I'v mention this a few times in the past week or two, but I believe our group should have a mascot. Something to put on our cards or the blog itself. Also if I do get my web page started, I'd make a section for ECPL. How fun would it be with no images at all? Not much. I don't know, its not necessary, its just an idea I had, if not just for the fun of it.
But before I got anyone to actually do anything, I figured it would be best to get everyones opinions on exactly what it should be. Obviously a pokemon(or could it be a trainer?) but which pokemon? The best ideas I'v heard of were a Blue Kingler or a Eastern Gastrodon, any other ideas?
But there's more then that! We need to flesh out this mascot. What kind of personality would it have? Going off of the actual graph.. would it be.. Tough, Cute, Cool, Smart, or Beautiful? It would obviously need a hold item(or otherwise equiped item). It doesn't have to be the item that would be BEST for it, but just a little something extra to give it a little personality.
Shoot, for all I care our mascot could be a rainbow colored Tauros wearing a top hat and scarf, holding a cane and pocketwatch... but that seems more like something you'll see when tripping on acid.
A nice place to swap ideas that isn't a message board filled with 12 year olds ....
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Garchomp Debate
We've mentioned this in our online chats and when we get together, but I saw a post on a forum (psypokes.com) that makes a pretty compelling case as to why people and sites like Smogon debate his status as an Uber versus an Overused (OU) pokemon:
*sorry in advance for this post's length*
Lets being with some background on Garchomp; a Ground/Dragon pokemon whose ability is Sand Veil, which causes an automatic +20% Evasion in Sandstorm. These are his base stats (Garchomp is a 600 Base Stat Total pokemon)
Special Attack:80
Special Defense: 85
Garchomp's most notable moves are Swords Dance, Substitute, Earthquake, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Fire Fang, Crunch, and Stone Edge. All of the sets on Smogon's analysis index use a combination of 4 of the above moves.
**Why is Garchomp too broken for OU?**
Before I go any further please note that a pokemon's viability in OU has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with how good a pokemon plays in the Uber metagame. A pokemon can completely suck and be outclassed in Ubers (See regular Deoxys) and this does not matter at all. As long as a pokemon is deemed broken in the OU metagame, it'll be banned to Ubers.
A "counter" is a pokemon that takes little risk when switching into an enemy pokemon and provides an immediate threat.
There are three primary reasons why I believe Garchomp is too broken for the OU metagame and should be moved to Ubers.
1.) Garchomp's excellent movepool and STAB options allow it to beat every single one of its "counters"
2.) Garchomp's excellent defenses and only two weaknesses require Ice/Dragon move users to have a lot of stat points in order to OHKO him.
3.) Sand Veil gives Garchomp +20% evasion under Sandstorm, allowing him to beat otherwise guaranteed counters/revenge killers.
Let me explain each of these points in greater detail.
The fact that no one pokemon can safely switch into Garchomp is an understatement. Let me present to you damage calculations on how much damage an Adamant Choice Band Garchomp with 252 Attack EV's does to its so called "counters." The most common of which are pokemon with a high Defense stat that are not weak to any of it STAB moves (a counter that's weak to any of Garchomp's STAB isn't going to be a counter much longer). The most common of these pokemon are: Cresselia, Bronzong, Skarmory, Gyarados (Intimidate factored), Gliscor, Weezing, Hippowdon, Donphan, Suicune, Slowbro. The EV spreads I used were either the ones meant to counter Garchomp or the one listed first in the analysis index on Smogon's website.
Using MetalKid's online calculator:
Crunch to 20Hp/252Def Modest Cresselia 53-62%
Fire Fang to 252Hp/4Def Relaxed Bronzong 56-66%
Fire Blast to 252Hp/0SpDef Impish Skarmory 64-75%
Stone Edge to 212Hp/180Def Adamant Gyarados 62-73%
Dragon Claw to 252Hp/252Def Impish Gliscor 38-45%
Outrage to 252Hp/252Def Impish Gliscor 54-64%
Dragon Claw to 252Hp/252Def Impish Weezing 42-49%
Outrage to 252Hp/252Def Impish Weezing 62-73%
Earthquake to 252Hp/252Def Impish Hippowdon 42-49%
Outrage to 252Hp/252Def Impish Hippowdon 50-59%
Earthquake to 252Hp/252Def Impish Donphan 45-53%
Outrage to 252Hp/252Def Impish Donphan 54-63%
Earthquake to 252Hp/252Def Bold Suicune 44-52%
Outrage to 252Hp/252Def Bold Suicune 53-63%
Crunch to 252Hp/252Def Bold Slowbro 56-65%
Every single pokemon on this list gets 2hko'd by CB Chomp except for Hippowdon (Hippowdon loses to SD Chomp). The ones that are only 2hko'd by Outrage (which is important cause this means Garchomp can't switch out until it ends) are Gliscor, Weezing, Hippowdon, Donphan, Suicune. None of these pokemon are capable of OHKOing Garchomp with these spreads. This means that all the pokemon without a reliable recovery moves WILL lose because they will get 3hko'd while the try to 2hko Garchomp. That means Suicune is out. Gliscor only wins with Roost (depleting Dragon Claw's pp), Donphan has Ice Shard (and NEEDS CB) to 2hko Garchomp before it gets 3hko'd, Weezing can Will o Wisp Garchomp (pray to good that it lands).
And remember this, if you attempt to revenge kill Garchomp by sacrificing one of the above pokes to Outrage, you also pray that garchomp doesn't get confused after only two turns (which means he can switch out again.)
I hope I've illustrated just how dangerous CBchomp is. The only "counter", Hippowdon, loses to the even more popular form of Garchomp because Swords Danced Earthquake will 2hko Hippowdon before you 2hko with Ice Fang.
CBChomp isn't the only version of Garchomp one must counter, however. Keep in mind that it can SD, SubSD that abuses Sand Veil, Scarf, and Chain Chomp. I'm not gonna post any specifics about the above sets (look on the analysis index to get more details) because I'm not as familiar with them as I am with the CB version. But, these sets provide other options for Garchomp to deal with the OU metgame. Garchomp is no one trick pony.
Now for all the people who like to revenge kill out there (Completely ignoring that Garchomp has the ability to be Choice Scarfed). First you must beat 333 speed if you are sure Garchomp isn't wearing a Choice Scarf. Second, take into account Garchomp's solid defenses. If your not relying on Ice or Dragon moves to OHKO Garchomp, then good luck because you're going to need it! These are the minimum stats one needs to OHKO Garchomp with the following moves, unSTAB'd: Ice pebble, Ice Fang, Ice Punch, Hidden Power Ice, Ice Beam, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse (I consider these to be the most common moves for dealing with Garchomp). Additionally, this is assuming Garchomp has absolutely no defensive EV's.
693 Attack Stat to OHKO with Ice Pebble
426 Attack Stat to OHKO with Ice Fang
370 Attack Stat to OHKO with Ice Punch
361 Special Attack Stat to OHKO with Hidden Power Ice
266 Special Attack Stat to OHKO with Ice Beam
693 Attack Stat to OHKO with Dragon Claw
567 Special Attack Stat to OHKO with Dragon Pulse
If you want to add in STAB or a Choice Item, divide these numbers by 1.5 or 1.3 for Life Orb. What these numbers suggest is that unless your an Ice type pokemon or going to lock yourself into an Ice move, be prepared to use A LOT of EV's to get your attack stats to these numbers. 2hkoing Garchomp is a little trickier because A.) you have to sometimes account for leftovers, (but just divide these numbers by two) B.) if your faster than Garchomp, must be able to survive an Earthquake or Outrage C.) if your slower than Garchomp, must be able to survive three of the above moves (good luck!)
So if you want to revenge kill Garchomp, be prepared to have amazing attack and speed stats or force yourself to lock into an Ice move (the Choice items can supplement your stat needs). And even once you've met all these requirements...
Sand Veil grants Garchomp +20% Evasion for free in a Sandstorm. This means that (assuming Sandstorm to be the near-ubiquitous enviroment that it is) at least 1 out 5 times, Garchomp will get a FREE turn because your move will miss. This is also assuming your moves are 100% accurate to begin with! For all those players who attempt to incapacitate Garchomp with WoW, Hypnosis, Sleep/Stun Spore, good luck because your going to need it for those moves to land. Here's a list of how accurate moves are on Garchomp under Sandstorm:
100% accurate moves turn to 80% (Almost all the Ice moves)
95% accurate moves turn to 76% (Ice fang)
90% accurate moves turn to 72% (Draco Meteor, Toxic)
80% accurate moves turn to 64% (Hydro Pump, Fire Blast, etc)
75% accurate moves turn to 60% (Sleep/Stun Spore, WoW)
70% accurate moves turn to 56% (Hypnosis)
So even if you've taken all the necessary precautions, the most dangerous pokemon in the game has at least a 1 in 5 chance to get a completely free turn. Better hope Garchomp isn't abusing Substitute or BrightPowder, that would get insanely frustrating.
There you have it. I've outlined all my reasons for Garchomp being too broken for OU. Now for some counterarguments that I heard in the previous thread.
What about all the countless other pokemon that need more than one "counter"?
Please explain why said pokemon is as dangerous as Garchomp. Most of these double counter pokemon are either really frail or have STAB options much inferior to Garchomp. Remember that Garchomp only has two weaknesses and solid defenses. In addition, Garchomp is immune Thunder Wave and can double his attack at a moment's notice. Please point out all the reasons that another pokemon is even more broken than Garchomp.
But Garchomp is too bad for Ubers and no one will use him there!
Read the big bold thing at the start of this thread (both of them)
Salamence, Tyranitar, Dragonite, etc, are really bulky pokemon that are hard to kill and sweep good, why not ban them?
Like I said, please bring up ways in which said pokemon are superior to Garchomp. Let me give you some examples and how they are worse:
-Salamence, Dragonite, Gyarados have a Stealth Rock weakness. This is HUGE. This means that every time that said pokemon switches in, you are 1/4 of a step closer to completely eliminating them (they have to sacrifice coverage to use Roost, dont bring it up). Garchomp actually resists Stealth Rock.
-The 4 main Dragon Dancers need that boost just to outspeed many of their counters (In other words, most bulky pokemon are really slow). Garchomp's speed is already fantastic as its 2 points above all the countless Base 100 speed pokemon.
-Swords Dance is practically the perfect move to aid a fast pokemon with amazing type coverage. All the other threats wish they were as fast and could double their attack stat at a moments notice.
-Garchomp's STAB options absolutely HURT at 150bp and 180bp and are only resisted by two pokemon, Skarmory and Bronzong. This is why most Garchomp's pack fire moves for unparalled type coverage.
-Tyranitar (IMO the only other debateable poke) has five x2 weaknesses and one x4 weak and is really slow. Garchomp has one x2 weak and one x4.
Blissey [insert any pokemon] are more overcentralizing than Garchomp, why arent we banning them?
