Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Happy Birthday to the Rock Gym Leader

Over here on the East Coast it is still Tuesday, August 18, 2015 and it still the birthday of the ECPL's very own Rock Gym Leader. I do have a good excuse for the late notice on the Eastern hemisphere. It's not like I was watching the X-Men movie with the woman who has skin made of Diamond, Storm, and Wolverine. I'm running out of rock words to say in these messages and even though it feels like I walking towards a cliff or some sort of Stone Edge; I wont stop until all the Gym Leaders know that they have a home here. So RGL, this being your home, means that we are family. If anyone tells you different, in honor of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, I would like the entire ECPL to pick up a Rock, Polish that thing up real good, turn it side-ways, and stick it straight up their candy a$$.

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