Friday, May 22, 2015

Trainer Interview with Kat Lutz

Me: Welcome to the show Kat. You'll be happy to know your currently the 3rd female
I've interviewed. So round of applause.

Kat: Why wasnt I first??

Me: Er well you didn't notify me you wanted to be interview. I do apologize

Kat: Apology accepted

Me: So first question; did you join the ECPL around the same time as Ian?

Kat: Nah, I was forbidden for a while. There was so much design-wise that needed to
be fixed and I didn't want to ruin it for my brother

Me: Lol ok so would you say he's over protective of you?

Kat: Hahahahaha hell no
It's more "Kat... Just no. Dont ruin my friends' innocence"

Me: Lol yeah sorry, my innocence left long ago. Moving on what's your favorite type?

Kat: Favorite type of what

Me: Lmao pokemon

Kat: Fire. Charizard's sass is beyond compare

Me: Is Charizard your favorite?

Kat: Nahh Vulpix or Fennekin. Foxes are the bae

Me: Ok. What's your team currently consist of?

Kat: What team
Whatever Ian gives me to not suck as much.

Me: Ok. Any other games beside Pokemon?

Kat: Professor Layton series is my jam

Me: K. What all systems do you own?

Kat: What systems don't I own?
My pride and joy is the DDR arcade machine though

Me: Bar or no bar?

Kat: You mean the bar on the back of the pad? Of course i have it! Though i'm too short to use it

Me: Lol ok. What do you do for a living?

Kat: Right now I go to a community college, ive been going since 16. Next year ill be transferring
to an art college. Other than that im working on starting my own art business. You all saw some of
my work during Magfest. Since i was 16.

Me: Yeah I wasn't able to go this year......
Going on what other hobbies do you have,

Kat: You saw pictures
I mainly make art. I play guitar and sometimes go to open mics. Other than that i hangout/live at my friend's house

Me: Ok. Relationship wise? Or does Ian not allow that? Lol

Kat: Lmao Ian allowing shit. The people I hang out with are like family

Me: He does seem like he can be protective. Has he ever intimidated any of your bfs or driven off potential suitors?

Kat: Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Good one

Me: *stares blankly* ok but you have had relationships?

Kat: Yes.

Me: Lmao

Kat: 2 boyfriends
And other offers

Me: Wow. You make me seem like a dirty whore.
And by offers you mean?

Kat: Hahahaha. I mean people have asked but I didnt think they were worth it? Like I'll go on
dates and try things out for sure. (But I'd pay for my part. Not a moocher).

Me: Hmmm that may be what it is. I mean me personally, I take a woman out, I pay for the date.
I have no problem going Dutch, but if I made the first move I just think I should be paying for
the date. Moving on have you ever beaten any of your bfs in ddr?

Kat: Ive beaten all of them in DDR. It's not hard... not a lot of guys have that kind of rhythm

Me: Depends on what they're doing. Lol but yeah I've tried ddr. Can't do it. Won't even try.
Have you beaten them in any other games?

Kat: SSB. Halo. My exs aren't that important though lol.

Me: I apologize. Just trying to measure your prowess as a gamer.
Ok. How often do you beat Ian in games?

Kat: Depends on the game

Kat: He'll beat me in 1v1 Pokémon/Street Fighter.  But Super Smash Bros. we're evenly matched

Me: Have you beaten him in Mortal Kombat X?

Kat: Haven't even tried

Me: Who do you use in Super smash bros

Kat: I use Toon Link/Kirby/Zero Suit in Brawl. But universally I'll use Kirby

Me: So we have very little females here in the ECPL. How do you feel being one of the few that
are part of our community?

Kat: Eh. I mean there are things the ecpl can do to boost their diversity if they wanted to.
I dont mind being one of the few. But it sometimes seems the guys get weirded out over lady parts

Me: I think it might be cause most of them are nervous when it comes to women. Especially intelligent
and beautiful women such as yourself and Robyn. I mean other then myself and a handful of others,
most of the guys get looked down upon simply because they play not only Pokemon but video games in general
Going forward, what shows or anime do you watch?