Blissey isn't broken, and neither are those other pokemon. If you want to debate this, start a thread and list all the reasons why [insert any pokemon] here is broken.
I love Garchomp!
As do I, its the best pokemon in OU. This doesn't mean he isn't broken though, we have to get rid of our biases in order to create the most balanced OU metagame.
I hoped I addressed every issue as to why I think Garchomp is not only the deadliest pokemon in OU, but too broken as well. Just so this thread doesn't die, I would like it if all people in support of my view, or holding a tournament, or whatever would sign this thread with their opinion.
And if you want to argue against me, then go right ahead
I'm looking forward to the rebuttals.
*sorry in advance for this post's length*
Xcfrisco from Smogon Forums wrote:
Let me start by warning everyone that this thread is gonna be very tl;dr. So if you're not interested in READING EVERY SINGLE THING I SAY please don't even bother posting and stop right now and move to a different thread.Lets being with some background on Garchomp; a Ground/Dragon pokemon whose ability is Sand Veil, which causes an automatic +20% Evasion in Sandstorm. These are his base stats (Garchomp is a 600 Base Stat Total pokemon)
Special Attack:80
Special Defense: 85
Garchomp's most notable moves are Swords Dance, Substitute, Earthquake, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Fire Fang, Crunch, and Stone Edge. All of the sets on Smogon's analysis index use a combination of 4 of the above moves.
**Why is Garchomp too broken for OU?**
Before I go any further please note that a pokemon's viability in OU has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with how good a pokemon plays in the Uber metagame. A pokemon can completely suck and be outclassed in Ubers (See regular Deoxys) and this does not matter at all. As long as a pokemon is deemed broken in the OU metagame, it'll be banned to Ubers.
A "counter" is a pokemon that takes little risk when switching into an enemy pokemon and provides an immediate threat.
There are three primary reasons why I believe Garchomp is too broken for the OU metagame and should be moved to Ubers.
1.) Garchomp's excellent movepool and STAB options allow it to beat every single one of its "counters"
2.) Garchomp's excellent defenses and only two weaknesses require Ice/Dragon move users to have a lot of stat points in order to OHKO him.
3.) Sand Veil gives Garchomp +20% evasion under Sandstorm, allowing him to beat otherwise guaranteed counters/revenge killers.
Let me explain each of these points in greater detail.
The fact that no one pokemon can safely switch into Garchomp is an understatement. Let me present to you damage calculations on how much damage an Adamant Choice Band Garchomp with 252 Attack EV's does to its so called "counters." The most common of which are pokemon with a high Defense stat that are not weak to any of it STAB moves (a counter that's weak to any of Garchomp's STAB isn't going to be a counter much longer). The most common of these pokemon are: Cresselia, Bronzong, Skarmory, Gyarados (Intimidate factored), Gliscor, Weezing, Hippowdon, Donphan, Suicune, Slowbro. The EV spreads I used were either the ones meant to counter Garchomp or the one listed first in the analysis index on Smogon's website.
Using MetalKid's online calculator:
Crunch to 20Hp/252Def Modest Cresselia 53-62%
Fire Fang to 252Hp/4Def Relaxed Bronzong 56-66%
Fire Blast to 252Hp/0SpDef Impish Skarmory 64-75%
Stone Edge to 212Hp/180Def Adamant Gyarados 62-73%
Dragon Claw to 252Hp/252Def Impish Gliscor 38-45%
Outrage to 252Hp/252Def Impish Gliscor 54-64%
Dragon Claw to 252Hp/252Def Impish Weezing 42-49%
Outrage to 252Hp/252Def Impish Weezing 62-73%
Earthquake to 252Hp/252Def Impish Hippowdon 42-49%
Outrage to 252Hp/252Def Impish Hippowdon 50-59%
Earthquake to 252Hp/252Def Impish Donphan 45-53%
Outrage to 252Hp/252Def Impish Donphan 54-63%
Earthquake to 252Hp/252Def Bold Suicune 44-52%
Outrage to 252Hp/252Def Bold Suicune 53-63%
Crunch to 252Hp/252Def Bold Slowbro 56-65%
Every single pokemon on this list gets 2hko'd by CB Chomp except for Hippowdon (Hippowdon loses to SD Chomp). The ones that are only 2hko'd by Outrage (which is important cause this means Garchomp can't switch out until it ends) are Gliscor, Weezing, Hippowdon, Donphan, Suicune. None of these pokemon are capable of OHKOing Garchomp with these spreads. This means that all the pokemon without a reliable recovery moves WILL lose because they will get 3hko'd while the try to 2hko Garchomp. That means Suicune is out. Gliscor only wins with Roost (depleting Dragon Claw's pp), Donphan has Ice Shard (and NEEDS CB) to 2hko Garchomp before it gets 3hko'd, Weezing can Will o Wisp Garchomp (pray to good that it lands).
And remember this, if you attempt to revenge kill Garchomp by sacrificing one of the above pokes to Outrage, you also pray that garchomp doesn't get confused after only two turns (which means he can switch out again.)
I hope I've illustrated just how dangerous CBchomp is. The only "counter", Hippowdon, loses to the even more popular form of Garchomp because Swords Danced Earthquake will 2hko Hippowdon before you 2hko with Ice Fang.
CBChomp isn't the only version of Garchomp one must counter, however. Keep in mind that it can SD, SubSD that abuses Sand Veil, Scarf, and Chain Chomp. I'm not gonna post any specifics about the above sets (look on the analysis index to get more details) because I'm not as familiar with them as I am with the CB version. But, these sets provide other options for Garchomp to deal with the OU metgame. Garchomp is no one trick pony.
Now for all the people who like to revenge kill out there (Completely ignoring that Garchomp has the ability to be Choice Scarfed). First you must beat 333 speed if you are sure Garchomp isn't wearing a Choice Scarf. Second, take into account Garchomp's solid defenses. If your not relying on Ice or Dragon moves to OHKO Garchomp, then good luck because you're going to need it! These are the minimum stats one needs to OHKO Garchomp with the following moves, unSTAB'd: Ice pebble, Ice Fang, Ice Punch, Hidden Power Ice, Ice Beam, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse (I consider these to be the most common moves for dealing with Garchomp). Additionally, this is assuming Garchomp has absolutely no defensive EV's.
693 Attack Stat to OHKO with Ice Pebble
426 Attack Stat to OHKO with Ice Fang
370 Attack Stat to OHKO with Ice Punch
361 Special Attack Stat to OHKO with Hidden Power Ice
266 Special Attack Stat to OHKO with Ice Beam
693 Attack Stat to OHKO with Dragon Claw
567 Special Attack Stat to OHKO with Dragon Pulse
If you want to add in STAB or a Choice Item, divide these numbers by 1.5 or 1.3 for Life Orb. What these numbers suggest is that unless your an Ice type pokemon or going to lock yourself into an Ice move, be prepared to use A LOT of EV's to get your attack stats to these numbers. 2hkoing Garchomp is a little trickier because A.) you have to sometimes account for leftovers, (but just divide these numbers by two) B.) if your faster than Garchomp, must be able to survive an Earthquake or Outrage C.) if your slower than Garchomp, must be able to survive three of the above moves (good luck!)
So if you want to revenge kill Garchomp, be prepared to have amazing attack and speed stats or force yourself to lock into an Ice move (the Choice items can supplement your stat needs). And even once you've met all these requirements...
Sand Veil grants Garchomp +20% Evasion for free in a Sandstorm. This means that (assuming Sandstorm to be the near-ubiquitous enviroment that it is) at least 1 out 5 times, Garchomp will get a FREE turn because your move will miss. This is also assuming your moves are 100% accurate to begin with! For all those players who attempt to incapacitate Garchomp with WoW, Hypnosis, Sleep/Stun Spore, good luck because your going to need it for those moves to land. Here's a list of how accurate moves are on Garchomp under Sandstorm:
100% accurate moves turn to 80% (Almost all the Ice moves)
95% accurate moves turn to 76% (Ice fang)
90% accurate moves turn to 72% (Draco Meteor, Toxic)
80% accurate moves turn to 64% (Hydro Pump, Fire Blast, etc)
75% accurate moves turn to 60% (Sleep/Stun Spore, WoW)
70% accurate moves turn to 56% (Hypnosis)
So even if you've taken all the necessary precautions, the most dangerous pokemon in the game has at least a 1 in 5 chance to get a completely free turn. Better hope Garchomp isn't abusing Substitute or BrightPowder, that would get insanely frustrating.
There you have it. I've outlined all my reasons for Garchomp being too broken for OU. Now for some counterarguments that I heard in the previous thread.
What about all the countless other pokemon that need more than one "counter"?
Please explain why said pokemon is as dangerous as Garchomp. Most of these double counter pokemon are either really frail or have STAB options much inferior to Garchomp. Remember that Garchomp only has two weaknesses and solid defenses. In addition, Garchomp is immune Thunder Wave and can double his attack at a moment's notice. Please point out all the reasons that another pokemon is even more broken than Garchomp.
But Garchomp is too bad for Ubers and no one will use him there!
Read the big bold thing at the start of this thread (both of them)
Salamence, Tyranitar, Dragonite, etc, are really bulky pokemon that are hard to kill and sweep good, why not ban them?
Like I said, please bring up ways in which said pokemon are superior to Garchomp. Let me give you some examples and how they are worse:
-Salamence, Dragonite, Gyarados have a Stealth Rock weakness. This is HUGE. This means that every time that said pokemon switches in, you are 1/4 of a step closer to completely eliminating them (they have to sacrifice coverage to use Roost, dont bring it up). Garchomp actually resists Stealth Rock.
-The 4 main Dragon Dancers need that boost just to outspeed many of their counters (In other words, most bulky pokemon are really slow). Garchomp's speed is already fantastic as its 2 points above all the countless Base 100 speed pokemon.
-Swords Dance is practically the perfect move to aid a fast pokemon with amazing type coverage. All the other threats wish they were as fast and could double their attack stat at a moments notice.
-Garchomp's STAB options absolutely HURT at 150bp and 180bp and are only resisted by two pokemon, Skarmory and Bronzong. This is why most Garchomp's pack fire moves for unparalled type coverage.
-Tyranitar (IMO the only other debateable poke) has five x2 weaknesses and one x4 weak and is really slow. Garchomp has one x2 weak and one x4.
Blissey [insert any pokemon] are more overcentralizing than Garchomp, why arent we banning them?
Blissey isn't broken, and neither are those other pokemon. If you want to debate this, start a thread and list all the reasons why [insert any pokemon] here is broken.
I love Garchomp!
As do I, its the best pokemon in OU. This doesn't mean he isn't broken though, we have to get rid of our biases in order to create the most balanced OU metagame.
I hoped I addressed every issue as to why I think Garchomp is not only the deadliest pokemon in OU, but too broken as well. Just so this thread doesn't die, I would like it if all people in support of my view, or holding a tournament, or whatever would sign this thread with their opinion.
And if you want to argue against me, then go right ahead

