Monday, November 19, 2018

Happy Birthday

Just in case it doesn't make it here ...

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


real quick ... how did you all get US/UM legends? ... i haven't been picking up my event pokemon for the deliveryman

Friday, June 1, 2018

Happy Birthday to the Water, Fairy and Normal Gym Leaders

A pokemon Gym Leader named Brett was supposed to Assist in sending birthday messages to the Gym Leaders. I guess we never established anything to Bind him to that responsibility. The task was fairly simple, all he had to do was Copycat one of these messages. I should have know he wouldn't Play Nice even after the other GL's were giving him that Tearful Look. So, it looks like I am going to get through this with a Tri Attack.

Let me Dive straight into this. Whoever that has been doing the Rain Dance can stop. We are all Soaked here on the East Coast. Of course, this was another message that the ECPL town crier should have delivered. Alas, he choose to Withdraw. Never-the-less, we must move forward and trek through this Muddy Water.

With any luck this message will still Charm the Gym Leaders into forgetting how Brett decided to Play Rough. I've decided to develop this Crafty Shield to protect him from his dereliction of duties that have almost shined the Light of Ruin on ECPL Gym Leader birthday messages.

Looks like all that's left to say is Happy Birthday to the East Coast Pokemon League's Water Gym Leader, Fairy Gym Leader and Normal Gym Leader. Better late than never ... :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Happy Birthday to the Flying Gym Leader

I had a rough first four holes on a golf course today. I did have a nice Bounce back after those mistakes. I had to block out the Chatter from the peanut gallery of on-lookers. I thought, by the time I got home, and got something to eat, that I would see that someone from the ECPL would have said something to lift the spirits of their fellow gym leaders. Noooo, not me! I don't get bothered by that stuff. I'm full of Pluck. I wanted someone to say a nice word to the East Coast Pokémon League's very own Flying Gym Leader. I'm mean you have to say something nice to the old Brave Bird on his birthday. Come on people, take to the Sky. Drop a message in the comment section to wish the FGL a good one. Why? Only for the simple fact that he’s a jolly good fellow. For he’s a jolly good fellow. For he’s a jolly good fellow. Which nobody can deny. Cheers!

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Happy Birthday to the Dragon Gym Leader

I was doing a little research about musical artists and I found some news about an incident that was Devastating Drake. It was that the Dragon Gym Leader has been hiding his day of birth from the ECPL. Why would he do this? Who doesn't like to feel the Dragon Rush of a Happy Birthday message? Was he trying to avoid the Roar of Time? Hopefully he had fun playing his game of Twister and during his Dragon Dance party. At any rate, everyone say Happy Belated Birthday to the ECPL's very own Dragon Gym Leader. (1/20)