Monday, September 21, 2009

Breeding Relicanth

My god is it a pain.I can't breed it with a ditto because I need it to have head smash. It only has a 12.5% chance of yielding a female, so I have precisely a 0.5% chance of getting one with the nature I want. On the plus side, I'm keeping every female I get, so if anyone ever needs a female relicanth of a particular nature, there's a good chance I'll have it when I'm finished with this ordeal. Has anyone else ever had some weird breeding circumstance like this? There hasn't been a legit post on the blog in a while, so let's have some input!


Zero said...

That's rough. I've generally been able to smeargle breed my way out of most tough situations... can't think of any bad ones off hand.

The Arsonist said...

When I was trying to get Dragon Dance on my Tyranitar:

1)Had to get a female Charizard (Female: 12.5%) to breed with my Altaria, to get a Male Dragon Dancing Charmander.

2)While trying to maintain attack and speed

Wishing Umbreon was another challenge. Anthing with (Female: 12.5%) sucks to breed. But once you get one, for F sake, don't lose it.