Monday, December 8, 2008
Proof of 5th Generation?

So apparently at the end of the 12th pokemon movie, there was an image of pikachu and a blocked out pokemon. According to Bulbanews, a voice announced that the pokemon was a previously unknown electric type. In a way it's hard for me to wrap my mind around a fifth generation of pokemon when we don't even have a US release date for platinum, but it's exciting nevertheless.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Bugs Are DONE
As of this evening, my bugs are done. I've created every bug type I care to, and I'm really pleased with the team and alternates that have come out of this process. What with the varieties of speed, attack, and support types, I think it's the most balanced team I've made yet. Now I just need Platinum to come out so I can give my Scizor Bullet Punch and finish up my Helping Hand/Knock Off Shuckle, and I will be set.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
100+ wins on battle tower Finally!!!
Today I finally got over a 100 win streak in the battle tower, it's currently 105 but I stopped after that and I don't care to go further. How have your battle tower streaks been?
Also this is the team I used.
Porygon-Z @ choice specs
EV: 252spd 252spatt 4hp
-tri attack
-ice beam
-dark pulse
-hyper beam
Bronzong @ leftovers
EV: 252hp 100def 100spdef 58spatt
-stealth rock
-charge beam
-HP ice (+50bp)
Garchomp @ choice band
Sand Veil
EV: 252spd 252att 4hp
-dragon claw
Strategy was I used Z and chomp to OHKO as much as possible, and bronzong to allow them to switch without taking hits.
Also this is the team I used.
Porygon-Z @ choice specs
EV: 252spd 252spatt 4hp
-tri attack
-ice beam
-dark pulse
-hyper beam
Bronzong @ leftovers
EV: 252hp 100def 100spdef 58spatt
-stealth rock
-charge beam
-HP ice (+50bp)
Garchomp @ choice band
Sand Veil
EV: 252spd 252att 4hp
-dragon claw
Strategy was I used Z and chomp to OHKO as much as possible, and bronzong to allow them to switch without taking hits.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Collector Extraordinaire
Well, it's taken over a year and a half and more than five hundred hours, but I've almost completed the national Pokedex in my Pearl version. I Played all the way through Fire Red, and I'm currently about halfway through Emerald, but I've hit a snag. I recently discovered that some of these things are going to take way longer than simply beating another game to get access to, and my ultimate goal was to get this done before Platinum hits the shelves in America. So I am sending out an all hands request to complete my National Dex! I've got 33 left to obtain out of 493, all legit so far (I'm including all event onlys even though they're not necessary). Here's the list of what I do not have:
As you can see, they're all Pokemon that require certain items, are legendaries that I don't have access to yet, or they're one of those damn Gold/Silver starters that you only get to choose one of after completing the Emerald Dex. So if anyone has any of these, and a wi-fi connection - help a brother out? I might even be willing to drive to you. I'll even take just the items needed, or just one out of an evolution tree. I'm also willing to trade just about anything I've got. Thanks guys.
As you can see, they're all Pokemon that require certain items, are legendaries that I don't have access to yet, or they're one of those damn Gold/Silver starters that you only get to choose one of after completing the Emerald Dex. So if anyone has any of these, and a wi-fi connection - help a brother out? I might even be willing to drive to you. I'll even take just the items needed, or just one out of an evolution tree. I'm also willing to trade just about anything I've got. Thanks guys.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Pointless Math
So as I was constantly resetting my DS in hopes of finding a Dragonite with really good IVs, I began wondering. What are the odds of getting 2 perfect IVs, or 3, or more...? I decided to see if I remembered anything from Statistics class and came up with the following numbers. This is assuming pure random distribution, so it applies to pokemon in the wild, or mystery gifts, but not ones hatched from eggs. I think I did this right, but I'm open to corrections. (numbers listed 3 times in a row are repeating)
Odds of AT LEAST 1 perfect IV: 18.75% or 1:5.333
Odds of AT LEAST 2 perfect IVs: 1.46% or 1:68.2666
Odds of AT LEAST 3 perfect IVs: 0.061% or 1:1,638.4
Odds of AT LEAST 4 perfect IVs: 0.0014% or 1:69,905.0666
Odds of AT LEAST 5 perfect IVs: 0.000018% or 1:5,592,405.333
Odds of ALL perfect IVs: 0.000000093% or 1:1,073,741,824
So yeah, you have less than a one in a billion chance of finding one with perfect IVs.
Odds of AT LEAST 1 perfect IV: 18.75% or 1:5.333
Odds of AT LEAST 2 perfect IVs: 1.46% or 1:68.2666
Odds of AT LEAST 3 perfect IVs: 0.061% or 1:1,638.4
Odds of AT LEAST 4 perfect IVs: 0.0014% or 1:69,905.0666
Odds of AT LEAST 5 perfect IVs: 0.000018% or 1:5,592,405.333
Odds of ALL perfect IVs: 0.000000093% or 1:1,073,741,824
So yeah, you have less than a one in a billion chance of finding one with perfect IVs.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
30 Year Anniversary of the Dark Gym Leader

Happy Birthday to The Arsonist!
November 19th is officially the 30 year anniversary of the Dark Gym Leader. Can you believe that 30 years ago we had no idea what a Pokemon was, let alone having any idea how much of a powerhouse it's Dark Gym Leader would become! There have been a ton of Pokemon trainers put out over the past 30 years, and the hype never seems to die down. New trainers are humbled like crazy, the Pokemon cartoon is still on TV, and to this day I see people chatting on poke chat sessions. Will this Pokemon Gym Leader battle on for another 30 more? Stay Tuned!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Housewarming Party
Hey all, as per Aaron's request, here's the info for my housewarming party tomorrow. It'll be at my place, 3522 Chestnut Ave, Baltimore, MD. We're on the second floor and the entrance is around the side of the building, if you can't find it just give me a call. We'll be starting around 8, and feel free to bring guests.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Pokemon Ranch Updated for Platinum
Pokemon Ranch Updated for Platinum
Your full Platinum collection can come over to the Wii.
The Japanese version of My Pokemon Ranch got a update in Japan, bringing the WiiWare title up to "Platinum" status.
That's right, your Pokemon collection from Pokemon Platinum (currently available in Japan) can now be transferred over to Pokemon Ranch! You will be able to handle up to 1,500 Pokemon on your ranch.
The update adds selectable background music and new events.
In Japan, the update replaces the old version of Pokemon Ranch and will retain the current 1,000 WiiPoint price point. Owners of the older version can upgrade for free.
Your full Platinum collection can come over to the Wii.
The Japanese version of My Pokemon Ranch got a update in Japan, bringing the WiiWare title up to "Platinum" status.
That's right, your Pokemon collection from Pokemon Platinum (currently available in Japan) can now be transferred over to Pokemon Ranch! You will be able to handle up to 1,500 Pokemon on your ranch.
The update adds selectable background music and new events.
In Japan, the update replaces the old version of Pokemon Ranch and will retain the current 1,000 WiiPoint price point. Owners of the older version can upgrade for free.
Dragonite Event

