first, as if you have read the above, you should be able to figure it out.
Hidden Power Ice:
x/x/x/x/x/31 + x/x/x/x/x/x -> x/x/x/x/x/31 = 1:4
x/x/x/x/31/x + x/x/x/x/x/31 -> x/x/x/x/31/31 = 1:17
x/x/x/x/31/31 + x/x/x/31/x/x -> x/x/x/31/31/x = 1:17, or
x/x/x/x/31/31 + x/x/x/31/x/x -> x/x/x/31/x/31 = 1:17
x/x/x/31/31/x + x/x/x/31/x/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:54, or
x/x/x/31/31/x + x/x/x/x/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:54, or
x/x/x/31/x/31 + x/x/x/x/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:54
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/31/31/x -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:29, or
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/31/x/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:29, or
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/x/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:29
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/31/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:16
every approximately 16th baby will now have a chance to have Hidden Power ICE with base power at least 65, if
A) defense IV and attack IV are even numbers, HP IV is an odd number
B) defense IV and HP IV are even numbers, attack IV is an odd number
C) defense IV, attack IV and HP IV are all even numbers
For max base power (70) hidden power ICE, besides getting one of the options A), B) or C), you will need the exact IVs of HP, attack and defense to be one of these:
31/30, 27/26, 23/22, 19/18, 15/14, 11/10, 7/6, 3/2
Final Notes on HP[hiddenpower]
In conclusion, it is wise if you think before you act in regards to Hidden Power Breeding. Getting a pokemon with Good IV's and the Hidden Power you want can be extremely difficult, and may take some time, but the end result is worth it. If you follow the charts correctly, you will save yourself a lot of heartache. For instance:
Say you want to breed a Pokemon with Hidden Power Fighting.
This means that at the least you cannot have 31 IV's in Sp. Def, Sp. Atk and Speed. The highest they can be while still getting HP Fighting is 30 for those three stats, because an odd IV in those stats will increase the count to over 4. You may think that having a Spiritomb parent with 31 IV's in Sp. Def, Def and HP would be the best way to go when it comes to breeding a Spiritomb with Hidden Power Fighting, when in fact you are making it completely impossible because of that Sp. Def IV. (Also, HP and Def cannot both have an IV of 31 because that would make the count 5)
To get the best Spiritomb with HP Fighting, you would need something like this:
x/x/x/x/30/30 + x/x/x/30/x/x -> x/x/x/30/30/30
Either parent must have an even IV in Sp. Def, Speed and Sp. Atk, so that the baby can have the best possible chance of getting a x/x/x/30/30/30 spread.
An example of a Hidden Power Fighting 70 Spiritomb is:
Notice how the Spd, Sp. Def, Sp. Atk and Def IV's are all odd when divided by two? The higher the IV with an odd divisible, the higher the Hidden Power Strength.
IF you want to see who with what to breed what here is a useful thread on Pokecommunity, I dont fell like putting it on here, it would make this way tooo long...
Hidden Power
I think we should all agree here and now that Jason B is to be the ECPL's Official Hidden Power breeder and for he to accept the duty of breeding hidden power Pokemon for ECPL members. Everyone gets one vote. Please vote in your reply to this topic.
Monday, October 27, 2008
PBR Stages
So since this came up the other night, I'll post it here too. It seems that there are at least two moves in pokemon that are affected by which stage you choose to battle on. Camouflage, a move that can be learned by Starmie and Mothim, changes the user's type based on the environment. Also, the more common move Secret Power has its effects vary as well. I had mistakenly assumed it remained fixed to "Building (Paralysis)" as it does in Wi-Fi.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Pokemon of the Day #4

Guts: Attack raises to 1.5 times when induced with a status (BURN, PARALYZE, POISON, SLEEP, FREEZE). BURN’s effect of lowering Attack is not applied.
No Guard: The accuracy of all moves known by all Pokémon on the field raises to 100%
Max Stats: Hp - 384 | Att - 394
Good Moves:
51 Dynamicpunch 100 50 5 100
Powerful and sure to cause confusion, but inaccurate.
*However with the No Guard ability, this move's accuracy jumps to %100. It is also %50 likely to go through a Protect/Detect
Pick Your Punch [Egg Moves]:
Fire Punch


A fiery punch that may burn the foe.


