Happy Holidays from everyone here at the ECPL. Be sure to have a safe and wonderful New Year!.
A nice place to swap ideas that isn't a message board filled with 12 year olds ....
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
East Coast Pokemon League Hoenn Tournament
East Coast Pokemon League is proud to announce the Hoenn Tournament.
The tournament will officially start on February 11th 2013. This gives trainers time to train at a casual pace, with MAG Fest and the festive period in mind.
The Hoenn tournament is open to everybody. Long standing members, and new visitors who have just come across to the site today.
How do I enter, and what are the rules?
Simply make sure you are signed up to our forums, and post within this link here to sign up and read the rules: http://ecpl.orgfree.com/smforum/index.php?topic=257.msg1570#msg1570
Have you travelled across the land, searching far and wide for a challenging place to test your skills? Within the ECPL, you will understand the power that's inside. You know it is your destiny.
Here you can prove you are the very best, that no one ever was.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Happy Birthday to DGL, The one and only Dark Gym Leader
The ECPL community wishes the Dark Gym Leader a fantastic birthday. This is no "Illusion" and there is nothing "Shiftry" about this message as this really is DGL's birthday. Dont get too "Beat Up" if you did not get a present you wanted, you could always "Switcheroo" the gift with something better at the mall. You may want to make sure whoever gave you the gift does not know "Hone Claws"
Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Happy Halloween !!!
The crew from the ECPL wishes everyone a safe and Happy Halloween. While trick-or-treating, be sure to stay with a group, look both ways before crossing the street, and have an adult inspect your candy before consumption. Most importantly, do not black out or lose consciousness during your adventure. In there real world, there are far worse places to awaken than a Pokemon Center.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
More Dark Gym Art
On March 17, 2012, I posted this: http://eastcoastpokemonleague.blogspot.com/2012/03/dark-gym-art-2-down-22-to-go.html hinted at this project and now I have come back for more.
This mascot of my Dark Gym is all about speed. She's quick to Assist her fellow teammates and Beat Up any challengers who are up to no good. Once you feel the breeze of her Icy Wind be prepared to have your plans for the Night Slashed. I just hope the challengers of the ECPL's Dark Gym have a strong jaw, because in one Quick Attack, this wild cat will land a pretty nIce Punch on your face.
This mascot of my Dark Gym is all about speed. She's quick to Assist her fellow teammates and Beat Up any challengers who are up to no good. Once you feel the breeze of her Icy Wind be prepared to have your plans for the Night Slashed. I just hope the challengers of the ECPL's Dark Gym have a strong jaw, because in one Quick Attack, this wild cat will land a pretty nIce Punch on your face.
It's Weavile !!!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Pokémon Distribution: Keldeo
It has been announced via the Pokemon official website that a "newly discovered Mythical Pokémon" will be distributed later this month.
Who's that Pokemon???
The pocket monster will be distributed at participating GameStop locations from August 27 through October 6 - all you'll need is a copy of Pokémon Black and/or White. In this case we don't mind handing out spoilers ...
It's Keldeo
- pokemon guitar riff -
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Download Porygon via Dream World
Porygon (ポリゴン - Porygon) is the 137th Pokémon in the Pokédex. It is a Normal Type, and it is known as the Virtual Pokémon.
Porygon can have one of two abilities: Trace, which copies the special Ability of its opponent, making that ability its own until Porygon is switched from battle, but in a Double or Triple Battle its ability will become an ability of the opposing Pokémon, chosen at random; or Download, which will increase either its Attack or Special Attack Statistic depending on the lower of the two defensive stats of its opponent.
Porygon that come from the Dream World will have the ability Analytic, which increases its Attack power by 30% should it be the last Pokémon to attack on a particular turn.
Just visit the PGL Promotions page (the link is at the top once you've logged) and enter the following password: IGNPORYGON
So what's the occasion, you ask? Other than the simple fact that Porygon is awesome, we're also holding this special distribution to commemorate the relaunch of the Pokémon Global Link website. The new site includes a brand new area to visit in the Dream World called Icy Cave, where players can catch Ice-Type Pokémon like Sneasel, Spheal and Swinub then transfer them into their game.The new Dream World will also give players more control over which Island of Dreams area they visit, based on which monster they have tucked in at the time (an idea straight from the mind of DGL).
