Sunday, January 6, 2008

More Additions

Two more invitations went out recently. I'd like to welcome Steve, who Aaron and I have already met, and (if my memory serves me correctly) Jesse, who I ran into at MAGfest.

I'll just paste this from previous posts:

We've been putting our Friend Codes in our profiles to facilitate wi-fi battles, so just click our names (the full member list is at the bottom of the page) to add people, and feel free to add your own to your profiles.

If you want to join a Gym, just let us know. It can be anything from just picking a Gym to show love for your favorite type, to training a full Gym team to become it's leader.

Finally, feel free to post any questions, comics, news, etc... That's what the Blog is here for.


  1. You went to MAGFest? How was it?

    Welcome aboard, Steve! Hope that you enjoy being a member!

  2. Since I had little clue of what that really was, I went to Wikipedia.

    Originally known as the Mid-Atlantic Gaming Festival, MAGFest (Music And Gaming Festival) is an annual convention held in Virginia that celebrates video games and the corresponding culture that they create.

    MAGFest's primary features are a large open video gaming room and video game concerts with game-inspired bands. Previous bands have included the Minibosses, Chromelodeon, and other related artists. Other major attractors include guest speakers, a large LAN Party environment, a video room, and contests for name-that-tune, costuming, and more.

    [edit] History
    The gaming room at MAGFest 5.
    The gaming room at MAGFest 5.

    * MAGFest 5
    o Date: January 4th - 7th, 2007
    o Location: Sheraton Premier, Vienna, VA, USA
    o Attendance: 950+
    o Security services were outsourced to the Dorsai Irregulars.

  3. Thanks much guys. Should be a blast. I'm about to head to work, but I'll post my friend code tonight. Nice to meet you all, and hopefully we can meet up soon.
