Monday, May 4, 2015

Trainer Interview: Phil Kahn

Me: Welcome to the show Phil.
First question, How did you first hear about the League?
Phil: I encountered them at MAGFest for their Pokemon league challenge and claimed two of the badges.
From there I was vaguely aware of their activities until I found the Facebook group and now follow along best I can.
They are, by far, the classiest gaming club of any variety that I've been a part of.
Me: Well we do aim to be classy. What two badges did you claim?
Phil: Fire and Poison.
Me: Wow! You defeated my cousin. Any memories of that battle?
Phil: Hah yeah, it was exhilarating because I did that one first, spotted his scarf in a crowd like... Well, like a rustle in the grass.
This is after I had wanted a while, I think, before I actually got started.
I wasn't going to have a chance to compete in the tournament, either, but I really wanted some badges, haha.
I keep them both on my hat.
Me: I can tell you from experience that Poison can be a threat given the opportunity.
So after MAGfest you joined the league.
How many badges have you claimed thus far?
Phil: Zippitty fuckin' doo-dah
I never have I'm and my team sucks hahahah
I'm just there for the comraderie
Me: Well we definitely about fun and games here.
So outside of pokemon, any other games you play?
Phil: Most of the main line 3DS games as we all do, I guess!
Outside of that, I've been obsessed with Crawl and League of Legends (which I am finally OK at)
Me: Crawl? Whats that about?
Phil: It's a new early access game where you go through a dungeon in a multi-player brawl where at any point there's one human
and several monsters.... But the players of each change whenever the human adventurer is slain.
Take turns murder-robbing each other for their humanity until you fight the final boss...
Which the other players control in unison.
Me: Sounds fun. Is this MOBA?
Phil: It's not really a moba but a multi-player dungeon crawl that's highly competitive
Me: Definitely gonna look into it. So any other gaming systems?
Phil: Nope.
Me: So, outside of pokemon and pc games, what do you do in your free time?
Phil: I'm on the Super Art Fight roster as The Commando
and I am a co-creator of Guilded Age (
Me: Lol, love the plug. So how old are you Phil?
Phil: Old enough to know better, young enough to try anyway.
Me: good choice of words.
So given a choice to marry Emma Frost or Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman) who would you pick?
Phil: Kitty Pryde.
Me: Hmmm, i could see that. i would be kinda afraid of her phasing through my xbox during a fight. lol
So in terms of comics, are you a Marvel or DC guy?
Phil: Mahvell Baybee
Me: Good man.
What anime are you currently watching?
Phil: Right this second?
Ore Monogatari Aka MY love STORY!! apparently
Me: Hmmmm, gonna have to look into it.
So who would win in a fight, Kirito from Sword Art Online or Akatsuki from Log Horizon?
Phil: I don't know any of those words, but Goku will definitely win.
He is the protector of Earth.
Me: So i take it you were upset at the Goku vs Superman Death Battle?
Phil: I don't know what that is. Goku and superman would never fight to the death.
They would be friends.
They are also both functionally immortal so... Yeah
Me: But there can only be one
Phil: NaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaI'm pretty sure there can be two.
Me: Well if i was you, i would definitely watch that on youtube
Phil: And I don't think the Zelda time line was necessary at all, but here we are
Me: So have you ever played D&D?
Phil: Yeppo. I usually DM.
Me: Outside of DMing, what class do you usually go with?
Phil: As it is in life, so it is in D&D: I aim to be whatever the party needs to thrive.
Me: hmmm so your a mutli-classer (yeah, i made that up)
Phil: Multi-classer is a real term tho
You can multiclass
Just like irl
Me: Well, i'm well behind the times.
Tell me, what do you think would happen if Daenerys showed up while Tommy summoned the Dragonzord?
Phil: I think I would scowl judgementally on whomever made the awful t-shirt this match-up came from.
Me: Lol, so any other interest?
Phil: Sexuality and Gender politics.
Me: In terms of equal rights?
Phil: That would be a great start, yes.
Me: I like your class of character Phil. Any kids?
Phil: Hahhahahhahhhahhhahahhahahhahahhhahhhahhhahhhahhahahhahahahahhahaha
hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahahahhahahahahaoh you were serious
Yeah, no.
Me: sorry Phil, no question isnt too controversial in the Realm of Bowerstone
Phil: Nor should be.
Me: So what is your favorite Pokemon type?
Phil: Ever since I started training to be the substitute Fairy Gym Leader for this past MAGFest's gym leader challenge,
I have to really give it up to Fairy type.
All hail our new sparkly overlords
Me: Fairy is by far the most broken type since Gen 1 Psychics
Whats your favorite Pokemon?
Phil: Fairy is not broken.
It has restored balance, and given steel and poison reasons to exist again.
Me: I think its broken due to the fact the have monstrous special defense that borderlines insane
Phil: ... Which isn't that big a deal in a physical attack heavy metagame
Which Pokemon is
Me: Hmmm, I can respect that point.
Whats your favorite Pokemon?
Phil: Snorlax
Me: Nice
So what do you usually snack on during a gaming binge?
Phil: I try to avoid snacking as I'm already the Big Fat Fairy, but I would say candy.
Me: Any particular kind of candy or drink?
Phil: Sour, fruity chewy ones and unsweetened iced tea whenever possible
Me: ok. Now seeing ass in your up to date in the comics,
what did you think of the most recent Ninja Turtles comic reboot and the death of Donatello?
Phil: You are mistaken. I'm not up to date on comics at all.
And I don't read TMNT but thanks for letting me know Donny is dead now
Me: oh wow, sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
yeah, beebop smashed his shell with a sledgehammer
Phil: OK I definitely didn't need to know that either lol
Me: well sorry phil.
If you could kill off any one fictional character (be it purely for kicks or just out of annoyance due to the characters existence)
who would it be and how?
Phil: I heard Wolverine is dead now.
So, uh I'll have a Coke.
Me: lmao i totally agree with you man. He was such a tool.
But if you could've been the one to decide his fate, how would you have done it?
Phil: Honestly, I think the way they already did it was the least trite option that exists.
Me: In terms of crossovers, what one you would like to see happen
or happen again?
Phil: Daft Punk and Toei Animation
Let's see what they can do with random access memories
Me: you are definitely a man of unique taste Phil.
last question of the night, if pokemon allowed fatalities what pokemon would you kill,
which pokemon would you use to kill it, and what would the fatality be?
Phil: Pokemon is about friendship and good sportsmanship.
Me: Come on man, you've never had the inkling to see Pikachu torched?
Phil: No, Pokemon are our friends and partners, and we help each other succeed.
Me: Come on Phil, join the Darkside, we have cookies.....

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