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Conquest Pokemon Codes
HELLO! ALL!! DrGL here with some code updates ..... I will be posting ALL of my codes ... AFTER i get to the point in the game I can enter them. I know sneaky sneaky .... I'm just making sure I have the ability to get first round pick. All I wanted was Axew anyways ( Duh Right?) I gave my brother some codes as well ...... You all will met him very very soon ;-) For right now ..... Im going to post the start of the list and edit it every so often. By the end of this week there should be the whole list. IF YOU WOULD LIKE A CODE THAT IS NOT POSTED.... MESSAGE ME AND ILL GIVE YOU THE CODE Because all I wanted was Axew anyways .... gotta stay true to the Dragons!
- Pansear: niE33w9rwM
- Panpour: CNZF3wpq3x
- Lapras: GfV33RVN3F
- Scyther: 8GV3LMGrnM
- Darmanitan: pK5RgzqLG8
- Sneasel: CMqkZRRSRX
- Pikachu: FZP8GqRZRR
- Larvitar: Rc338MpqLx
- Axew: Lpu3ggCYk8 BqWxXEK3xg- My code for Axew
- Emolga: Jnm3kqgN8X
- Riolu: Shw8mxRAJR
- Beldum: BqWxXEK3xg
- Oshawott: frCLRpXG88
- Gible: LTb3n3RYJ8
- Cinccino: vVALFrGTXX
- Swarm of Eevee: 2rz3XFCKmR
- Dratini
- - Sr5Z5GqAgR (In-game)
- Gyarados mq2xRVNgRL (IGN)
Happy battling and may your name become legendary!
Dragon Gym Leader
Friday, June 1, 2012
Happy Birthday NGL!!!
Today NGL turns another year older. If you don't know him, let him know that you are only saying happy birthday because you saw it on facebook (he'll love that part). I do know him, so I will be buying him a lap dance. Have some cake -
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Be a Pokémon Warlord
Pokemon Conquest! Pre-order Exclusives @ GameStop!!!!
Bonus Item
- 5 bonus Pokemon
Pre-order Pokémon Conquest by Sunday, June 17, and pick it up by Tuesday, June 26, to get five in-game characters!
- Lapras
- Emolga
- Riolu
- Scyther
- Pikachu
Store / In-Store Pickup Customers: Code will be printed on your receipt at time of pickup. PowerUp Rewards Card must be scanned at checkout.
Head over to the PowerUp Rewards catalog on Monday, June 18, to redeem PowerUp Rewards points for five more in-game characters.
That's a total of ten Pokémon™ right from the start of
your conquest.
They Are,
Darmanitan, Sneasel, Larvitar, Axew, Beldum.!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 Animated Short
Animated Short to Promote Pokémon Black 2 and Pokémon White 2 starring the new Male protagonist of B/W 2 as well as the new Rival and then N, Cheren and Bianca from B/W!
Watch this NOW!
Watch this NOW!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Dark Gym Art, The Last One ... Maybe
I've been through a Whirlwind of events since first training Dark types in Ruby/Emerald. In Pursuit of completing my Dark Pokemon bead art challenge, I found my way to Return to one of the first dark Pokemon that I trained for combat. On a Sunny Day, it has the potential to be one of the fastest Pokemon to Fling opponents into a corner and have them balled up in a Defense Curl. If you and your team choose to battle this Pokemon, I'd suggest a Double Team effort, because in a Flash you will feel the Strength of his Explosion. It's ...
Get the Legendary Pokémon Darkrai!
Take advantage of this rare opportunity to get the Mythical Pokémon Darkrai in a special distribution event through Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection! When you get this incredible Pokémon, it will be Level 50, and it will already have its signature Dark Void attack, which puts its target (or targets in Double Battles) to sleep. Dark Void is so powerful, it's one of only a few moves not allowed in competitive play! Darkrai also arrives holding a valuable Enigma Berry, which restores 1/4 of the holder's HP when that Pokémon is hit by a supereffective move.
Darkrai will be available from May 9 until June 10, 2012, via this special distribution. Don't miss this chance to claim one of the most powerful and hard-to-get Pokémon!
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 23 Down 1 To Go
Well I made it all the way to the end of my little project. There are a few they may be remade, but never-the-less every last dark Pokemon has found a home. In this post, I will display two of the last three. First up, Liepard. I have yet to add this Pokemon to my dark roster, but it's dream world ability may give this cat some Charm. Until that version is released, Liepard will be placed on the back burner, waiting to Assist.
The next dark type to the center stage has been allowed a spot just as long as it promises not to stink up the place. No one told this Pokemon to lay off the beans as it's Poison Gas is much more than a lingering Memento. When this Pokemon is around, there isn't a need to ask who Cut the cheese, as the Flame Bursting out of his backside is proof enough. It's Skuntank.