FREE Exclusive Event! Get DRAGONITE at DS Download Stations
Only at Toys"R"Us Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 8th-9th 12PM-4PM only! Bring your Nintendo DS and your Pokemon Diamond or Pokemon Pearl Game to Toys"R"Us to receive Dragonite.
Plus $5 OFF ANY DS Game title with Dragonite and get a FREE Pokemon Poster!
Limit 1 coupon per participant. Limited quantities available. In store only.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
FAQs About ECPL's Partychat
# What happens when I log off?
You'll still be in the chat when you log back in. That's what the "persistent" means. You don't have to keep logging in and out of the chat room, you're always in it.
# I missed messages when I was offline! Is there anyway to read what I missed?
PartyChat conversations, even the ones you miss, are logged to your GMail account.
# Can I use PartyChat with Gmail chat?
Absolutely. PartyChat works with anything that connects to Google Talk / Jabber.
# Sometimes PartyChat is offline, what's up with that?
PartyChat runs on a server in my apartment, so it's not as stable as I'd like it to be. Some friends and I are looking into finding a better arrangement for it.
# Isn't this just IRC implemented on top of Google Talk?
Call it what you want. I never used IRC, but this is a frequently asked question, so I figured it belongs in the FAQ.
# Is the source code online somewhere?
Yes. The code sucks, but hey, it works. You can find it at http://sourceforge.net/projects/partychat.
# Wow, no kidding, this source code really is bad. Mind if I rewrite it or add some new features?
Be my guest! Fire me an email asking to be a contributer to the project and I'll happily review the changes you want to make.
# Doesn't every half-assed online project need a blog of some sort?
Of course, where are my manners? We be bloggin' at http://techwalla.blogspot.com. Feel free to subscribe for updates and misc. tips.
# Who are you....
My name is Akshay. I work for Google, but Techwalla and PartyChat are in no way affiliated with my employer. This whole thing is just a little side project of mine. You can reach me at techwalla(a)gmail.com
You'll still be in the chat when you log back in. That's what the "persistent" means. You don't have to keep logging in and out of the chat room, you're always in it.
# I missed messages when I was offline! Is there anyway to read what I missed?
PartyChat conversations, even the ones you miss, are logged to your GMail account.
# Can I use PartyChat with Gmail chat?
Absolutely. PartyChat works with anything that connects to Google Talk / Jabber.
# Sometimes PartyChat is offline, what's up with that?
PartyChat runs on a server in my apartment, so it's not as stable as I'd like it to be. Some friends and I are looking into finding a better arrangement for it.
# Isn't this just IRC implemented on top of Google Talk?
Call it what you want. I never used IRC, but this is a frequently asked question, so I figured it belongs in the FAQ.
# Is the source code online somewhere?
Yes. The code sucks, but hey, it works. You can find it at http://sourceforge.net/projects/partychat.
# Wow, no kidding, this source code really is bad. Mind if I rewrite it or add some new features?
Be my guest! Fire me an email asking to be a contributer to the project and I'll happily review the changes you want to make.
# Doesn't every half-assed online project need a blog of some sort?
Of course, where are my manners? We be bloggin' at http://techwalla.blogspot.com. Feel free to subscribe for updates and misc. tips.
# Who are you....
My name is Akshay. I work for Google, but Techwalla and PartyChat are in no way affiliated with my employer. This whole thing is just a little side project of mine. You can reach me at techwalla(a)gmail.com
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
How to Breed Hidden Power
From a section of a breeding guide written by Ryan " The Sea King ". Monday, 21. January 2008, 21:38:07 [re-edited by: Aaron "The Arsonist" (re-re-edited by Jason "AceOfSpades")]http://my.opera.com/ThePokemonOcean/blog/2008/01/21/breeding-guide
What is Hidden Power?
Hidden Power is a Special typed attack that has become all the rage in competitive battling. Hidden Power's type and Power are calculated by the pokemon's Individual Value's, or IV's. You cannot change IV's once a pokemon is caught or hatched etc. which means that you need to get lucky in order to get a type you like. Hidden Power strength ranges from 30 - 70.
Basic Principle
Firstly, and probably the most important, is to know what you're trying to do. I will Clarify on that more after I post these two tables:
Small Note: Hidden Power type and strength is determined by whether your IV's are Even or Odd.
1. Determining Type
An easy way to determine your Hidden Power type is to start at zero.
1) Add 32 if the Special Defense IV is odd.
2) Add 16 if the Special Attack IV is odd.
3) Add 8 if the Speed IV is odd.
4) Add 4 if the Defense IV is odd.
5) Add 2 if the Attack IV is odd.
6) Add 1 if the HP IV is odd.
Depending on the number you end up at, your Hidden Power will be one of the following:
Between 0 and 4: Fighting
Between 5 and 8: Flying
Between 9 and 12: Poison
Between 13 and 16: Ground
Between 17 and 20: Rock
Between 21 and 25: Bug
Between 26 and 29: Ghost
Between 30 and 33: Steel
Between 34 and 37: Fire
Between 38 and 41: Water
Between 42 and 46: Grass
Between 47 and 50: Electric
Between 51 and 54: Psychic
Between 55 and 58: Ice
Between 59 and 62: Dragon
63: Dark
An example would be:
Bulbasaur - HP to Speed.
31 / 19 / 22 / 16 / 30 / 20
HP = Odd +1
Attack = Odd +2
Defense = Even --
Sp. Atk = Even --
Sp. Def = Even --
Speed = Even --
3 = Hidden Power Fighting
2. Determining Power
Start at zero. For every IV, divide that number by two. If the number is odd, use the chart found below. (i.e. 31 or 30/2 = 15, 29 or 28/2 = 14 etc)
1) Add 32 if the IV is the Special Defense IV.
2) Add 16 if the IV is the Special Attack IV.
3) Add 8 if the IV is the Speed IV.
4) Add 4 if the IV is the Defense IV.
5) Add 2 if the IV is the Attack IV.
6) Add 1 if the IV is the HP IV.
After this, multiply the number by 40, then divide it by 63. Add 30 to the answer and that is your power! Yes, it's confusing but you gotta know math to play Pokemon...
RED Note: You don´t have to know how exactly the base power is calculated. The most important thing to know is that if the Special Defense, Special Attack and Speed IVs (all three) are odd numbers after being divided by two, you will always get at least base power 65. When HP Breeding, these are the 3 IV's your should aim for the most when it comes to a high powered Hidden Power.
An Example would be:
Bulbasaur - HP to Speed
31 / 19 / 22 / 16 / 30 / 20
HP = Odd + 1
Attack = Odd + 2
Defense = Odd + 4
Sp. Atk = Even
Sp. Def = Odd +32
Speed = Even
39 x 40 = 1560
1560/63 = 24.76 recurring (Pokemon always rounds down!)
24+30 = 54
So, Bulbasaur has HP Fighting 54.
Breeding For Hidden Power
IV Format: HP / Atk / Def / Sp. Atk / Sp. Def / Spd
Parent A + Parent B -> Baby = 1 in how many eggs (Rounded Up)
I will do only the first, as if you have read the above, you should be able to figure it out.
Hidden Power Ice:
x/x/x/x/x/31 + x/x/x/x/x/x -> x/x/x/x/x/31 = 1:4
x/x/x/x/31/x + x/x/x/x/x/31 -> x/x/x/x/31/31 = 1:17
x/x/x/x/31/31 + x/x/x/31/x/x -> x/x/x/31/31/x = 1:17, or
x/x/x/x/31/31 + x/x/x/31/x/x -> x/x/x/31/x/31 = 1:17
x/x/x/31/31/x + x/x/x/31/x/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:54, or
x/x/x/31/31/x + x/x/x/x/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:54, or
x/x/x/31/x/31 + x/x/x/x/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:54
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/31/31/x -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:29, or
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/31/x/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:29, or
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/x/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:29
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/31/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:16
every approximately 16th baby will now have a chance to have Hidden Power ICE with base power at least 65, if
A) defense IV and attack IV are even numbers, HP IV is an odd number
B) defense IV and HP IV are even numbers, attack IV is an odd number
C) defense IV, attack IV and HP IV are all even numbers
For max base power (70) hidden power ICE, besides getting one of the options A), B) or C), you will need the exact IVs of HP, attack and defense to be one of these:
31/30, 27/26, 23/22, 19/18, 15/14, 11/10, 7/6, 3/2
Final Notes on HP[hiddenpower]
In conclusion, it is wise if you think before you act in regards to Hidden Power Breeding. Getting a pokemon with Good IV's and the Hidden Power you want can be extremely difficult, and may take some time, but the end result is worth it. If you follow the charts correctly, you will save yourself a lot of heartache. For instance:
Say you want to breed a Pokemon with Hidden Power Fighting.
This means that at the least you cannot have 31 IV's in Sp. Def, Sp. Atk and Speed. The highest they can be while still getting HP Fighting is 30 for those three stats, because an odd IV in those stats will increase the count to over 4. You may think that having a Spiritomb parent with 31 IV's in Sp. Def, Def and HP would be the best way to go when it comes to breeding a Spiritomb with Hidden Power Fighting, when in fact you are making it completely impossible because of that Sp. Def IV. (Also, HP and Def cannot both have an IV of 31 because that would make the count 5)
To get the best Spiritomb with HP Fighting, you would need something like this:
x/x/x/x/30/30 + x/x/x/30/x/x -> x/x/x/30/30/30
Either parent must have an even IV in Sp. Def, Speed and Sp. Atk, so that the baby can have the best possible chance of getting a x/x/x/30/30/30 spread.
An example of a Hidden Power Fighting 70 Spiritomb is:
Notice how the Spd, Sp. Def, Sp. Atk and Def IV's are all odd when divided by two? The higher the IV with an odd divisible, the higher the Hidden Power Strength.
IF you want to see who with what to breed what here is a useful thread on Pokecommunity, I dont fell like putting it on here, it would make this way tooo long...
What is Hidden Power?
Hidden Power is a Special typed attack that has become all the rage in competitive battling. Hidden Power's type and Power are calculated by the pokemon's Individual Value's, or IV's. You cannot change IV's once a pokemon is caught or hatched etc. which means that you need to get lucky in order to get a type you like. Hidden Power strength ranges from 30 - 70.
Basic Principle
Firstly, and probably the most important, is to know what you're trying to do. I will Clarify on that more after I post these two tables:
Small Note: Hidden Power type and strength is determined by whether your IV's are Even or Odd.
1. Determining Type
An easy way to determine your Hidden Power type is to start at zero.
1) Add 32 if the Special Defense IV is odd.
2) Add 16 if the Special Attack IV is odd.
3) Add 8 if the Speed IV is odd.
4) Add 4 if the Defense IV is odd.
5) Add 2 if the Attack IV is odd.
6) Add 1 if the HP IV is odd.
Depending on the number you end up at, your Hidden Power will be one of the following:
Between 0 and 4: Fighting
Between 5 and 8: Flying
Between 9 and 12: Poison
Between 13 and 16: Ground
Between 17 and 20: Rock
Between 21 and 25: Bug
Between 26 and 29: Ghost
Between 30 and 33: Steel
Between 34 and 37: Fire
Between 38 and 41: Water
Between 42 and 46: Grass
Between 47 and 50: Electric
Between 51 and 54: Psychic
Between 55 and 58: Ice
Between 59 and 62: Dragon
63: Dark
An example would be:
Bulbasaur - HP to Speed.
31 / 19 / 22 / 16 / 30 / 20
HP = Odd +1
Attack = Odd +2
Defense = Even --
Sp. Atk = Even --
Sp. Def = Even --
Speed = Even --
3 = Hidden Power Fighting
2. Determining Power
Start at zero. For every IV, divide that number by two. If the number is odd, use the chart found below. (i.e. 31 or 30/2 = 15, 29 or 28/2 = 14 etc)
1) Add 32 if the IV is the Special Defense IV.
2) Add 16 if the IV is the Special Attack IV.
3) Add 8 if the IV is the Speed IV.
4) Add 4 if the IV is the Defense IV.
5) Add 2 if the IV is the Attack IV.
6) Add 1 if the IV is the HP IV.
After this, multiply the number by 40, then divide it by 63. Add 30 to the answer and that is your power! Yes, it's confusing but you gotta know math to play Pokemon...
RED Note: You don´t have to know how exactly the base power is calculated. The most important thing to know is that if the Special Defense, Special Attack and Speed IVs (all three) are odd numbers after being divided by two, you will always get at least base power 65. When HP Breeding, these are the 3 IV's your should aim for the most when it comes to a high powered Hidden Power.
An Example would be:
Bulbasaur - HP to Speed
31 / 19 / 22 / 16 / 30 / 20
HP = Odd + 1
Attack = Odd + 2
Defense = Odd + 4
Sp. Atk = Even
Sp. Def = Odd +32
Speed = Even
39 x 40 = 1560
1560/63 = 24.76 recurring (Pokemon always rounds down!)
24+30 = 54
So, Bulbasaur has HP Fighting 54.
Breeding For Hidden Power
IV Format: HP / Atk / Def / Sp. Atk / Sp. Def / Spd
Parent A + Parent B -> Baby = 1 in how many eggs (Rounded Up)
I will do only the first, as if you have read the above, you should be able to figure it out.
Hidden Power Ice:
x/x/x/x/x/31 + x/x/x/x/x/x -> x/x/x/x/x/31 = 1:4
x/x/x/x/31/x + x/x/x/x/x/31 -> x/x/x/x/31/31 = 1:17
x/x/x/x/31/31 + x/x/x/31/x/x -> x/x/x/31/31/x = 1:17, or
x/x/x/x/31/31 + x/x/x/31/x/x -> x/x/x/31/x/31 = 1:17
x/x/x/31/31/x + x/x/x/31/x/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:54, or
x/x/x/31/31/x + x/x/x/x/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:54, or
x/x/x/31/x/31 + x/x/x/x/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:54
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/31/31/x -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:29, or
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/31/x/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:29, or
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/x/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:29
x/x/x/31/31/31 + x/x/x/31/31/31 -> x/x/x/31/31/31 = 1:16
every approximately 16th baby will now have a chance to have Hidden Power ICE with base power at least 65, if
A) defense IV and attack IV are even numbers, HP IV is an odd number
B) defense IV and HP IV are even numbers, attack IV is an odd number
C) defense IV, attack IV and HP IV are all even numbers
For max base power (70) hidden power ICE, besides getting one of the options A), B) or C), you will need the exact IVs of HP, attack and defense to be one of these:
31/30, 27/26, 23/22, 19/18, 15/14, 11/10, 7/6, 3/2
Final Notes on HP[hiddenpower]
In conclusion, it is wise if you think before you act in regards to Hidden Power Breeding. Getting a pokemon with Good IV's and the Hidden Power you want can be extremely difficult, and may take some time, but the end result is worth it. If you follow the charts correctly, you will save yourself a lot of heartache. For instance:
Say you want to breed a Pokemon with Hidden Power Fighting.
This means that at the least you cannot have 31 IV's in Sp. Def, Sp. Atk and Speed. The highest they can be while still getting HP Fighting is 30 for those three stats, because an odd IV in those stats will increase the count to over 4. You may think that having a Spiritomb parent with 31 IV's in Sp. Def, Def and HP would be the best way to go when it comes to breeding a Spiritomb with Hidden Power Fighting, when in fact you are making it completely impossible because of that Sp. Def IV. (Also, HP and Def cannot both have an IV of 31 because that would make the count 5)
To get the best Spiritomb with HP Fighting, you would need something like this:
x/x/x/x/30/30 + x/x/x/30/x/x -> x/x/x/30/30/30
Either parent must have an even IV in Sp. Def, Speed and Sp. Atk, so that the baby can have the best possible chance of getting a x/x/x/30/30/30 spread.
An example of a Hidden Power Fighting 70 Spiritomb is:
Notice how the Spd, Sp. Def, Sp. Atk and Def IV's are all odd when divided by two? The higher the IV with an odd divisible, the higher the Hidden Power Strength.
IF you want to see who with what to breed what here is a useful thread on Pokecommunity, I dont fell like putting it on here, it would make this way tooo long...
Hidden Power
I think we should all agree here and now that Jason B is to be the ECPL's Official Hidden Power breeder and for he to accept the duty of breeding hidden power Pokemon for ECPL members. Everyone gets one vote. Please vote in your reply to this topic.
Monday, October 27, 2008
PBR Stages
So since this came up the other night, I'll post it here too. It seems that there are at least two moves in pokemon that are affected by which stage you choose to battle on. Camouflage, a move that can be learned by Starmie and Mothim, changes the user's type based on the environment. Also, the more common move Secret Power has its effects vary as well. I had mistakenly assumed it remained fixed to "Building (Paralysis)" as it does in Wi-Fi.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Pokemon of the Day #4

Guts: Attack raises to 1.5 times when induced with a status (BURN, PARALYZE, POISON, SLEEP, FREEZE). BURN’s effect of lowering Attack is not applied.
No Guard: The accuracy of all moves known by all Pokémon on the field raises to 100%
Max Stats: Hp - 384 | Att - 394
Good Moves:
51 Dynamicpunch 100 50 5 100
Powerful and sure to cause confusion, but inaccurate.
*However with the No Guard ability, this move's accuracy jumps to %100. It is also %50 likely to go through a Protect/Detect
Pick Your Punch [Egg Moves]:
Fire Punch


A fiery punch that may burn the foe.