An electrified punch that may paralyze the foe.
Ice Punch


An icy punch that may freeze the foe.
Bullet Punch


Always strikes first
Friday, October 10, 2008
Haven't Posted Anything New For a While, but...
Probably like all of you, I make a point of checking pokemon.com a few times a week and the latest news item (http://www.pokemon.com/#news_/XML/news_308.xml) is about an event dragonite that will be distributed from TRU just before the release of the new Ranger game.
Hopefully, I'll see most of the people who'd be inclined to read this tomorrow, but apparently our next meeting time may have been chosen for us.
Hopefully, I'll see most of the people who'd be inclined to read this tomorrow, but apparently our next meeting time may have been chosen for us.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Live Action Pokemon Battle
Finally got the video from the guy who had it. Unfortunately my camera was broken so the quality is MUCH lower in both video and sound then it would have been if we used my camera. Still it was fun and is amusing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ6omNa27QY
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Weird PokeChat convos. We keep it topical!
[Jason B.] - hey mike
[Mike R.] - what's new?
[Jason B.] - not much, just workin
[Mike R.] - gotcha
[Mike R.] - listen i need some help
[Mike R.] - i made some bad trades
[Mike R.] - now i need 700 billion pokemon
[Mike R.] - anybody wanna bail me out?
[Jason B.] - what happened?
[Mike R.] - see above
[Jason B.] - well, okay...but i guess what i mean is i'm assuming 700 billion is a gross hyperbole
[Jason B.] - so which pokemon do you actually need
[Mike R.] - no
[Mike R.] - i actually need 700 billion pokemon
[Mike R.] - exactly
[Mike R.] - which is more pokemon than can technically exist
[Mike R.] - i made some really bad trades
[Jason B.] - like what?
[Mike R.] - well i loaned a bunch of pokes and pokedollars out to start a bunch of pokecenters
[Mike R.] - except they neglected to tell me that they don't make any money
[Mike R.] - so they've defaulted
[Mike R.] - and i'm screwed
[Mike R.] - i mean, do you KNOW how many pokecenters there are out there?
[Mike R.] - assholes
[Jason B.] - wow...okay, so this is a weird allusion to the current credit crisis
[Mike R.] - ha, yeah
[PureNell]: - man. I'm scared based on hearing this and I'm worried for my troupe of Wooper that I have boxed up.
I'm heading to my nearest Pokemon Center right after work and withdrawing all of them. I'll stock em in my private Pokecache instead
[Jason B.] - you don't want to create a run on pokemon
[Jason B.] - and puttin 'em under your mattress won't help either
[PureNell]: - but what I'm called to a battle and my Pokes aren't available when I need em
[Jason B.] - that's why they're seeking to raise the deposit amount so people don't need to put their pokemon in so many places and help keep them liquid
[Jason B.] - this joke has really gone too far.
[Mike R.] - yeah this joke has really gone too far.
[Mike R.] - yeah
[Mike R.] - what's new?
[Jason B.] - not much, just workin
[Mike R.] - gotcha
[Mike R.] - listen i need some help
[Mike R.] - i made some bad trades
[Mike R.] - now i need 700 billion pokemon
[Mike R.] - anybody wanna bail me out?
[Jason B.] - what happened?
[Mike R.] - see above
[Jason B.] - well, okay...but i guess what i mean is i'm assuming 700 billion is a gross hyperbole
[Jason B.] - so which pokemon do you actually need
[Mike R.] - no
[Mike R.] - i actually need 700 billion pokemon
[Mike R.] - exactly
[Mike R.] - which is more pokemon than can technically exist
[Mike R.] - i made some really bad trades
[Jason B.] - like what?
[Mike R.] - well i loaned a bunch of pokes and pokedollars out to start a bunch of pokecenters
[Mike R.] - except they neglected to tell me that they don't make any money
[Mike R.] - so they've defaulted
[Mike R.] - and i'm screwed
[Mike R.] - i mean, do you KNOW how many pokecenters there are out there?
[Mike R.] - assholes
[Jason B.] - wow...okay, so this is a weird allusion to the current credit crisis
[Mike R.] - ha, yeah
[PureNell]: - man. I'm scared based on hearing this and I'm worried for my troupe of Wooper that I have boxed up.
I'm heading to my nearest Pokemon Center right after work and withdrawing all of them. I'll stock em in my private Pokecache instead
[Jason B.] - you don't want to create a run on pokemon
[Jason B.] - and puttin 'em under your mattress won't help either
[PureNell]: - but what I'm called to a battle and my Pokes aren't available when I need em
[Jason B.] - that's why they're seeking to raise the deposit amount so people don't need to put their pokemon in so many places and help keep them liquid
[Jason B.] - this joke has really gone too far.
[Mike R.] - yeah this joke has really gone too far.
[Mike R.] - yeah
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