One more to go! Where you keeping track? Do you know who it is?
To be concluded ....
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 21 Down 3 To Go
Every dog has his day and today this dog is eager to Take Down all challengers. When Mightyena is on the trail of a would-be Thief, it's always ready to Bite and sink teeth into anyone this Odor Sleuth can sniff out. If the Snarl from this Pokemon's jaws doesn't deter you from trying to Snatch an item, then let Me First warn you. It will Howl for Payback.
more to come ... but not too many
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 20 Down 4 To Go
This Brave Bird is the cock of the walk. Wherever it decides to Roost it has the Assurance that it will Quash all conflicts. This Aerial Ace has the Moxie to Retaliate against any foe. Taunt him if you dare, to be blunt, he just doesn't give a Pluck. I'm talking about the Don(karasu) of course, A.K.A. the head Honchkrow.
more to come ...
Friday, April 27, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 19 Down 5 To Go
I took my second crack at training Drapion in bead form. It came out a little more Toxic than I had hoped. My aim was to Dig through my large bucket of beads to find the right match-up that would Cross Poison with Dark and come up with a combination that would keep fans of this Pokemon from getting up in a Roar. I hope you all will Return for the next installment.
more to come ....
Dark Gym Art , 18 Down 6 To Go
This one was having a problem keeping his pants up. I didn't want it to go through any Frustration trying to pull off a Hi Jump Kick and end up with his Head Smashed. Hopeful now that I have fused Scrafty's sprites with an iron, I can Rest easy. I'll be back with more. I've had too much juice to drink, so it's off to the men's room to Drain Punch.
more to come ...
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 17 Down 7 To Go
If you want a crustacean pokemon, don't fall for some cheap Knock Off, go for the true king of Crunch with a Crabhammer to back it up. If you ever find yourself trapped in his Vicegrip make sure you Protect your neck, because you'll be one step away from a date with a Guillotine. If you play your hand wrong, you will just another victim of his Superpower. Clearing this stick from your craw can be quite daunting! IT'S CRAWDUANT!!!
more to come ...
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 16 Down 8 To Go
This Prankster is quick to pull off a Trick or two which will leave opponents who fall for his Toxic Taunt, with a Mean Look on their faces. His ghostly charms are sure to Astonish even the most advance Pokemon trainers. They will be quick to learn that no one on the corner has Swagger like Sableye.
more to come ...
Friday, April 20, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 15 Down 9 To Go [Part 2]
I didn't exactly stop making bead sprites, but i did decide to dump my latest creation. Either it didn't have the right Individual Value, I didn't put in enough Effort Value, or I didn't show the correct Ability to design this sprite. It just wasn't in my Nature to keep this Knock Off bead sprite. Here's some images from the video of my battle with Drapion.
Up close the colors didn't look right.
When it seemed that I could not get this pokemon to work ...
I was left with no choice but to set it free!
more to come ...
Up close the colors didn't look right.
When it seemed that I could not get this pokemon to work ...
I was left with no choice but to set it free!
more to come ...
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Kanto Tournament. DON'T MISS OUT!

Do you have what it takes to call yourself the best Gen 1 Trainer? Now is your time to sign up for the Kanto Tournament and prove yourself worthy! Spots are filling up fast!
Rules and Regulations can be found here : http://ecpl.orgfree.com/smforum/index.php?topic=231.0
Hope to see everyone there!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
ECPL trainercard updates
BTW, The ECPL trainercard creator has been updated with all the names and sprites from Pokemon Black and Pokemon White games. If you ever wanted to be a B-ballin' shot caller, now is your chance. Better late than never. The HG/SS sprites are there too but you can not select them because the names are not in the list.
Dark Gym Art , 15 Down 9 To Go
Boo. Did I scare you, or was it my new Pokemon sprite? Where you spooked by the Ominous Wind in the air? Well I wouldn't want you all to hold a Grudge for keeping you in suspense for two sentences. So, I'll leave you with this Memento.
It's Spiritomb!!!
more to come ...
It's Spiritomb!!!
more to come ...
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 14 Down 10 To Go
I had a slight problem this morning when trying to fuse together this guy's Iron Head. The way it currently is, it looks more like it went through a Guillotine. Despite the Sucker Punch thrown my way, this young Pokemon will be the next to go up on the wall. Give a warm welcome to Bisharp AKA "Shredder".
more to come ...
more to come ...