An electrified punch that may paralyze the foe.
Ice Punch


An icy punch that may freeze the foe.
Bullet Punch


Always strikes first
Friday, October 10, 2008
Haven't Posted Anything New For a While, but...
Probably like all of you, I make a point of checking pokemon.com a few times a week and the latest news item (http://www.pokemon.com/#news_/XML/news_308.xml) is about an event dragonite that will be distributed from TRU just before the release of the new Ranger game.
Hopefully, I'll see most of the people who'd be inclined to read this tomorrow, but apparently our next meeting time may have been chosen for us.
Hopefully, I'll see most of the people who'd be inclined to read this tomorrow, but apparently our next meeting time may have been chosen for us.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Live Action Pokemon Battle
Finally got the video from the guy who had it. Unfortunately my camera was broken so the quality is MUCH lower in both video and sound then it would have been if we used my camera. Still it was fun and is amusing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ6omNa27QY
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Weird PokeChat convos. We keep it topical!
[Jason B.] - hey mike
[Mike R.] - what's new?
[Jason B.] - not much, just workin
[Mike R.] - gotcha
[Mike R.] - listen i need some help
[Mike R.] - i made some bad trades
[Mike R.] - now i need 700 billion pokemon
[Mike R.] - anybody wanna bail me out?
[Jason B.] - what happened?
[Mike R.] - see above
[Jason B.] - well, okay...but i guess what i mean is i'm assuming 700 billion is a gross hyperbole
[Jason B.] - so which pokemon do you actually need
[Mike R.] - no
[Mike R.] - i actually need 700 billion pokemon
[Mike R.] - exactly
[Mike R.] - which is more pokemon than can technically exist
[Mike R.] - i made some really bad trades
[Jason B.] - like what?
[Mike R.] - well i loaned a bunch of pokes and pokedollars out to start a bunch of pokecenters
[Mike R.] - except they neglected to tell me that they don't make any money
[Mike R.] - so they've defaulted
[Mike R.] - and i'm screwed
[Mike R.] - i mean, do you KNOW how many pokecenters there are out there?
[Mike R.] - assholes
[Jason B.] - wow...okay, so this is a weird allusion to the current credit crisis
[Mike R.] - ha, yeah
[PureNell]: - man. I'm scared based on hearing this and I'm worried for my troupe of Wooper that I have boxed up.
I'm heading to my nearest Pokemon Center right after work and withdrawing all of them. I'll stock em in my private Pokecache instead
[Jason B.] - you don't want to create a run on pokemon
[Jason B.] - and puttin 'em under your mattress won't help either
[PureNell]: - but what I'm called to a battle and my Pokes aren't available when I need em
[Jason B.] - that's why they're seeking to raise the deposit amount so people don't need to put their pokemon in so many places and help keep them liquid
[Jason B.] - this joke has really gone too far.
[Mike R.] - yeah this joke has really gone too far.
[Mike R.] - yeah
[Mike R.] - what's new?
[Jason B.] - not much, just workin
[Mike R.] - gotcha
[Mike R.] - listen i need some help
[Mike R.] - i made some bad trades
[Mike R.] - now i need 700 billion pokemon
[Mike R.] - anybody wanna bail me out?
[Jason B.] - what happened?
[Mike R.] - see above
[Jason B.] - well, okay...but i guess what i mean is i'm assuming 700 billion is a gross hyperbole
[Jason B.] - so which pokemon do you actually need
[Mike R.] - no
[Mike R.] - i actually need 700 billion pokemon
[Mike R.] - exactly
[Mike R.] - which is more pokemon than can technically exist
[Mike R.] - i made some really bad trades
[Jason B.] - like what?
[Mike R.] - well i loaned a bunch of pokes and pokedollars out to start a bunch of pokecenters
[Mike R.] - except they neglected to tell me that they don't make any money
[Mike R.] - so they've defaulted
[Mike R.] - and i'm screwed
[Mike R.] - i mean, do you KNOW how many pokecenters there are out there?
[Mike R.] - assholes
[Jason B.] - wow...okay, so this is a weird allusion to the current credit crisis
[Mike R.] - ha, yeah
[PureNell]: - man. I'm scared based on hearing this and I'm worried for my troupe of Wooper that I have boxed up.
I'm heading to my nearest Pokemon Center right after work and withdrawing all of them. I'll stock em in my private Pokecache instead
[Jason B.] - you don't want to create a run on pokemon
[Jason B.] - and puttin 'em under your mattress won't help either
[PureNell]: - but what I'm called to a battle and my Pokes aren't available when I need em
[Jason B.] - that's why they're seeking to raise the deposit amount so people don't need to put their pokemon in so many places and help keep them liquid
[Jason B.] - this joke has really gone too far.
[Mike R.] - yeah this joke has really gone too far.
[Mike R.] - yeah
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Decisions and Badges
First off, I think I'm going to call the badge for the ground gym the Sand Badge, but I don't have any cool images of sand or deserts. Anybody know where I can find one?
Secondly, I need some input on what to do with the final two pokes for my ground gym: Dugtrio and Flygon. I don't know whether to make Dugtrio Jolly or Adamant. If it's Jolly, it can outspeed more guys (i.e. Timid Starmies and Gengars), if Adamant it can hit harder. It can learn Sucker Punch, which would help make up for a speed gap, but that's iffy. With the Flygon, I'm trying to figure out the move set and EV's. It's going to have Roost, Toxic, Fire Blast and it's going to have max HP EV's but after that I'm stuck. I don't want to give it EQ, so I can replace it with either Earth Power or Dragon Claw. Both give STAB, but one is physical and the other special. Flygon has a higher base attack than special attack (100 vs. 80) but EarthPower would give better coverage and I could always pump a few EV's in (though that raises the question of what exactly to do with the rest of the EV's after HP).
So, thoughts?
Secondly, I need some input on what to do with the final two pokes for my ground gym: Dugtrio and Flygon. I don't know whether to make Dugtrio Jolly or Adamant. If it's Jolly, it can outspeed more guys (i.e. Timid Starmies and Gengars), if Adamant it can hit harder. It can learn Sucker Punch, which would help make up for a speed gap, but that's iffy. With the Flygon, I'm trying to figure out the move set and EV's. It's going to have Roost, Toxic, Fire Blast and it's going to have max HP EV's but after that I'm stuck. I don't want to give it EQ, so I can replace it with either Earth Power or Dragon Claw. Both give STAB, but one is physical and the other special. Flygon has a higher base attack than special attack (100 vs. 80) but EarthPower would give better coverage and I could always pump a few EV's in (though that raises the question of what exactly to do with the rest of the EV's after HP).
So, thoughts?
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
The Dark Gym Badge
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Fire Badge?

I know I said I wanted to avoid anything that looked too obviously fiery, but I was playing around for a little while and came up with this and honestly I like the design enough to have it as my fire badge. Problem is.. what to call it? The REAL fire badges are the Volcano and the Heat badge.. Maybe this is the Burn Badge? Eruption Badge? Flame Badge? R.C.'s Awesome Badge For Beautiful People Badge?
Been a while, and I want a tank
Hey hey! Saw a bunch of you at 32 Bit Gen, and I promised to post on here more, so here it is.
I want to make a crazy damage absorbing Wailord, but I'm stumped as to whether to give it more defense, or more HP. Would a defense stat be more effective than it having an obscene amount of HP, taking into account weakness and such, or would high spec def and def be a better option? And if HP wouldn't be a good idea, then damn, who would ever opt for that over defense?
I want to make a crazy damage absorbing Wailord, but I'm stumped as to whether to give it more defense, or more HP. Would a defense stat be more effective than it having an obscene amount of HP, taking into account weakness and such, or would high spec def and def be a better option? And if HP wouldn't be a good idea, then damn, who would ever opt for that over defense?
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Warning...Completely Unrelated to Pokemon
So I'm checking my email and Nintendo's newsletter about new releases for Wiiware and the Virtual Console is among the emails I needed to open. When I did, lo and behold there was a description for a new Wiiware game I'm pretty sure some of us are going to find it very hard to resist (although at the moment of writing this I've yet to download it myself).
Let me cut to the chase, as seen here there is a new game featuring none other than Homestar Runner. I'm not completely sure how this will work, but the site makes it appear that there will be 4 more updates to this game after this initial one, or more likely there will be 4 other "sequels" released on Wiiware later. I'm not really sure what the point of the game is, but then again does it really matter???
Let me cut to the chase, as seen here there is a new game featuring none other than Homestar Runner. I'm not completely sure how this will work, but the site makes it appear that there will be 4 more updates to this game after this initial one, or more likely there will be 4 other "sequels" released on Wiiware later. I'm not really sure what the point of the game is, but then again does it really matter???
Friday, August 15, 2008
New Card

I was working on a new card for the league. I was having trouble comming up with ideas, so for right now its pretty much just a higher quality version of what we already have. My idea was to put pokeballs at the end of the little banner thing and then put gym badges as a boarder or something like that. But being that only one has been made so far(I am going to work on a fire one soon, too) the badges are out for right now.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Weekend Challenge
Make a Pokemon Lego set. ...... GO!!!
Make a Pokemon Lego set. ...... GO!!!
Do we finally get a Pokemon DS?
According to Kotaku and a couple other sources, Game Stop employees have informed them of a new item comming out soon. No date was given however. The Black Dialga/Palkia DS Lite should be sold as a Game Stop exclusive item, priced at 129.99, but its not just the DS! It also comes with the Mystery Dungeon DVD, a carrying case, a poster and a t-shirt.
Considering 129.99 is the price of a normal DS, this is a great deal. So If you have been meaning to get another DS, or upgrade to a DS Lite... this is the time to do it. I'm just not sure if I want to do it myself as I already have two DS, but I sure would like the goodies that come with it.
Considering 129.99 is the price of a normal DS, this is a great deal. So If you have been meaning to get another DS, or upgrade to a DS Lite... this is the time to do it. I'm just not sure if I want to do it myself as I already have two DS, but I sure would like the goodies that come with it.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Pokemon Platinum
Okay, so chances are we won't see hide nor hair of this game until some time next year, but here is the official yahoo countdown site for the Japanese release featured here. I guess there may be some among us who can actually read what's on the site, but the main reason I posted the link is because the teaser video they show is particularly cool.
If the game were to open with the animation used in the beginning of the video, that would be more than enough reason in my mind to get it, but I also like the change of animation for the sprites when they're sent out into battle. Pikachu's animation alone makes me want to train one to transfer over to Platinum!
If the game were to open with the animation used in the beginning of the video, that would be more than enough reason in my mind to get it, but I also like the change of animation for the sprites when they're sent out into battle. Pikachu's animation alone makes me want to train one to transfer over to Platinum!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Must Tell Someone...
Hey All,
So I've been trying to finish the wifi battle tower challenge for a while and well, I finally did it and got the "world ability ribbon." Yea! Just in case anyone's curious I used the following team:
Weavile (Jolly)
Focus Sash
4 hp, 252 Atk, 252 spd
Night slash
Brick break
Ice shard
Garchomp (Adamant)
Choice Scarf
252 atk, 4 def, 252 spd
Fire blast
Starmie (Timid)
Wise Glasses
252 sp. atk, 4 sp. def, 252 spd
Ice beam
So I've been trying to finish the wifi battle tower challenge for a while and well, I finally did it and got the "world ability ribbon." Yea! Just in case anyone's curious I used the following team:
Weavile (Jolly)
Focus Sash
4 hp, 252 Atk, 252 spd
Night slash
Brick break
Ice shard
Garchomp (Adamant)
Choice Scarf
252 atk, 4 def, 252 spd
Fire blast
Starmie (Timid)
Wise Glasses
252 sp. atk, 4 sp. def, 252 spd
Ice beam
Pokemon Center?
So it appears I am about half a year late with this one. But what happened to the Pokemon Center website? Now where am I supposed to go for all my pokemon paraphernalia?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Hangin' Out
Hey All,
I know everyone's got their own rather busy schedules, but if anyone would like to hang out starting the evening of the 24th through the 31st, let me know. My girl will be out of town and it will be pretty quiet my way otherwise. Just let me know if and when you'd like to get together.
I know everyone's got their own rather busy schedules, but if anyone would like to hang out starting the evening of the 24th through the 31st, let me know. My girl will be out of town and it will be pretty quiet my way otherwise. Just let me know if and when you'd like to get together.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Good Move Information
I came across this while trying to look something up. It seems to go into a lot of detail, so I figured I'd pass it along.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Got Lunch???
Hey all,
I don't know if you all had been paying attention to the bulbanews, but Burger King is now giving out TCG cards with their kids' meals. I'm not sure if the specific cards are matched to specific toys, but I picked up a couple today and would be open to trading any repeat cards (or accessories) I might get. I would especially be interested in getting more than one manaphy's in case you come across them. Just for the record I've got the piplup figure and the dialga card case as well as a pachirisu and shinx at the moment.
I don't know if you all had been paying attention to the bulbanews, but Burger King is now giving out TCG cards with their kids' meals. I'm not sure if the specific cards are matched to specific toys, but I picked up a couple today and would be open to trading any repeat cards (or accessories) I might get. I would especially be interested in getting more than one manaphy's in case you come across them. Just for the record I've got the piplup figure and the dialga card case as well as a pachirisu and shinx at the moment.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
These pokemon flash animations are really good.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Pokemon Emerald Help
A while ago I bought Pokemon Emerald almost wholly to have access to cloning (also, I enjoy raising pokemon without the stress of competitive battling). I reached my goal of being able to clone any poke, item, or TM, but now I'm looking to put some rare moves on some pokemon (like Fire Punch on a Marowak). For this, I need to use the battle points in Battle Frontier, but seeing as how I'm lazy I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to quickly gain BP, like easiest battles, places where you gain the most BP, etc. Anyone out there have any advice?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Ranch Trades
I'm not sure if this is common knowledge, but I started testing things with ranch and figured something out.
When Haley asks what kind of pokemon she should bring ("red one", "light one", etc...), if you say no twice, she will just pick "one she is interested in". So far every time I've done this, she's brought one of the trade pokemon over. If this is consistent, then it should speed up how long it takes to get the 20 regular trade ones, since you won't have to worry about days where she brings over random other pokemon.
When Haley asks what kind of pokemon she should bring ("red one", "light one", etc...), if you say no twice, she will just pick "one she is interested in". So far every time I've done this, she's brought one of the trade pokemon over. If this is consistent, then it should speed up how long it takes to get the 20 regular trade ones, since you won't have to worry about days where she brings over random other pokemon.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Next Meeting
First and foremost, a big thanks to Jason for helping me get some play-testing done on my Poison team; I'm a lot more confident in it ability to compete, now. Secondly, when do we want to have our next get together? I was thinking about trying to host something this Saturday evening, but I don't how well that works for people. Otherwise, is there a day people are free to get together, either in person on online?
Friday, June 20, 2008
Poison Team DONE
OK, my complete Poison Team is done, and I think it's pretty good. I've got a Tentacruel, Weezing, Venusaur, Gengar, Nidoking, Crobat, Drapion, Roserade, and a Toxicroak. I've also trained a Breloom as unofficial member; while he doesn't carry the Poison type I think the general spirit and his Poison Heal ability fit the team well. I considered training an Arbok or a Seviper, but my experience with my Nidoking tells me I'm better off dealing with guys I know and who have decent stats than trying to make it work with subpar pokemanz. Next up, new Ground types for my gym.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Pokemon Video Game Showdown
So it looks like I was not selected for the Pokemon Showdown. Anyone else check their results?
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Rate this alakazam, and check out this fish I caught.
I'll post again so I don't take up too much front page space.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Wii Code Check
I wouldn't mind having your mii's in my ranch, so if you wouldn't mind, please post your wii codes. Mine is 0470 5205 5952 1487.
Monday, June 9, 2008
My Pokemon Ranch
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Another Excuse to Get Together