Kat: HA- there's nothing to be nervous about. We're all jusy mammals. The girls I know either work in the
gaming industry or love videogames. Hell, ive even used videogames to pick up girls.
I watch Akame Ga Kill mainly. Ive been watching Korean Dramas more recently though, such as Boys Over Flowers

Me: Ok. So your into men and women. Interesting.

Kat: And those who identify outside the geneder binary, yes. Im pansexual.

Me: Is that an actual term? Hmmm learn something everyday. Do you find yourself being stereotyped because of this?

Kat: Yep! Pansexual means you find physical atrraction to all genders but you still need some emotional connection
in order to be really into them. For the most part, people dont recognize it and just blow it off as "kat being kat"

Me: Ah. Have you ever been underestimated in video games cause your female?

Kat: Lol yes. Everyone wants to show me how to play

Me: Smh does this annoy you?

Kat: Oh god yes. I mean, when i dont know the game, sure it's nice. But after a while it's like i need a sign that says im not stupid

Me: Have you ever cosplayed?

Kat: Fuck yes
Ive done tifa, sakura, medusa, flame princess, and a fawn. I'll be going to fur the more at the end of the month as a bunny

Me: Lol I often times call my fiance flame princess.
What would you say was one of the craziest things that happened at Magfest?

Kat: That's confidential

Me: Whoa. Ok I meant something completely different you naughty girl. Lol ah I can see why Ian is so cautious.
Good thing I'm on the dark side.

Kat: Lmao im not saying anything.  I was underage for a lot magfest

Me: And when you became of age?

Kat: Magfest was way over

Me: Lol so we're just not gonna get that story out of you are we?

Kat: Lol nope

Me: Lol ok so what's an average day for you like?

Kat: Going over and waking up my narcoleptic friend. Taking his roommate to work. Going to
college classes. Going back to my friend's house and chillin playing destiny

Me: What class do you play?

Kat: Hunter

Me: You so rock right now. Lol I have to buy it again so I can play house of wolves.
Had to sell it for money for my son.

Kat: Awww

Me: Do you and Ian have any other siblings?

Kat: Not unless you count dogs

Me: Lol my moms the same way. Would you say you and Ian have a good sibling rivalry?

Kat: We're nothing alike so yea

Me: Have you ever done something and blamed it on him?

Kat: Lol probably but it didnt work. Afterall he isnt a dog

Me: What's it like being the sister of a gym leader?

Kat: It's not bad. For a while i judged vgc competitions so it was fun teasing him when he lost
It has good connections

Me: Oooh, that had to burn. Lol
Since joining the ecpl have you felt more welcomed here then in other gaming communities?

Kat: Well it made it easier to do the top cut hack checks.  I dont usually post much in the ecpl so id say it's about the same as others

Me: Top cut hack checks? I honestly am unfamiliar with that term. Maybe my age is showing. Could you please explain?

Kat: Top cut in tournaments. We re-hack check them

Me: Ah. Make sure no ones cheating
What system do you play destiny on?

Kat Lutz

Kat: 360

Me: K few more questions Kat and you can get back to your shenanigans.
What are you currently studying in school?

Kat: Of course i know what it means. It aounds pretty.
Fine arts

Me: What do you hope to do with your major once you get your degree? Basically what is your goal?

Kat: Start my own art business going to conventions and stuff

Me: Do you hope to eventually have your art featured in media like video games and movies?

Kat: That would be a nice idea. Right now all i really care about is having the freedom to make
the art i like and being able to live off it. I know some people in the gaming industry who do
concept art and everything. It seems pretty interesting

Me: Sound like my cousin Adam. And my friend Erik.

Kat: The game industry concept art or wanting to do art?

Me: Both
Although Erik's more a comic book artist

Kat: Because my friend is doing a lot of stuff for Camelot Unchained. She's a pretty awesome person and fun to be around.

Me: Camelot unchained? Gonna have to look that up.
K, last question; Scariest movie you've ever seen?

Kat: Lol the birds. Most gory movies are comedies to me. But getting your eyes gouged out by birds?? No thanks. I still
get creeped out when i see a murder of crows just sitting there

Me: Lol, Thanks for the time Kat. You've been a lovely guest and the best of luck to you and your

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