Monday, April 9, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 13 Down 11 To Go
This would have been "14 Down 10 To Go" but I had an awful Spiritomb that ultimately did not make the cut. But rather chose to cut the paint off my wall when he was escorted from the premise. So instead, I will unveil the Pokemon that I have but never used in a non-EV, non-E4-leveling up battle ...... Mandibuzz. He's such a Bravebird for weathering through this Whirlwind of events. (Fake Tears)
more to come ...
more to come ...
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 12 Down 12 To Go
I've made it to the half way mark after putting the final touches on Krookodile.
The newest addition the the wall is the dark master of illusion, Zoroark. For this Pokemon, when trainers fail to quickly spot, are sure to fall for it's Nasty Plot.
more to come ...
The newest addition the the wall is the dark master of illusion, Zoroark. For this Pokemon, when trainers fail to quickly spot, are sure to fall for it's Nasty Plot.
more to come ...
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 11 Down 13 To Go
Here to Intimidate all opposing bead sprite teams, Krookodile is here to Crunch all competition. I still need to go back and see what his stomach will look like when it is all light-grey. Can you Dig it?
more to come ...
more to come ...
Monday, April 2, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 10 Down 14 To Go
On this run we have Tyranitar, Cacturne, and Sharpedo.
Tyranitar: I may have to revisit this Pokemon after I find a new image. It looks more goofy, when the actually Pokemon is more menacing.
Cacturne: This picture shows one black bead out of place and now I can't remember if I had changed that before ironing it. I had to change out 3 colors to get my final layout of this guy.
Sharpedo: I did not like the Black/White box sprite of this guy at all. I chose to use the Ranger 2 sprite. It is considerably larger than the rest of the box sprite Pokemon. Sadly some of the beads got a little too warm and melted close. Overall, it didn't come out too bad. I just may choose the Ranger 2 sprite for Drapion because that has another "What is that supposed to be?" Black/White box sprite.
more to come ...
Tyranitar: I may have to revisit this Pokemon after I find a new image. It looks more goofy, when the actually Pokemon is more menacing.
Cacturne: This picture shows one black bead out of place and now I can't remember if I had changed that before ironing it. I had to change out 3 colors to get my final layout of this guy.
Sharpedo: I did not like the Black/White box sprite of this guy at all. I chose to use the Ranger 2 sprite. It is considerably larger than the rest of the box sprite Pokemon. Sadly some of the beads got a little too warm and melted close. Overall, it didn't come out too bad. I just may choose the Ranger 2 sprite for Drapion because that has another "What is that supposed to be?" Black/White box sprite.
more to come ...
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 7 Down 17 To Go
I forgot to do the Play-by-Play after ironing and mounting Darkrai. So here is a 3 in 1 post. Recently up on wall we have Houndoom AKA Hotdog, Hydreigon AKA Dread, and Murkrow AKA "I forgot to name him".
more to come ...
more to come ...
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 4 Down 20 To Go
Well, I got the largest one out of the way. With just shy of 2000 beads, it took me from Monday night to Wednesday night. Although, Tuesday I was a little preoccupied. Just assume by Thursday morning that it will be ironed.
more to come ...
more to come ...
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Dark Gym Art , 3 Down 21 To Go
Absol. The dream world version still eludes me, but my Super Luck version still packs a punch.
more to come ....
more to come ....
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Dark Gym Art ,2 Down 22 To Go
Dark Gym Mascot .... I may have to revisit this Pokemon with a battle sprite homage.
more to come ....
more to come ....
Friday, March 16, 2012
Dark Gym Art ,1 Down 23 To Go
Last night I got a jump start on my Dark Gym Wall of fame. Umbreon was the first Pokemon, no first bead sprite that I have ever made. I do know that I could have deleted the beginning of that last statement instead of negating it, but then that would be the DGL we all know and love. Enjoy some pics, more to come.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Enjoy Your Spring Break
In the United States, spring break at university level can occur from February to April, depending on term dates and certain holidays. Many K–12 institutions in the United States schedule their spring breaks around Easter and Passover.
Canada gives a week-long break to its elementary school and secondary school students in the month of March. United Kingdom schools schedule two-week holidays known as the "Easter break" or "Easter holidays", as they occur in the weeks following and preceding Easter.
In Japan, the spring break starts with the end of the academic year in March and ends on April 1 with the beginning of a new.
So with all that time off, don't forget to take your DS with you. Play Pokemon!
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