So thanks to Bulbanews, I just noticed that there will be a Deoxys event coming up pretty soon at GameStop. Seeing as there are so many GameStops all over the place, maybe this doesn't necessitate a meeting, but we've gotten together for less of a reason in the past. Let me know what you all think. I'll most likely send a reminder out from the yahoo group. [Ace - Don't be afraid to use pics]
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Opinions Needed
Hey guys, I was wondering if I could get your opinion on a Drapion I'm making for my Poison Team. My basic plan is to give him Night Slash and the hold item that boosts critical hit chance and capitalize off of his Sniper ability, but I'm not sure whether to make him more of a supporter or an attacker. As a supporter, I'd give him Roar and Knock Off and maybe Cross Poison and have him keep the opponent at bay and wait to start attacking with high crit chance moves. As an attacker, I'd give him a Agility to boost his speed, then have him hack away with Night Slash immediately. Either way he'd have a 25% crit chance and would 3x damage. Anyone have any thoughts on what I should go with or have any other ideas?
BTW I just finished my Crobat and the little guy has PERFECT speed. I love him.
BTW I just finished my Crobat and the little guy has PERFECT speed. I love him.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I hope I didn't step on any toes ....

Try the Party Chat feature now added to this site.
Launch Google Talk Gadget (No Download Required!)<
You need to add partychat@gmail.com as a friend and use commands to join the existing chat.
The chat feature is a members only service.
Email ecpladmin@gmail.com for the chat room password.
Some useful commands:
/join ecpl [password] - join an existing party chat. If the chat has a password, you must give the password to enter.
/alias [name] - give yourself an alias; if you do not specify a name, your current alias is removed
/leave or /exit - To leave a chat session
Monday, June 2, 2008
Getting there ....
Do we need "No Stinking Badges?"








Since I think it would be cheaper for gym leaders to create electronic badges. I decided to use some down time to design a dark badge based of of these TCG badges. The changes I plan to make are the wording (of course) and the shape of the badge. What does darkness look like and for the matter, what does normal look like?
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
A Bunch of What-Ifs...
I don't know if you guys ever answer questions on yahoo questions or not, but the other day someone asked about what changes would make pokemon better. I'm going to post my answer in a reply to this question so as not to make this post too long. Nevertheless, what would you change about pokemon to make it better in the 5th generation?
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Legend of Darkrai and Zero's Old Penis


Toys 'R' Us - May 31st & June 1st [12pm-4pm]
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Possible New DS Colors Appear
[Story and images stolen from IGN]
May 20, 2008 -
Today it seems as though another retailer may have been a bit too quick to publish its pre-order pages, as Spanish boutique Game.es looks to be offering a trio of new DS editions. We'd describe them as electric-lime, nuclear-red, and polar-blue, and even in the small pictures posted on the pre-order page, we'd say they look like some of the coolest DS editions to date.
NeoGaf member Leonsito apparently was the first to spot the new colors, and later provided some higher resolution pics. Regardless, the new colors certainly do look nice, and we've got our fingers crossed that we'll be getting an official announcement out of Nintendo soon.


May 20, 2008 -
Today it seems as though another retailer may have been a bit too quick to publish its pre-order pages, as Spanish boutique Game.es looks to be offering a trio of new DS editions. We'd describe them as electric-lime, nuclear-red, and polar-blue, and even in the small pictures posted on the pre-order page, we'd say they look like some of the coolest DS editions to date.
NeoGaf member Leonsito apparently was the first to spot the new colors, and later provided some higher resolution pics. Regardless, the new colors certainly do look nice, and we've got our fingers crossed that we'll be getting an official announcement out of Nintendo soon.



Saturday, May 17, 2008
Precious Metal
This post may be unnecessary, but here is the announcement of Pokemon Platinum that was announced on Game Freak's Blog. Fall is a good ways off, but at least it's something to look forward too. I wonder what other legendaries will be made available aside from alternative forms of Giratina.
Friday, May 16, 2008
A Real Contest
Please note the latest news item on pokemon.com today. You can find it by clicking here.
Monday, May 12, 2008
So what do you guys think of this raichu?
I'm in the middle of training this for my team. Tell me what you think, or any improvements that can be made.
Raichu @ choice scarf
EVs: 252 att, 252 spatt
-Volt Tackle
-Focus Punch
-grass knot/hidden power something?/????? need help on the last move
My team can use a scarfed poke, and I really like the idea of having a mixed attacker. Surfing pika's only come in hardy nature, so I can't fix that.
Raichu @ choice scarf
EVs: 252 att, 252 spatt
-Volt Tackle
-Focus Punch
-grass knot/hidden power something?/????? need help on the last move
My team can use a scarfed poke, and I really like the idea of having a mixed attacker. Surfing pika's only come in hardy nature, so I can't fix that.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Route 229's Been Good To Me
In what seems to be a never-ending stretch of good luck, Volbeat makes the 3rd shiny pokemon I caught while training another pokemon on route 229. Bellsprout and Ariados were the other two. My total shiny count stands at 24, where 8 have been caught or bred by me.
By the way, I don't know how many of us are planning to meet up on the 31st to get Darkrai, but I'm thinking of going to the Toys-R-Us in Columbia on June 1st, just to see who I can meet around our age that also plays the game. If anyone would be interested in going with me, let me know.
By the way, I don't know how many of us are planning to meet up on the 31st to get Darkrai, but I'm thinking of going to the Toys-R-Us in Columbia on June 1st, just to see who I can meet around our age that also plays the game. If anyone would be interested in going with me, let me know.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
May Poke' Games
May 4, 2008 Pokémon Puzzle League - 1,000 Wii points
May 12, 2008 Pokemon Farm Nintendo - 1,000 Wii points
May 12, 2008 Pokemon Farm Nintendo - 1,000 Wii points
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Okay, I'm Officially Done with Serebii!!!
I don't know if you all have tried to play pokemon via wifi this evening, but if you have, you'll notice it isn't working. Well, it follows that people would be curious about whether it was working or not in the wifi/battling chat room in Serebii. However, the ops are so anal that they get tired of people asking if wifi is still down, but if wifi is down, then there is no battling and trading to talk about!
Anyways, this is just a rant, but I'm officially through with the atmosphere in that chat room and aside from using resources like their iv calculator or pokedex (and maybe not even for that), I cannot see myself returning to their chat rooms EVER.
Anyways, this is just a rant, but I'm officially through with the atmosphere in that chat room and aside from using resources like their iv calculator or pokedex (and maybe not even for that), I cannot see myself returning to their chat rooms EVER.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
People say the darnest things
[17:08] if u go, put the ditto in gts
[17:09] I really sware and promise the poke will be holding tm
This was part of my Explosion TM search conversation.
This wanted a Bold Ditto. As far as I know you can't disapprove a GTS trade.
This was part of my Explosion TM search conversation.
This wanted a Bold Ditto. As far as I know you can't disapprove a GTS trade.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
looking for items/p-mons
Looking for a "Protector" on serebii wi-fi chat for the 1st time. How long does this take?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Saturday Get Together
Hey everyone, I know this is a little last minute, but my girlfriend is spending the weekend with friends so I thought I'd invite everyone over to my place for some Pokemon and Smash Bros (and Mario Kart if anyone can bring it). Is anyone available/interested?
Saturday, April 19, 2008
It's Official!
So I've been checking pokemon.com pretty much daily as I'm sure many of you have and the moment we've all been waiting for is finally within sight. Darkrai will be available for download on May 31st and June 1st between the hours of 12-4pm each day. See the full release here. I almost wonder if our next meeting should be that weekend so we can all go together.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Good Resource/Funny Name
In case you've never heard of this site (www.smogon.com) before, you should definitely check it out! Aside from providing a reference for strategies you may have been thinking about trying out, it also provides information on some of the more technical aspects of the game we all love to play. One thing to keep in mind is that I'm pretty sure all of the EV suggestions the site makes are based of the assumption of a +31 IV (I keep thinking about instrumental variables every time see that), so you may have to adjust accordingly if your pokemon has a less than perfect stat. I hope this helps...
Next Meeting
Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone had given some thought to when we'd get together again to play. It would be really nice if we ALL, or at least most of us could get together at some point soon. I don't personally have a specific date in mind, but maybe everyone could post a time that works for them and we could work out a consensus time. I think the next several weekends (including this one) work just fine for me.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Where to find TMs
TM01 - Focus Punch - Oreburgh Gate, (After winning Canalave gym badge) B1F
TM02 - Dragon Claw - Mt Coronet 1F (During journey to Spear Pillar) Surf needed
TM03 - Water Pulse - Ravaged Path (After winning Hearthome gym badge)
TM04 - Calm Mind - 48 Battle Points at the Battle Tower
TM05 - Roar - Route 213 (After winning Snowpoint gym badge)
TM06 - Toxic - Route 212
TM07 - Hail - Route 217 OR trade 10 Green Shards in a house on Route 212
TM08 - Bulk Up - 48 Battle Points at the Battle Tower
TM09 - Bullet Seed - Route 204
TM10 - Hidden Power - Trainer's School (Jubilife City) OR at Veilstone Game Corner for 6,000 Coins
TM11 - Sunny Day - Route 212 OR trade 10 Red Shards in a house on Route 212
TM12 - Taunt - Route 211
TM13 - Ice Beam - Route 216 (After winning Snowpoint gym badge)
TM14 - Blizzard -Lake Acuity OR Veilstone Department Store for 5,500
TM15 - Hyper Beam - Veilstone Department Store for 7,500
TM16 - Light Screen - Veilstone Department Store for 2,000
TM17 - Protect - Veilstone Department Store for 2,000
TM18 - Rain Dance - Route 223 OR trade 10 Blue Shards in a house on Route 212
TM19 - Giga Drain - Route 209 (After winning Hearthome gym badge)
TM20 - Safeguard - Veilstone Department Store for 2,000
TM21 - Frustration - Galatic Veilstone building 3F OR at Veilstone Game Corner for 1,000 Coins
TM22 - Solarbeam - Veilstone Department Store for 3,000
TM23 - Iron Tail - Iron Island B2F
TM24 - Thunderbolt - Valley Windworks (After winning Hearthome gym badge)
TM25 - Thunder - Lake Valor (After Spear Pillar) OR Veilstone Department Store for 5,500
TM26 - Earthquake - Wayward Cave (After winning Canalave gym badge)
TM27 - Return - Lost Tower 4F OR at Veilstone Game Corner for 8,000 Coins
TM28 - Dig - Ruin Maniac Cave
TM29 - Psychic - Route 211 (After winning Snowpoint gym badge)
TM30 - Shadow Ball - Route 210 (After obtaining Secret Potion)
TM31 - Brick Break - Oreburgh Gate B1F (After obtaining Bicycle)
TM32 - Double Team - Wayward Cave OR at Veilstone Game Corner for 4,000 Coins
TM33 - Reflect - Veilstone Department Store for 2,000
TM34 - Shock Wave - Route 215
TM35 - Flamethrower - Fuego Ironworks OR at Veilstone Game Corner for 10000 Coins
TM36 - Sludge Bomb - Galactic Headquarters B2F (in a passageway)
TM37 - Sandstorm - Trade 10 Yellow Shards in a house on Route 212
TM38 - Fire Blast - Lake Verity (After Spear Pillar) OR Veilstone Department Store for 5,500
TM39 - Rock Tomb - Ravaged Path
TM40 - Aerial Ace - Route 213
TM41 - Torment - Victory Road 1F
TM42 - Façade - Survival Area
TM43 - Secret Power - Amity Square (Hearthome City)
TM44 - Rest - Veilstone Game Corner for 1,0000 Coins
TM45 - Attract - Amity Square (Hearthome City) OR 32 Battle Points at the Battle Tower
TM46 - Thief - Eterna City (After winning Eterna gym badge)
TM47 - Steel Wing - Route 209
TM48 - Skill Swap - In a house in Canalave City (Near entrance)
TM49 - Snatch - Galactic HQ 1F
TM50 - Overheat - Obtain the National Pokedex
TM51 - Roost - Route 210
TM52 - Focus Blast - Veilstone Department Store for 5,500
TM53 - Energy Ball - 64 Battle Points at the Battle Tower
TM54 - False Swipe - Veilstone Department Store for 2,000
TM55 - Brine - Pastoria City gym
TM56 - Fling - In a house on Route 222
TM57 - Charge Beam - Sunyshore City gym
TM58 - Endure - Veilstone Game Corner for 2,000 Coins
TM59 - Dragon Pulse - Victory Road 1F OR 80 Battle Points at the Battle Tower
TM60 - Drain Punch - Veilstone City gym
TM61 - Will-O-Wisp - 32 Battle Points at the Battle Tower
TM62 - Silver Wind - Route 212
TM63 - Embargo - Veilstone City (off a man)
TM64 - Explosion - Reward for 10 (consecutive) wins at the Veilstone Game Corner
TM65 - Shadow Claw - Hearthome City gym
TM66 - Payback - Route 215
TM67 - Recycle - Eterna Condominium (2F) in Eterna City
TM68 - Giga Impact - Veilstone Game Corner for 20000 Coins
TM69 - Rock Polish - Mt Coronet 1F (After visiting Lake Verity twice)
TM70 - Flash - Oreburgh Gate B1F (After winning Oreburgh gym badge)
TM71 - Stone Edge - Victory Road 2F
TM72 - Avalanche - Snowpoint City gym
TM73 - Thunder Wave - 32 Battle points at the Battle Tower
TM74 - Gyro Ball - Veilstone Game Corner for 15000 Coins
TM75 - Swords Dance - Veilstone Game Corner for 4,000 Coins
TM76 - Stealth Rock - Oreburgh City gym
TM77 - Psych Up - Route 211 (After visiting Lake Verity twice)
TM78 - Captivate - Route 204 (After winning Eterna gym badge)
TM79 - Dark Pulse - Victory Road 2F
TM80 - Rock Slide - Mt Coronet 2F (Journey to Spear Pillar)
TM81 - X-Scisssor - Route 221 OR 64 Battle Points at the Battle Tower
TM82 - Sleep Talk - Eterna Forest (After winning Eterna gym badge)
TM83 - Natural Gift - Veilstone Department Store for 2,000
TM84 - Poison Jab - Route 212 (After winning Hearthome gym badge)
TM85 - Dream Eater - Valor Lakefront (After winning Snowpoint gym badge)
TM86 - Grass Knot - Eterna City gym
TM87 - Swagger - In the Pokemon Mansion
TM88 - Pluck - Floaroma Town (in a house)
TM89 - U-Turn - Veilstone Game Corner for 6,000 Coins OR Canalave City
TM90 - Substitute - In the Forest Mansion (2F) OR Veilstone Game Corner for 2,000 Coins
TM91 - Flash Cannon - Canalave City gym
TM92 - Trick Room - Route 213 (in a house)
TM02 - Dragon Claw - Mt Coronet 1F (During journey to Spear Pillar) Surf needed
TM03 - Water Pulse - Ravaged Path (After winning Hearthome gym badge)
TM04 - Calm Mind - 48 Battle Points at the Battle Tower
TM05 - Roar - Route 213 (After winning Snowpoint gym badge)
TM06 - Toxic - Route 212
TM07 - Hail - Route 217 OR trade 10 Green Shards in a house on Route 212
TM08 - Bulk Up - 48 Battle Points at the Battle Tower
TM09 - Bullet Seed - Route 204
TM10 - Hidden Power - Trainer's School (Jubilife City) OR at Veilstone Game Corner for 6,000 Coins
TM11 - Sunny Day - Route 212 OR trade 10 Red Shards in a house on Route 212
TM12 - Taunt - Route 211
TM13 - Ice Beam - Route 216 (After winning Snowpoint gym badge)
TM14 - Blizzard -Lake Acuity OR Veilstone Department Store for 5,500
TM15 - Hyper Beam - Veilstone Department Store for 7,500
TM16 - Light Screen - Veilstone Department Store for 2,000
TM17 - Protect - Veilstone Department Store for 2,000
TM18 - Rain Dance - Route 223 OR trade 10 Blue Shards in a house on Route 212
TM19 - Giga Drain - Route 209 (After winning Hearthome gym badge)
TM20 - Safeguard - Veilstone Department Store for 2,000
TM21 - Frustration - Galatic Veilstone building 3F OR at Veilstone Game Corner for 1,000 Coins
TM22 - Solarbeam - Veilstone Department Store for 3,000
TM23 - Iron Tail - Iron Island B2F
TM24 - Thunderbolt - Valley Windworks (After winning Hearthome gym badge)
TM25 - Thunder - Lake Valor (After Spear Pillar) OR Veilstone Department Store for 5,500
TM26 - Earthquake - Wayward Cave (After winning Canalave gym badge)
TM27 - Return - Lost Tower 4F OR at Veilstone Game Corner for 8,000 Coins
TM28 - Dig - Ruin Maniac Cave
TM29 - Psychic - Route 211 (After winning Snowpoint gym badge)
TM30 - Shadow Ball - Route 210 (After obtaining Secret Potion)
TM31 - Brick Break - Oreburgh Gate B1F (After obtaining Bicycle)
TM32 - Double Team - Wayward Cave OR at Veilstone Game Corner for 4,000 Coins
TM33 - Reflect - Veilstone Department Store for 2,000
TM34 - Shock Wave - Route 215
TM35 - Flamethrower - Fuego Ironworks OR at Veilstone Game Corner for 10000 Coins
TM36 - Sludge Bomb - Galactic Headquarters B2F (in a passageway)
TM37 - Sandstorm - Trade 10 Yellow Shards in a house on Route 212
TM38 - Fire Blast - Lake Verity (After Spear Pillar) OR Veilstone Department Store for 5,500
TM39 - Rock Tomb - Ravaged Path
TM40 - Aerial Ace - Route 213
TM41 - Torment - Victory Road 1F
TM42 - Façade - Survival Area
TM43 - Secret Power - Amity Square (Hearthome City)
TM44 - Rest - Veilstone Game Corner for 1,0000 Coins
TM45 - Attract - Amity Square (Hearthome City) OR 32 Battle Points at the Battle Tower
TM46 - Thief - Eterna City (After winning Eterna gym badge)
TM47 - Steel Wing - Route 209
TM48 - Skill Swap - In a house in Canalave City (Near entrance)
TM49 - Snatch - Galactic HQ 1F
TM50 - Overheat - Obtain the National Pokedex
TM51 - Roost - Route 210
TM52 - Focus Blast - Veilstone Department Store for 5,500
TM53 - Energy Ball - 64 Battle Points at the Battle Tower
TM54 - False Swipe - Veilstone Department Store for 2,000
TM55 - Brine - Pastoria City gym
TM56 - Fling - In a house on Route 222
TM57 - Charge Beam - Sunyshore City gym
TM58 - Endure - Veilstone Game Corner for 2,000 Coins
TM59 - Dragon Pulse - Victory Road 1F OR 80 Battle Points at the Battle Tower
TM60 - Drain Punch - Veilstone City gym
TM61 - Will-O-Wisp - 32 Battle Points at the Battle Tower
TM62 - Silver Wind - Route 212
TM63 - Embargo - Veilstone City (off a man)
TM64 - Explosion - Reward for 10 (consecutive) wins at the Veilstone Game Corner
TM65 - Shadow Claw - Hearthome City gym
TM66 - Payback - Route 215
TM67 - Recycle - Eterna Condominium (2F) in Eterna City
TM68 - Giga Impact - Veilstone Game Corner for 20000 Coins
TM69 - Rock Polish - Mt Coronet 1F (After visiting Lake Verity twice)
TM70 - Flash - Oreburgh Gate B1F (After winning Oreburgh gym badge)
TM71 - Stone Edge - Victory Road 2F
TM72 - Avalanche - Snowpoint City gym
TM73 - Thunder Wave - 32 Battle points at the Battle Tower
TM74 - Gyro Ball - Veilstone Game Corner for 15000 Coins
TM75 - Swords Dance - Veilstone Game Corner for 4,000 Coins
TM76 - Stealth Rock - Oreburgh City gym
TM77 - Psych Up - Route 211 (After visiting Lake Verity twice)
TM78 - Captivate - Route 204 (After winning Eterna gym badge)
TM79 - Dark Pulse - Victory Road 2F
TM80 - Rock Slide - Mt Coronet 2F (Journey to Spear Pillar)
TM81 - X-Scisssor - Route 221 OR 64 Battle Points at the Battle Tower
TM82 - Sleep Talk - Eterna Forest (After winning Eterna gym badge)
TM83 - Natural Gift - Veilstone Department Store for 2,000
TM84 - Poison Jab - Route 212 (After winning Hearthome gym badge)
TM85 - Dream Eater - Valor Lakefront (After winning Snowpoint gym badge)
TM86 - Grass Knot - Eterna City gym
TM87 - Swagger - In the Pokemon Mansion
TM88 - Pluck - Floaroma Town (in a house)
TM89 - U-Turn - Veilstone Game Corner for 6,000 Coins OR Canalave City
TM90 - Substitute - In the Forest Mansion (2F) OR Veilstone Game Corner for 2,000 Coins
TM91 - Flash Cannon - Canalave City gym
TM92 - Trick Room - Route 213 (in a house)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Not To Complicate Things...
I know we have yet to fully execute our tourney plans, but I had this thought last night while talking with Pernell and I wanted to see what everyone else thought... What if on top of and separate from our main contest, we also have a "little cup?" I think everyone would agree that all of the strategies we generally use against each other fly out the window in a little cup setting and maybe it could be kinda fun. Let me know what you think.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I Know You'll Be Mad, But...
So guess who caught another shiny while working on his newest pokemon project? That would be me! I don't have any explanation for it other than sheer luck because I wasn't even chaining at the time. For anyone keeping track, my bred shiny count is still at 2, but my wild caught shiny count is now 5 (even though I traded one away) and my total shiny count is 13.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Brawl Codes
Um... so yeah, there's Pokemon in Brawl, so... this is legitimate.
Post your Friend Codes! :)
Post your Friend Codes! :)
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Video Gaming Goodness...
Hey All,
My girlfriend will be at a conference next Saturday, March 15th, leaving me with the perfect opportunity to have you all over to play until...we get tired of it. Now as much as I enjoy pokemon, I doubt we could make 6+ hours of nothing but pokemon battles. However, with the new Smash available to all of us (but I will definitely have a copy, so at best I'd only need someone to bring a copy of controllers), I don't think we'd have any problems gaming the night away. By the way, this is approximately where I live in case you've never been or forgot. Unfortunately, my exact address doesn't show up on any internet map, so just follow Oldstone Rd in the direction of I-70 and you'll run into my complex after the unnamed road that curves toward the right.
Also, I was thinking of getting 2 or 3 pizzas and pop (I'm from the midwest, dammit) for everyone's consumption, however, if you'd like to bring over any alcohol for the rest of us to drink, I'm sure that would be greatly appreciated. If next Saturday works for everyone, can you RSVP via reply to this post?
P.S. Maybe if you guys have worked on pokemon you plan to challenge other gyms with, we can actually do some "official" gym battles.
My girlfriend will be at a conference next Saturday, March 15th, leaving me with the perfect opportunity to have you all over to play until...we get tired of it. Now as much as I enjoy pokemon, I doubt we could make 6+ hours of nothing but pokemon battles. However, with the new Smash available to all of us (but I will definitely have a copy, so at best I'd only need someone to bring a copy of controllers), I don't think we'd have any problems gaming the night away. By the way, this is approximately where I live in case you've never been or forgot. Unfortunately, my exact address doesn't show up on any internet map, so just follow Oldstone Rd in the direction of I-70 and you'll run into my complex after the unnamed road that curves toward the right.
Also, I was thinking of getting 2 or 3 pizzas and pop (I'm from the midwest, dammit) for everyone's consumption, however, if you'd like to bring over any alcohol for the rest of us to drink, I'm sure that would be greatly appreciated. If next Saturday works for everyone, can you RSVP via reply to this post?
P.S. Maybe if you guys have worked on pokemon you plan to challenge other gyms with, we can actually do some "official" gym battles.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
PokeHelp - Level Up moves without Associated Levels
Being new to the whole breeding and training thing, I have come across a problem with movesets. In an example that is very near and dear to my heart, Dusknoir is listed as learning Thunder Punch as a level up move, and yet neither it, nor any of it's prevolutions, learn Thunder Punch as a level up move. The level it apparently learns it at is '-' which leads me to believe it inherits it from a prevolution (as this is the case with many other pokes) and yet as mentioned, no such Thunder Punching Duskull or Dusclops exists.
What gives?
What gives?
Friday, February 29, 2008
"Pure"nell's Poke Help [Friendship]
Maybe one of you guys can help me out here.
I need a female Lucario. Right now, I'm working on growing berries to bump up my Riolu's happiness but I'd figure that if one of guys already had one, it would save me the waste of a day or two and the usage of however many berries I'd expend. Any takers?
I need a female Lucario. Right now, I'm working on growing berries to bump up my Riolu's happiness but I'd figure that if one of guys already had one, it would save me the waste of a day or two and the usage of however many berries I'd expend. Any takers?
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Pokemon Ranch Update



Nintendo has updated the Everyone's Pokemon Ranch website with a few new details on the upcoming Wii Ware killer app that doesn't have Final Fantasy in the title.
Everyone's Pokemon Ranch (in Japanese, Minna no Pokemon Bokujou) is a downloadable Wii Ware game that lets you interact with your Pokemon. The game will feature connectivity with Pokemon Diamond & Pearl, allowing players to view and spend time with the Pokemon they've collected in the DS titles.
The ranch where you raise your Pokemon was built and is owned by Yukari, a girl who happens to be a friend of Mizuki, a character from the Japanese Diamond & Pearl.
Pokemon Ranch offers more than just a spreadsheet style view of your Pokemon collection. Once you've transfered your Pokemon over from Diamond & Pearl, your Pokefriends appear on Yukari's ranch in full 3D. They'll dance, parade around, and show off all sorts of other animations. Yukari herself will also interact with the Pokemon, as will your Miis.
One way that you'll be able to interact with your Pokemon is by taking pictures. Take a shot, and you can save it to SD for transfer to a PC, or you can send it to friends.
Those who do just want a means of managing their Pokemon will find it as well. The game will accept up to 1000 Pokemon that you've caught in Diamond & Pearl. A few screens have shown a ranch full of nothing but Pikachu, so it appears that you're free to use this tool however you please.
In Japan, Pokemon Ranch will launch with the Wii Ware service this March. We expect an international release to follow soon after.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Role Call
Quick pic from MikeTV's b-day bash.
(LTR: Xoy, Zero, PureNell, The Arsonist, Ace of Spades, and Mike TV)
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
2 weeks and no posts
I beat the elite 4 (Pearl) Monday. The new moon is scheduled for tomorrow, while the Cartoon Network "Pokemon: Rise of Darkrai" movie is scheduled for Sunday. I need you guys to keep you eyes/ears open. This time next week I'm hoping to have at least 2 Darkrai's Dark Void'in it up.
Please use this post to either respond to your personal Darkrai preparation, efforts to help me obtain Darkrai, or to prove that you aren't dead and this blog is still being read.
Please use this post to either respond to your personal Darkrai preparation, efforts to help me obtain Darkrai, or to prove that you aren't dead and this blog is still being read.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Red Brick, anyone?
Matt (Zero) and I will be hanging out at the Red Brick Station in the Avenue at White Marsh tonight around 9:30 if anyone is interested in battling, trading, or 99 cent pints. Anyone who's interested, send me a text or call me at 410-459-7001. Or just let me know here and meet in the bar area after 9:30.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Preping for Darkrai ....
As I told Matt (Zero) earlier, I currently playing through Pearl (Diamond is my master game). Just in case there is a "beat the elite" clause in obtaining Darkrai. I know it's a lot of work for someone I'll never get to use, but at least I will be able to get a Palkia.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Super Smash Bros Brawl Leaks
As most of you have probably heard, there have been some leaks regarding the final roster of the new Super Smash Bros. Some reports have been fake, but it appears Kotaku has some news and the screenshots to back it up. Lucario and Jigglypuff Have been confirmed, plus a host of other characters and bosses. w00t!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
A Little Closer
When you go to pokemon.com now, the flash animation directs you to a new site, darkrai.com. Still no word on darkrai's release, but I guess the news will drop there first.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
PokemonCenter.com is shutting down
You may have saw the headline in the corner.
Shut down date is Jan 31 2008.
This is you last chance to get figurines for your gym/favorite pokemon.
I may pick up an Umbreon, since I already have a Weavile.
Shut down date is Jan 31 2008.
This is you last chance to get figurines for your gym/favorite pokemon.
I may pick up an Umbreon, since I already have a Weavile.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Pokemon Trainer Battle
pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemon
trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer
battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer
battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle battle
Monday, January 21, 2008
MLK Meet Up
So it seemed like today would be a good meet up day for a number of people. Who's still down, and where and when do we want to meet?
Thursday, January 17, 2008
I Am Lucky...
Hey All,
It's a pretty well-known fact that the odds of getting a shiny pokemon are 1/8192, which is ridiculously close to zero. Well, for the second time in during a breeding project of mine, I have hatched a shiny. The first time was with that Cloyster (which I should have used in that battle that I lost against Mike yesterday) and this time was with a numel/camerupt. I don't know what its IVs are yet, but it least has the nature and ability I wanted (again). Nevertheless, regardless of its IVs I am really happy because it's my personal opinion that Camerupt is one of the coolest looking shinies in the game.
It makes me wonder though whether the odds of breeding a shiny are really the same as encountering a shiny in the wild. It could be that I did something that I only had a (1/8192)^2 chance of doing, but that seems kinda hard to believe. Although I also bred this awesome corsola the other day that who's lowest IV is 24/25 in two stats where 3 stats were 30/31 and the other was 28/29.
Also, ending this really long post, I noticed pokemon.com has changed and now has a flash section that shows Darkrai's silhouette and asks "who is this pokemon?"
It's a pretty well-known fact that the odds of getting a shiny pokemon are 1/8192, which is ridiculously close to zero. Well, for the second time in during a breeding project of mine, I have hatched a shiny. The first time was with that Cloyster (which I should have used in that battle that I lost against Mike yesterday) and this time was with a numel/camerupt. I don't know what its IVs are yet, but it least has the nature and ability I wanted (again). Nevertheless, regardless of its IVs I am really happy because it's my personal opinion that Camerupt is one of the coolest looking shinies in the game.
It makes me wonder though whether the odds of breeding a shiny are really the same as encountering a shiny in the wild. It could be that I did something that I only had a (1/8192)^2 chance of doing, but that seems kinda hard to believe. Although I also bred this awesome corsola the other day that who's lowest IV is 24/25 in two stats where 3 stats were 30/31 and the other was 28/29.
Also, ending this really long post, I noticed pokemon.com has changed and now has a flash section that shows Darkrai's silhouette and asks "who is this pokemon?"
Sunday, January 6, 2008
More Additions
Two more invitations went out recently. I'd like to welcome Steve, who Aaron and I have already met, and (if my memory serves me correctly) Jesse, who I ran into at MAGfest.
I'll just paste this from previous posts:
We've been putting our Friend Codes in our profiles to facilitate wi-fi battles, so just click our names (the full member list is at the bottom of the page) to add people, and feel free to add your own to your profiles.
If you want to join a Gym, just let us know. It can be anything from just picking a Gym to show love for your favorite type, to training a full Gym team to become it's leader.
Finally, feel free to post any questions, comics, news, etc... That's what the Blog is here for.
I'll just paste this from previous posts:
We've been putting our Friend Codes in our profiles to facilitate wi-fi battles, so just click our names (the full member list is at the bottom of the page) to add people, and feel free to add your own to your profiles.
If you want to join a Gym, just let us know. It can be anything from just picking a Gym to show love for your favorite type, to training a full Gym team to become it's leader.
Finally, feel free to post any questions, comics, news, etc... That's what the Blog is here for.
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